So I was shopping the other day with my little one and saw a cute card and thought hey that card would be cool to send to a certain curly headed friend. So I get it, even though it is blank inside and that means I have to WRITE something in it myself, and drop it in the mail to said curly headed friend. Do I get an email something to the effect "awwww that was a cute card"? Nope, not from curly headed friend. Instead I get a phone call about how the man that she lives in sin with is upset cause now he thinks we are lesbos (nothing against lesbos that's just not my thing at the moment personally) and I want to steal her away from about insecure!!! We laugh it off and in my head I picture the Friendship card set up on her dresser or at the very least hung on the fridge.
I was all excited when my son told me I had a card in the mail. Couldn't wait to get home and see what it said. NO WAY!! Curly Headed Friend crosses out my signature and mails the damn thing back to me without a return address and now that I look at the envelope an Arizona stamp!!! Who recycles Friendship cards and Why?
My family brings me here! Between marriage, sisters, kids and certain curly headed friends, I've decided a BLOG is my best vent! I am scattered enough to find some humor in the the day to day!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Let's talk about

My sister, number 2. I've raised her from a tad pole and she has brought me hours of entertainment. Sister #2 has without a doubt been my shadow for many years. For some reason she had a bad couple of years, okay decade but like the PHOENIX she is rising from the ashes. Case in point...the other day she told me that she really appreciates that I have stepped up to the plate and helped her with her son, my nephew just like Mom used too. **awwwwwwweee do you feel the love?** She was worried about what she would do and there I was ready to do what I had to to make things fall into place...and that my friends, is what family is all about period exclamation point. Sister #2 because of her sign LMAO is always changing her mind about things and sceptical about everything. However if you ever need data about anyone she is the one to go to! Besides the funny texts that I get everyday, cause I'm on her mass text list, she still makes me laugh. Today she was laughing so hard because I phoned her last night and she was in her slumber and she thought I was her boyfriend!!
No matter what I'll be there in twenty years and I know the same is true of all my sisters. Even the one that is completely in love right now and doesn't have time for her sisters at the moment, sometimes men get in the way but I just know that will change as soon as she get married to him *wink wink* and we can hang out again!
Friday, June 20, 2008
There wasn't a list Mom!
No list no do. WTF is that??
I have a 15 year old son who can not do anything without being told step by step how to do it. I recently made the mistake of leaving him a couple of lists. On the bright side he did mark each thing off as they were completed kodos for that one son! But seriously do I have to continue to write it down for you? I mean if you wouldn't put a line though them I could recycle the damn list each and everyday! It's not like the things I want you to do are different, just the day of the week is!
So yesterday I forgot to leave a list AND I come home from a long hard day at work to nothing being done. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Instead I'm greeted from son with 'Mom, I'm starving what are you making for dinner? (as he is putting his shoes on to head out the door) I'm going to S's house I'll be back later." Woah! Hellllllo Son I thought you were STARVING! How are you going to function without food? How did you make it for EIGHT HOURS in a home with stock piled cupboards, a full fridge and two freezers full of FOOD, some of which you can MICROWAVE, and not eat a damn thing?!?
I don't know, Mom. I'll be back later.
So he went to hang out with friends and got home after my bedtime. Being the good mom I am I had him a plate of food in the fridge. None of which he ate.
Thank GOD for little boys.
I have a 15 year old son who can not do anything without being told step by step how to do it. I recently made the mistake of leaving him a couple of lists. On the bright side he did mark each thing off as they were completed kodos for that one son! But seriously do I have to continue to write it down for you? I mean if you wouldn't put a line though them I could recycle the damn list each and everyday! It's not like the things I want you to do are different, just the day of the week is!
So yesterday I forgot to leave a list AND I come home from a long hard day at work to nothing being done. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Instead I'm greeted from son with 'Mom, I'm starving what are you making for dinner? (as he is putting his shoes on to head out the door) I'm going to S's house I'll be back later." Woah! Hellllllo Son I thought you were STARVING! How are you going to function without food? How did you make it for EIGHT HOURS in a home with stock piled cupboards, a full fridge and two freezers full of FOOD, some of which you can MICROWAVE, and not eat a damn thing?!?
I don't know, Mom. I'll be back later.
So he went to hang out with friends and got home after my bedtime. Being the good mom I am I had him a plate of food in the fridge. None of which he ate.
Thank GOD for little boys.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Daycare woes
Sometimes finding the right place to place your Princess in is way to hard! Why can't the village raise the child like Oprah says? So after six months in a in-home day care Princess and I have turned in our notice. **This is me dancing** I don't know about Princess, but I am so relieved I could seriously do some cartwheels outside on the lawn!! My Princess is just turning three and is quite the talker. She has over the course of the last few months told me things that make me go hummmmmmmmm and ask day care lady about them, to which she has always responded "Princess sure does have an imagination." Funny but she is only two and hasn't mastered how to lie just yet. Just Saying. So I feel better and glad I am able to let this entire ordeal go! When your gut tells you something ain't right then like my Momma use to say "something ain't right then."
On the bright side my son gets to spend some quality time with his baby sister and earn some cash at the same situation here!
Down side is Prince (nephew whom we will refer to as Prince from now on ) was/is in the same day care. So Sister4 has decided to take him out as well but now Princess and Prince will not get to spend as much time together. This sucks!
Things have a way of working themselves out....right.....RighT....RIGHT????
On the bright side my son gets to spend some quality time with his baby sister and earn some cash at the same situation here!
Down side is Prince (nephew whom we will refer to as Prince from now on ) was/is in the same day care. So Sister4 has decided to take him out as well but now Princess and Prince will not get to spend as much time together. This sucks!
Things have a way of working themselves out....right.....RighT....RIGHT????
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
New Purse Smell
I liken it to the new car smell that men love. Some women love shoes, some love make-up, I love purses. Since I am a responsible parent, food always comes before purses, so before the fabulous people of China figured out how to makes fabulously fake handbags I could only look from afar and wish. Now I get the Burberry look with a price I can afford!!
Anywho, my Fabulous Friend who throws parties of all occasions decided to have a purse/watch/sunglasses/candle/cheesecake party last night. We all know we went for the purses and cheesecake, duh. When I get there purses everywhere!! No spot untouched, no surface visible!! Jesushchrist! There was even a woman, who shall remain nameless, who was after a teen girl for the hangbag that they both wanted. I thought a fight would ensue over one handbag. A fabulously fake Coach. Smart teengirl ran and hid the handbag!! I had to ask more than once to see this prize handbag. It was really cute and deserving of a fist fight!
Who could buy all these stylish yet affordable hand bags??? Not me cause I' m on a fixed budget!! But a girl can dream right?
I did manage to snag up one treasure, minus the damn thick strap. Here it is:
Anywho, my Fabulous Friend who throws parties of all occasions decided to have a purse/watch/sunglasses/candle/cheesecake party last night. We all know we went for the purses and cheesecake, duh. When I get there purses everywhere!! No spot untouched, no surface visible!! Jesushchrist! There was even a woman, who shall remain nameless, who was after a teen girl for the hangbag that they both wanted. I thought a fight would ensue over one handbag. A fabulously fake Coach. Smart teengirl ran and hid the handbag!! I had to ask more than once to see this prize handbag. It was really cute and deserving of a fist fight!
Who could buy all these stylish yet affordable hand bags??? Not me cause I' m on a fixed budget!! But a girl can dream right?
I did manage to snag up one treasure, minus the damn thick strap. Here it is:
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Fake Toenails: Friend or Foe?
My Dad's GF for life, had called me one afternoon and was telling me about her fabulously fake toenails! I, of course, was rolling on the floor laughing! First thought in my head was GHETTO FABULOUS! (Unlike Flavor Flav, Ghetto is not a derogatory word to me) Dad's GF mailed me a box of them to my work. Haha. Not wanting to waste and entire box of these fake toenails, I put them on. It was easy smeasy. Okay, not really but I did manage to get most of the glue on the toenail, well at least more on the toenail than on my fingers. There was the one nail that was a total bitch to get on so I added tons of the glue to the toenail and my finger stuck to my fake nail. However with all my TAWANDA strength I managed to rip my finger from the clutches of my fake toenail.
All my friends loved them!! Except one curly headed friend who shall remain nameless. They really did look good! They had a french manicure and all that. I wore my open toed shoes with Ghetto Fabulous pride! Then night fell. Do you have any idea how hard it is to cover up your toes when they have fake nails on them? It's crazy! Any move of the blankie makes it feel like you are trying to rip off the fake nail...which you aren't trying to do at all. Could you imagine what it would look like with only nine fabulously fake toe nails on? Yes we found that out the next worries cause there are extra fake nails in the box!! There is even a tad bit more glue.
Over all I give the fake toenails a must have four stars. There are cheap and easy (sounds like a hooker) to put on. Taking them off.....well that's another story!
All my friends loved them!! Except one curly headed friend who shall remain nameless. They really did look good! They had a french manicure and all that. I wore my open toed shoes with Ghetto Fabulous pride! Then night fell. Do you have any idea how hard it is to cover up your toes when they have fake nails on them? It's crazy! Any move of the blankie makes it feel like you are trying to rip off the fake nail...which you aren't trying to do at all. Could you imagine what it would look like with only nine fabulously fake toe nails on? Yes we found that out the next worries cause there are extra fake nails in the box!! There is even a tad bit more glue.
Over all I give the fake toenails a must have four stars. There are cheap and easy (sounds like a hooker) to put on. Taking them off.....well that's another story!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Dad's Day
So when my Mom was here, it was a running joke between she and I, we would celebrate Father's Day together. I'd get her a card and we'd have lunch or dinner. I miss that. It was always nice to hear her laugh when I'd call just to say Happy Father's Day MOM!
I lost my Mom on January 13th of this year. It's completely messed up the chain of events that happened at that time. Sorry I got off topic....
Back to Dad's Day! We are having a BBQ for my Dad and hiding in it a BBQ for my sister. Haha! She works weekends and has only had plates to warm up from our five plus BBQ's we've had this year!! So we pity the fact that she hasn't had ribs & chicken hot off the grill! {Yes, my mouth is drooling thinking about the meat that we as a family are going to devour}
I have not yet picked up a card for my Daddy-o. I have to of course find one funnier than any of my sisters ;) Shouldn't be to hard to do considering all the tearing, mushy ones should be off the shelves by now!!!
Today we celebrate Dad's Day!
I lost my Mom on January 13th of this year. It's completely messed up the chain of events that happened at that time. Sorry I got off topic....
Back to Dad's Day! We are having a BBQ for my Dad and hiding in it a BBQ for my sister. Haha! She works weekends and has only had plates to warm up from our five plus BBQ's we've had this year!! So we pity the fact that she hasn't had ribs & chicken hot off the grill! {Yes, my mouth is drooling thinking about the meat that we as a family are going to devour}
I have not yet picked up a card for my Daddy-o. I have to of course find one funnier than any of my sisters ;) Shouldn't be to hard to do considering all the tearing, mushy ones should be off the shelves by now!!!
Today we celebrate Dad's Day!
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