Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Finally Home!!!!!!!!!!!

Big huge thanks to my sisters and of course my Father...he made this all possible without him I'd stillbe in hell.
We have a nice little ranch home witha full basement in a very quite neighborhood...there is a park on one corner and a school about a block down. We have build in bookcasesa nd hard wood floor...and yes there is a santa cause even in the little ass kitchen there is a DISHWASHER!!
After much searching and tons of paperwork and my dad being a super dad, I owe him big, we are finally home. Princess has a cute room and she is loving I know?? she cleaned it all by herself without me even asking!! Okay most of her toys are packed in the basement but still.
I met a Cuban in Florida and she has been cracking me up thoughout this entire ordeal. I know go figure a Cuban in Florida! HAHA
The cat has been groomed and after a brief stay all alone in an empty house he is now home with us..he is still checking out the place.
My BFF has pulled though...she has worked her butt off helping us move and pack twenty years of stuff and then helping me see the light that I really didn't need five of the same things!
Out with the old in withthe new