Why stress when it's not necessary?? I hate to do something twice.
Work smarter, not harder.
Today the great city of Detroit is in the spotlight AGAIN. I'm cracking up. This mayor has some balls. (Did I mention the size of the balls on the hogs at the fair?? jesushchrist they were HUGE!) The people of Detroit need to get together and clean house, impeach all of them, city council the school board, each person in the mayors office then the mayor. They really haven't done well for the city. New fresh ideas is what Detroit needs. If someone doesn't wise up and take a stand, Granholm, then Detroit is going to become another Flint in the blink of an eye. Michael Moore should look into that.
I feel like the people at home office are trying to "make work" in an effort to "create" job security. Living in Michigan I can appreciate that. Really I can, but when you are making me work harder, without a raise or bonus, I'm not liking it so much. There are hoards of other things at the JOB that get my goat but I cannot jeopardize my JOB...especially when I am trying to save so that I can buy my own home, that I LOVE.
So packing is really fun!! Who knew I had purchased so many cool things at such bargain prices?!?!??!? This means part of my Xmas shopping is done!! Even not knowing I've already begun to save some cash.....crazy hubby is trying to get me to give him some of my stash....not likely. At this point we aren't friends. He asked how long I'd have the attitude about the house?? I answered "twelve months!" MoFo!
My teen is driving me insane. Really at some point he has to start TCB. I've got plenty of eggs in my basket at this point and he needs to step up.
My motto for this evening is One day at a time.
easier said than done, trying not to stress until necessary..
c'mon Hurrican Kwame put us on the map! i agree..broom them all, a clean sweep and get some bright, honest new thinkers in office..
yep, love those memo's!
can you honestly hold a grude for a year? i know i could! hahaha!
hand that boy the keys and a to-do list..its all about delegating..
Wow! Christine sure makes it sound easy....and I totally agree....give the boy the keys and go.....Kwame Swame...I've yet to see that thing walk on water why is he treated like God? WTF? Makes me sick to my tummy. Yes, you can hold a grude for a year don't get discouraged. BE STRONG!!! Damn it!Have I not tought you anything? Put your big girl panties on and deal with it!!!!Like the Cancer you are....right????????????
Big Girl Panties that's right they seems to fit better anyways! Hold your grude (I know I would) get the place that you will L.O.V.E. and breathe. I hope you told your hubby HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your stash and keep adding to it. Like #3 and J.A.M. said "BE STRONG"
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