Friday, July 25, 2008

Sisters, girlfriends and just women in general

Sister2 cracks me up! Everything she texts, no she doesn't talk anymore just texts, is funny. I can hardly keep up! Really who has time to find all the letters on the damn phone and pound them out? Please don't text a word like "need" cause mine always comes out "ned" or something just as crazy, not Sister2 cause she has it down to a science!
Sister3 wants me to go with her to cut off her long beautiful hair! Like I want to really witness this!?!? I'm all about long beautiful flowing locks of shiny hair. She wants "something new", she knows after how she acted at my purse party I'm going to be completely honest and LOUD!!
CurlyHeaded Friend is trying to get me drunk while I go get my hair colored! I know, like yeah right!!
Olde'curlyheaded friend wants me to find her airfare at the same rate I got her a ticket three years ago. **laughing so hard I can hardly type this out** Obviously she hasn't bought gas and/or seen a newscast in the last three years. The funniest part is that this ticket is being bought by a third party so at some point don't you think she'd say "well, it's not my money." and just buy the damn ticket. With airline tickets: Time is money!! A lesson she hasn't quite learnt yet. It's the Mississippi air that has deminished her common sense!
Now maybe my lack of sleep recently or maybe it's my new age hurdle I've jumped, but I am quickly losing tolerance for other people's stupidity. "You don't want to make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry." I do not like anyone to falsely accuse me of anything I did not do! Just saying. Now I know that it is not a wise idea to discuss work issues on any blog, do to that one lady that lost her job because of it, let me just say ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I do know that my current job is holding me down and breaking my spirits. This is not me.

Softball again this Sunday! Rah rah rah cough.

1 comment:

christine said...

everyone leans on my friend carmie! the big sister of the clan..(sister 1)pulling her this way and that way..she burns the candle at both end!

re: have til sunday to condition up and get in softball playing shape! and make sure mollie poops before you leave the house!! are soooo having a LARGE cocktail while you get your hair did!!! and judgeing by the amount of time we will be there *cough cough* you will have time for "more than one"

ps..youre too good for that place!!