Let's see PRincess went on a mini vaca with sister3!! She has been talking about it for like ten hours now. Something about Prince having to go pee pee a lot. SHe loved it and I am so glad she got to go! Sister3 rocks major!
The mom in law has been here for like a week now. Her apartment flooded and she can not stay there at all! Yes pray for me. I've about wanted to rip my hair out twice already. That woman can work anyones nerves. She nags and nags and nags.
I went to my first political rally the other day and it was really fun. We got really close to the stage. Hubby was loud and got the crowd going a couple of times. I noticed the snipers on all the really tall buildings. It was all camando and stuff. They had on all the gear and the guns. There were no shootings so I'm gonna give it up to them for a job well done.
Being home now that I'm unemployed, I seem to have a lot of nothing to do and the time flys! I still haven't made it to the grocery store and there are still packed boxes (those are staying packed cause I hate this house.)
Dunkin DOnuts and I are not friends. At least not in this city. They always mess up my order. You're a donut place make the damn donuts right!! So far I've gotten a half done blueberry cake donut. Seriously the middle wasn't cooked. But my fat ass ate all around were it was done. Cause I went there for the donut and gas is four dollars a gallon so I wasn't about to drive back up there. Besides I figure I only ate half a donut so half the fat! They have also messed up my coffee every single time. Why do I keep going there?? Cause I HATE starbucks even more!! At least at Dunkin's they speak English!! Now if they could make the donuts right I'd be good.
Being home I cook more. THis is good for the kids. THey get to eat real food not drive thru foods, right?
My teen son has been really busy with girls. I knew the time was coming but really I didn't think it would be this insane! Why do I hate every single girl he talks to?? Except the one I want him to talk to that he doesn't like??? Am I domed to be like curly headed friend and just let the kids CHOOSE their own boyfriend/girlfriend?? I'm thinking I should be completely involved. Right?! He can't make good decision son his own yet. He is still a kid and doesn't understand that high school is forgotten right after you gradute!!
Son: Mom she said we are just friend with benefits, but not to many benefits just some benefits but not really. (this from the chick that KISSED HIM!!)
ME: She is just playing stupid high school games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Son: Yeah mom I'm in high school!
I know that I just want him to have fun with high school cause life gets serious PDQ. I'll never buy his girlfriend a cell phone and add her to our family plan or anything, but I'm just saying
My family brings me here! Between marriage, sisters, kids and certain curly headed friends, I've decided a BLOG is my best vent! I am scattered enough to find some humor in the the day to day!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I need communication classes pronto.
Hubby and I do not communicate. There I said it. IT's true. Yesterday he said to me "Susie said she'd like to have Princess and her daughter in the same preschool, it's free." I said " Yeah, I thought about putting princess in once before but I was working and the timing would have been to hard." <--that's a period.
Well he seems to think that means Oh yes let's put her in there so she can be in school and learn stuff plus spend some time with her cousin cause really they do not know each other at all. Cause Susie got an application. Now I'm not opposed to Princess being in school and that might be great. But there are so many things right now that we are not certain of. Like where we are living!?!?!?!? Hello!?!? Are we staying in this hell hole??? Are we going to get out of this hell hole?!?!?? Your wife hates it here. It is torture here. I hate everything about this house, every day!! Plus there are bugs here! Hello!!! That means nothing to him, or if it does I have no idea cause we do not communicate.
Yesterday I was at sister2's house and I asked if she would be going with us tonight? She said that she had an appointment elsewhere and she didn't know cause "some things came back abnormal." SO when I talked to Sister 3 cause it is her birthday (Happy Birthday BEAN!!) she said something different. SO I three way call her and she got loud on the phone and blamed my age for not hearing what she said then stated that she doesn't even use the word "abnormal" That right there might be the problem for so many things. I think she is PMSing and I called at a bad time. So Teen son was there and I asked him if he heard the conversation on the porch? Nope cause he tunes us out. I've got to remember that one. See if he tunes us out when it is to his benefit. THis too is a communication blunder. One, cause if I'd asked my sister2 right then an there it would have not been a problem. Two, because if sister2 wasn't always so mean then I wouldn't worry about asking her those things. And Three, if sister2 wasn't ALWAYS HIDING STUFF I wouldn't assume the worst!
Well he seems to think that means Oh yes let's put her in there so she can be in school and learn stuff plus spend some time with her cousin cause really they do not know each other at all. Cause Susie got an application. Now I'm not opposed to Princess being in school and that might be great. But there are so many things right now that we are not certain of. Like where we are living!?!?!?!? Hello!?!? Are we staying in this hell hole??? Are we going to get out of this hell hole?!?!?? Your wife hates it here. It is torture here. I hate everything about this house, every day!! Plus there are bugs here! Hello!!! That means nothing to him, or if it does I have no idea cause we do not communicate.
Yesterday I was at sister2's house and I asked if she would be going with us tonight? She said that she had an appointment elsewhere and she didn't know cause "some things came back abnormal." SO when I talked to Sister 3 cause it is her birthday (Happy Birthday BEAN!!) she said something different. SO I three way call her and she got loud on the phone and blamed my age for not hearing what she said then stated that she doesn't even use the word "abnormal" That right there might be the problem for so many things. I think she is PMSing and I called at a bad time. So Teen son was there and I asked him if he heard the conversation on the porch? Nope cause he tunes us out. I've got to remember that one. See if he tunes us out when it is to his benefit. THis too is a communication blunder. One, cause if I'd asked my sister2 right then an there it would have not been a problem. Two, because if sister2 wasn't always so mean then I wouldn't worry about asking her those things. And Three, if sister2 wasn't ALWAYS HIDING STUFF I wouldn't assume the worst!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Clustered, Banks (FTP) and Starbucks.
Haven't posted in a bit so this may get choppy.
Seems we are looking for houses again. Great just great now I have to drive around and look from the outside at different houses hoping that I can find something I like. Then there was the threat of staying in this hell hole and I just am not prepared to do that. I hate it here.
The termites MAY HAVE BEEN just carpenter ants, which are ten times less harmful. Regardless they are just as gross.
I hate starbucks. For several reasons but mostly because if you walk in there and do not know the lingo they look at you like you are a tard. Large black coffee. (what does that not make any sense to you?)Hello brista person, I only know one mixed language and that is Spangish. Maybe your cocky attitude is the reason that several of you are SHUTTING DOWN. Just saying.
Sisters 3&4 and I went to see George Lopez in Detroit. Swear to God I thought Downtown Detroit turned into Mexican town. It was different to be part of the majority instead of the minority. We laughed our asses off and even had some side pains but it was worth it.
Princess is all confused about me being home now and wants me back at work. I try to explain the economy is a total mess and it may be a bit before mommy can find a new job, but I think she just don't get it.
While at home I have found myself a news junkie. Really this election is going to be so interesting and if the republicans buy this one and the rest of the country does nothing about it this time, we'll all be fucked. Cause personally I just don't know any millionaires. I just don't understand why this country isn't in roit mode because of the bailout Bush is providing for the banks. How are they going to "pay off bad debit" and the working class are going to pay it twice if not three times?? Working AMericans are going to continue to pay there mortgage the banks are getting BILLIONS and then every working person is going to get taxed to pay back the governement for bailing out those banks. Even to me the average person that doesn't make sense. I think of it like this: I "loan" curly headed friends $100, she doesn't pay so I go to her mom and say "mom of curly headed friend she isn't paying her loan and now I'm not able to make ends meet." So curly headed friend's mom pays me the $100 and I continue to collect the $10 monthly payments from her, curly headed friend, too. Not to mention that I've decided that to pay back her mother, Everyone is going to be taxed. I dont' like how that even sounds.
Seems we are looking for houses again. Great just great now I have to drive around and look from the outside at different houses hoping that I can find something I like. Then there was the threat of staying in this hell hole and I just am not prepared to do that. I hate it here.
The termites MAY HAVE BEEN just carpenter ants, which are ten times less harmful. Regardless they are just as gross.
I hate starbucks. For several reasons but mostly because if you walk in there and do not know the lingo they look at you like you are a tard. Large black coffee. (what does that not make any sense to you?)Hello brista person, I only know one mixed language and that is Spangish. Maybe your cocky attitude is the reason that several of you are SHUTTING DOWN. Just saying.
Sisters 3&4 and I went to see George Lopez in Detroit. Swear to God I thought Downtown Detroit turned into Mexican town. It was different to be part of the majority instead of the minority. We laughed our asses off and even had some side pains but it was worth it.
Princess is all confused about me being home now and wants me back at work. I try to explain the economy is a total mess and it may be a bit before mommy can find a new job, but I think she just don't get it.
While at home I have found myself a news junkie. Really this election is going to be so interesting and if the republicans buy this one and the rest of the country does nothing about it this time, we'll all be fucked. Cause personally I just don't know any millionaires. I just don't understand why this country isn't in roit mode because of the bailout Bush is providing for the banks. How are they going to "pay off bad debit" and the working class are going to pay it twice if not three times?? Working AMericans are going to continue to pay there mortgage the banks are getting BILLIONS and then every working person is going to get taxed to pay back the governement for bailing out those banks. Even to me the average person that doesn't make sense. I think of it like this: I "loan" curly headed friends $100, she doesn't pay so I go to her mom and say "mom of curly headed friend she isn't paying her loan and now I'm not able to make ends meet." So curly headed friend's mom pays me the $100 and I continue to collect the $10 monthly payments from her, curly headed friend, too. Not to mention that I've decided that to pay back her mother, Everyone is going to be taxed. I dont' like how that even sounds.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Now that hubby has pissed in my happiness
looks like we may have to stay here. I couldn't sleep at all last night and now my nerves are a mess! This is totally and completed screwed up. Is this year over??
Good news is that about a year ago my sisters and I got tickets to the George Lopez show!! This Saturday, gonna laugh my butt off. Really I can't wait to do something.
Princess can't get use to the fact that I am not working. Its a complete shock to her, she wants to go to Daycare. Feel the love??
That ass that let me go actually had a plan up his sleeve, seems he has a new person in the office, one he's been trying to get for two years!, so he should be as happy as a pig in shit! Knowing that he knew what he was doing and not giving me a bit of notice pisses me off. Karma sucks! I'm going to start a pray chain letter that his wifey finds someone new.
Being home is different. Seems to fly by and I really am getting some stuff done.
This morning I took my son to school or rather he took himself and I was in the passenger seat. I only freaked out once which is a major improvement!! That boy needs to start driving. Do you know how much help that would be?? GAWD at sixteen you should be a professional driver! Seems he thinks that making a decision as to stop at a yellow or drive through it is a problem. When it turned red as we were half way through the intersection he decided to brake!!! Seriously. I'm okay.
Good news is that about a year ago my sisters and I got tickets to the George Lopez show!! This Saturday, gonna laugh my butt off. Really I can't wait to do something.
Princess can't get use to the fact that I am not working. Its a complete shock to her, she wants to go to Daycare. Feel the love??
That ass that let me go actually had a plan up his sleeve, seems he has a new person in the office, one he's been trying to get for two years!, so he should be as happy as a pig in shit! Knowing that he knew what he was doing and not giving me a bit of notice pisses me off. Karma sucks! I'm going to start a pray chain letter that his wifey finds someone new.
Being home is different. Seems to fly by and I really am getting some stuff done.
This morning I took my son to school or rather he took himself and I was in the passenger seat. I only freaked out once which is a major improvement!! That boy needs to start driving. Do you know how much help that would be?? GAWD at sixteen you should be a professional driver! Seems he thinks that making a decision as to stop at a yellow or drive through it is a problem. When it turned red as we were half way through the intersection he decided to brake!!! Seriously. I'm okay.
Monday, September 15, 2008
We are outta here!! WOOT WOOT!!
Thank you termites for all your hard work. I know it probably took months, if not years, to build a nest in this house of brick and wood. To you I owe my deepest graditute. Thank you.
Now the countdown is like two weeks!! OMG we have to find a new place and I've pulled up three already!!
Yeah SUnday I went to wake up Hubby and saw what looked like someone had spray painted brown stuff on the wall. I turned the light on and screamed my head off!!! OVER A THOUSHAND LITTLE TERMITES WERE CLIMBING THE WALLS!! And that my friends was the end of the line. DONE WITH THIS HOUSE!!! Took me about a minute to explain to hubby that we were not staying here anymore period. Last straw! No more. Time to get more boxes (yes sheri that is a hint)
Since I've yet to really unpack it means I have less to pack now.
Oh yeah I got "let go" on Friday. That ass did me a favor and more than likly just ruined his business. He couldn't help a client on his own EVER. I seem to recall more complaints about him than Bush. I really hope I left tons of unfinished work and maybe some screw ups!! I've notified everyone I no longer work there and that they could always pick an agency they'd like. That number is 1-877-277-8908.
So recap, no more J-O-B, no more House from Hell, and no more headaches.
Now I get to be super Auntie and will eb there when any of my nephews need me. I can drive over to little princes house if he is ever sick (but he usually isn't;), I can pick up nephew1 any time now,and even nephew3 can not worry about having a place to be on his half-days!! I'm gonna like this.
WOW it's 10:30 and still have my jammas on!!!
Thought for the day: BOXES!!!
Now the countdown is like two weeks!! OMG we have to find a new place and I've pulled up three already!!
Yeah SUnday I went to wake up Hubby and saw what looked like someone had spray painted brown stuff on the wall. I turned the light on and screamed my head off!!! OVER A THOUSHAND LITTLE TERMITES WERE CLIMBING THE WALLS!! And that my friends was the end of the line. DONE WITH THIS HOUSE!!! Took me about a minute to explain to hubby that we were not staying here anymore period. Last straw! No more. Time to get more boxes (yes sheri that is a hint)
Since I've yet to really unpack it means I have less to pack now.
Oh yeah I got "let go" on Friday. That ass did me a favor and more than likly just ruined his business. He couldn't help a client on his own EVER. I seem to recall more complaints about him than Bush. I really hope I left tons of unfinished work and maybe some screw ups!! I've notified everyone I no longer work there and that they could always pick an agency they'd like. That number is 1-877-277-8908.
So recap, no more J-O-B, no more House from Hell, and no more headaches.
Now I get to be super Auntie and will eb there when any of my nephews need me. I can drive over to little princes house if he is ever sick (but he usually isn't;), I can pick up nephew1 any time now,and even nephew3 can not worry about having a place to be on his half-days!! I'm gonna like this.
WOW it's 10:30 and still have my jammas on!!!
Thought for the day: BOXES!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Football, Baseball, cheerleaders OH MY!
So I pulled into the driveway at that house yesterday and the Football team was practicing **thisismerollingmyeyes** I am trying to find the okay in that house and I just haven't found it yet....if Momma ain't happy no one is happy. well that just sucks major eggs then cause I'm not close to happy. I don't want to hear all the crapola in the schoolyard. I hate hate hate the driveway. This morning it was either the biker bytch neighbors bricks or my front porch...I choose to go yell at hubby to get the car out of the fucked up driveway. Which just made my morning peachy!!
Had lunch on sister3s porch today because I forgot her keys!!
There is baseball practice today in my backyard/schoolyard.
I was thinking if those kids could make it to the playoffs of high school baseball thingy then I could charge them to park in my yard!! I need to make and save some cash. Maybe charge for the teen boys to watch the cheerleaders practice??? Thinking out loud here. I could get a few park benches and rent those out.
Flirting??? When does it cross the line?? Is it just playful banter???
Thoughts to ponder.
Had lunch on sister3s porch today because I forgot her keys!!
There is baseball practice today in my backyard/schoolyard.
I was thinking if those kids could make it to the playoffs of high school baseball thingy then I could charge them to park in my yard!! I need to make and save some cash. Maybe charge for the teen boys to watch the cheerleaders practice??? Thinking out loud here. I could get a few park benches and rent those out.
Flirting??? When does it cross the line?? Is it just playful banter???
Thoughts to ponder.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Gas Station Chicken salad sandwiches are deceaving
Now that I live further away from work, my lunch hour is all messed up. SOME people don't have money anymore cause their baby girls' enjoy romps in the bed and keep making babies so "Granny" has to have parties and buy diapers and all that stuff.
So I went to the gas station for a chicken salad sandwich and almost vomited. I'm okay, just hungry now. A person can not live on peanuts alone!! I need to start making lunches...maybe I could get a lunchbox. Jotting that down on a postie! Seriously it looked really good!!
So the house is still there and so am I. I am trying to be okay with it. However yesterday I was making dinner and I was so confused and not enough room. Looks like frozen dinners for the remainder of my sentence there!! Princess can live on lunchables and frozen banquet meals!
Actually it is starting to get more put together...except for the basement which is packed floor to ceiling with boxes.
I am blessed to have good friends around me who allow me to vent to them. I need to give my trio of sisters a break from time to time. HOWEVER being the oldest I am always the shoulder on which you lean....(psst sister4) Screw that men are a dime a dozen...at least in China and there they work really hard!!!
My cat, Snoopy, loves the new house. He runs around and slides as he turns, because this house has no carpet. Which means all the little ones are falling and hurting there heads. At least I feel better when they are over. I had nephew last night and it was better.
So I went to the gas station for a chicken salad sandwich and almost vomited. I'm okay, just hungry now. A person can not live on peanuts alone!! I need to start making lunches...maybe I could get a lunchbox. Jotting that down on a postie! Seriously it looked really good!!
So the house is still there and so am I. I am trying to be okay with it. However yesterday I was making dinner and I was so confused and not enough room. Looks like frozen dinners for the remainder of my sentence there!! Princess can live on lunchables and frozen banquet meals!
Actually it is starting to get more put together...except for the basement which is packed floor to ceiling with boxes.
I am blessed to have good friends around me who allow me to vent to them. I need to give my trio of sisters a break from time to time. HOWEVER being the oldest I am always the shoulder on which you lean....(psst sister4) Screw that men are a dime a dozen...at least in China and there they work really hard!!!
My cat, Snoopy, loves the new house. He runs around and slides as he turns, because this house has no carpet. Which means all the little ones are falling and hurting there heads. At least I feel better when they are over. I had nephew last night and it was better.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Additional stuff!!
So yes, a ticker does not constitute a true blog log so here is this weekends highlights:
We moved into the hell hole. I am tryiing really I am to find sometihng that I like about the house but it is not happening. I tried to like the tub, but the drain is broke. I tried to like the floors but they make so much noise when you walk through them it's nuts. I can't I hate it all very much, so much I want to vomit when I think about it. It may be a while but I'm going to find a nice place to rest my head, in the mean time I'm going to be saving as much as possible.
So the question of the weekend is do you divorce because your spouse has placed you in hell??? Still pondering that one.
Who watched the VMA'S?? That host was sick. Bet MTV never crosses the pond for a host again. However his opening had me laughing out loud.
Whilst moving I've found picture of me back in the days...I was skinny!! WTF was I thinking at the time??? Seriously I looked really hot!! Now I'm a big fat cow!! Since I'm saving money I am going to be buying less food and maybe just maybe I can lose some fat cells.
Lots of biker guys go next door...bet the summers are going to be interesting.
We moved into the hell hole. I am tryiing really I am to find sometihng that I like about the house but it is not happening. I tried to like the tub, but the drain is broke. I tried to like the floors but they make so much noise when you walk through them it's nuts. I can't I hate it all very much, so much I want to vomit when I think about it. It may be a while but I'm going to find a nice place to rest my head, in the mean time I'm going to be saving as much as possible.
So the question of the weekend is do you divorce because your spouse has placed you in hell??? Still pondering that one.
Who watched the VMA'S?? That host was sick. Bet MTV never crosses the pond for a host again. However his opening had me laughing out loud.
Whilst moving I've found picture of me back in the days...I was skinny!! WTF was I thinking at the time??? Seriously I looked really hot!! Now I'm a big fat cow!! Since I'm saving money I am going to be buying less food and maybe just maybe I can lose some fat cells.
Lots of biker guys go next door...bet the summers are going to be interesting.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Missed the Partay to move into that house

Curly Head Friend had another party and I missed it, However not intentionally....I was packing boxes and moving them and all of that! Sister3 had Princess and she called me and said "It's 8:30 and we go to bed at 9:00, so when are you going to be here?" My first thought was damnit I missed the free food! Then I thought where did three and a half hours go?? then I thought what would sh do if I wasn't there by nine? Throw Princess out on the front porch?? Give her a blanket and a cracker??? Would she be pissed at me forever because I was late picking her up?? Naturally I didn't want to chance any of it and rushed to save the little one, who was sleeping in a small spot on the couch. I took her to that house anyways....she stayed up until two in the morning!! IT was insane, I even noticed her runny nose and gave her some benedryl!!!
Regardless I slept for two and a half hours and still have about five thousand boxes to go through.
Good News!!! This time I did NOT mess up the neighbors bricks while backing out of that fuc*ed up driveway!!
I do have to say my hubby and uncle worked their arses off. You could smell the hard workerness a mile away! Kudos to them. Now had it of been a home that I would have liked I would have helped do a lot more, being that was not the case I left it all to hubby. This is his home, I'm just a resident.
You know you are exhausted when:
You actually eat taco bell!
Your legs ache and you eyes burn and you don't want to move once you hit the sheets.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Not one to work to hard
Why stress when it's not necessary?? I hate to do something twice.
Work smarter, not harder.
Today the great city of Detroit is in the spotlight AGAIN. I'm cracking up. This mayor has some balls. (Did I mention the size of the balls on the hogs at the fair?? jesushchrist they were HUGE!) The people of Detroit need to get together and clean house, impeach all of them, city council the school board, each person in the mayors office then the mayor. They really haven't done well for the city. New fresh ideas is what Detroit needs. If someone doesn't wise up and take a stand, Granholm, then Detroit is going to become another Flint in the blink of an eye. Michael Moore should look into that.
I feel like the people at home office are trying to "make work" in an effort to "create" job security. Living in Michigan I can appreciate that. Really I can, but when you are making me work harder, without a raise or bonus, I'm not liking it so much. There are hoards of other things at the JOB that get my goat but I cannot jeopardize my JOB...especially when I am trying to save so that I can buy my own home, that I LOVE.
So packing is really fun!! Who knew I had purchased so many cool things at such bargain prices?!?!??!? This means part of my Xmas shopping is done!! Even not knowing I've already begun to save some cash.....crazy hubby is trying to get me to give him some of my stash....not likely. At this point we aren't friends. He asked how long I'd have the attitude about the house?? I answered "twelve months!" MoFo!
My teen is driving me insane. Really at some point he has to start TCB. I've got plenty of eggs in my basket at this point and he needs to step up.
My motto for this evening is One day at a time.
Work smarter, not harder.
Today the great city of Detroit is in the spotlight AGAIN. I'm cracking up. This mayor has some balls. (Did I mention the size of the balls on the hogs at the fair?? jesushchrist they were HUGE!) The people of Detroit need to get together and clean house, impeach all of them, city council the school board, each person in the mayors office then the mayor. They really haven't done well for the city. New fresh ideas is what Detroit needs. If someone doesn't wise up and take a stand, Granholm, then Detroit is going to become another Flint in the blink of an eye. Michael Moore should look into that.
I feel like the people at home office are trying to "make work" in an effort to "create" job security. Living in Michigan I can appreciate that. Really I can, but when you are making me work harder, without a raise or bonus, I'm not liking it so much. There are hoards of other things at the JOB that get my goat but I cannot jeopardize my JOB...especially when I am trying to save so that I can buy my own home, that I LOVE.
So packing is really fun!! Who knew I had purchased so many cool things at such bargain prices?!?!??!? This means part of my Xmas shopping is done!! Even not knowing I've already begun to save some cash.....crazy hubby is trying to get me to give him some of my stash....not likely. At this point we aren't friends. He asked how long I'd have the attitude about the house?? I answered "twelve months!" MoFo!
My teen is driving me insane. Really at some point he has to start TCB. I've got plenty of eggs in my basket at this point and he needs to step up.
My motto for this evening is One day at a time.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Sometimes being a bitch is a good thing
So we are moving too the new house and let me tell you it is more emotionally draining than anything else. There is no way on God's green earth that I would ever buy that house. I plan to stay in that house less than a year. I do not like it and every time I go there I hate it more. So yes I've been a bitch. I would not be this way if hubby would have listened to me when we first went to the house, I didn't like it then and I hate it now. you don't learn to love a house. It's like clothes, you look at them and either love em or hate them in an instant. I'm moving and I'll deal with it.
I took Princess to a new daycare today and she threw me out. I felt so loved.
This weekend was so damn hot!! We did make it to the fair. About melted but we went. Saw lots of animals, had a carmel apple that melted on my white shirt, bought a bubble gun!, and ate some chili fries. We go for the food.
I took Princess to a new daycare today and she threw me out. I felt so loved.
This weekend was so damn hot!! We did make it to the fair. About melted but we went. Saw lots of animals, had a carmel apple that melted on my white shirt, bought a bubble gun!, and ate some chili fries. We go for the food.
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