My "princess" is playing in her car telling her cousin that he is "pissing her off, absolutely you is pissing me off." (he isn't even here.)Seriously That is completely my fault!
So curly headed friend took her niece to a soccer game, the entire two hours she was in her car fighting a bee. That poor bee wanted nothing more than a ride to the L.P. He lost the battle. Meanwhile I was on the phone with her the entire time. She wanted to hit a few soccer moms cause they were cheering for their little ones "Go Morgan GO!!!" This is what soccer moms live for! Curly Headed Friend should have had pom poms and been yelling louder than anyone there. Instead she fought the bee. She did call out once to her niece.
What I learnt while chit chatting for two hours. There is a ton of stuff curly headed friend doesn't "share" with me. Like I have to drag it out of her. Yet she wants details, details, details on everything I tell her. Being an open book isn't good enough! Being daughter of curly headed friend has got to be a dream come true. She has it made in the shade.
So being a stay at home mom isn't all its cracked up to be. IT sounds nice but in reality I have no idea what to do all day. There isn't enough time to do those things I want to do and still haven't made it to the store.
I want to know what stay at home women DO all day. Cooking and cleaning really doesn't take all day long. I can't even make it last that long. There isn't enough laundry to do. I need to go to the gym. Let's pray little princess gets to go to school that will give me three hours four days a week to go!!
I am going to make a goal.....25 pounds in five months...gone gone gone
LOL! LMAO!!! curly headed friend so loves you!
yeah! what Sheri said!
ps i miss you and our everyday emails.. :-(
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