Christmas without my Mom just wasn't Christmas.
However Sister2 did a damn fine job!! She made breakfast and dinner. Both were really good. Got lots of stuff, but the best thing is that we may be getting a home. Sister3 has gone beyond the norm and is trying to help us get a home, areal home. One that the kids can enjoy and one that I will cherish. How do you thank someone for something like that?? The fainting I see on Extreme Home Makeovers is probably a start and if this really happens I just might faint. Having a home that is the bestest thing in the world and you don't realize it until you don't have one.
Now for happy things. Princess woke up on Christmas and has decided that Santa is a really nice guy! She is so excited and to her he did well!
Prince has a bruised penis. I mean what little one hasn't smashed it with the toilet seat? Right?? I mean it looks really bruised but it is still working and I believe this a lesson he will never forget: "Place the penis back in the underoos THEN put the seat down!"
Yes in the ghetto they need tailgates from Ford pickups. Lesson learned this morning. My Dad's tailgate was stolen!! Imagine those peeps running down the street with a tailgate! Not like the city of Detroit is going to be on the look out for it , I do know that we will be. Grey tailgate on a red Ford and that person is busted!! So I think we all need our CCW's. Just in case we run into some bad guys and need protection.
Took the tree down on Saturday because it just need not be up any longer. Santa came and it just wasn't the same.
Sister3 is a speed demon, we left the same place about the same time and yet she managed to get to my house before me!! I pay attention to speed signs. WE had took the little ones to watch a Pooh Bear play at the DIA. Prince laughed out loud twice and that was so damn funny. Princess is upset that Tigger wasn't there. Of Course he should have been, that Rabbit was there and he isn't even funny. I guess he had to have a part so that Pooh could get stuck in his rabbit hole, but still kids love Tigger. Then I thought the actors were all a bit on the older side and may not have wanted to jump around on the stage.
Let's talk about that restroom in the DIA. The men's room was nice and clean I looked while the door was opened. The ladies room had a line out the door. Seriously, the women couldn't pee fast enough to keep the line from coming out the door. Then there was the restroom attendant who couldn't get the toilet paper out fast enough. Not only did she have to get it out but then she had to fight back through the line to get it to the stall!! I think that they should consider making another ladies room. The attendant also needs a raise.
sounds like you had a decent christmas in spite of how you girls stick together like glue!!
no Tigger!? thats just wrong and i personally would have ducked into the mens room..i dont like waiting!
hoping and praying you get the house! sending good vibes your way!
curly girl
Anything that I can do I'll do for you :>) I just hope it all works out for you and the kids
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