I know I know, but I do let her watch Family Guy, Brian in so damn funny!!
Let's see we've went to Elmo and that was really cool. Great seats and I think an ex-boyfriends' brother was two row in front of me. I survived.
Hubby is currently addicted to sudoko. He bought a book of the puzzles and I picked it up and did some, that seems to have messed with his brain and he started erasing all the ones I had done. Seriously. I think he gets in these moods when he doesn't work like he should. Like he has to have some type of order and when I happen to do something that makes him like skip a page, he gets all nutso. Next time I'll use a pen. Reminds me that crimes of passion only give you hospital time. A vacation really. I mean they make you meals and deliver them to you in your bed, I don't get that at home. Clean beds and sheets. I can do that!
Teen son has found his groove. He has been helping at sister3's house and I'm glad that he is working. He is hoping for some extra cash to put in his pocket, since he has no job.
This is just another quicky. If curly headed friend really loved me she'd pay my insurance. just saying
cant believe she watches family guy! we could all use a mental health vay-kay!
curly headed girl doesnt even pay her own insurance! mine is overdue!
Everybody knows that the bird is the word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you heard?????????????
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