First time I get a call from curly headed friend so that she can tell me I may have issues with my insurance...jesushchrist...but it has all worked out. I would have had to go in there all Mexican and stuff on those claims peeps! Not my fault some asshole backed into my mom's car and broke it. Bastards.
Then Sister2 and I had an argument. nail break number two. The reason is because of a certain youtube video. She went overboard and well I lost it. Not a good thing cause we are all we have is each other. Sisterhood is being able to say "You fu*&ked up and then I love you." however I forgot to say the I love you part. My bad.
Sister3 and I have been busy lately. We have so much to do with the little ones. I know that she is really stressed out and that is not a good thing, but she doesn't want to talk about it...I think we are all a bit on edge.
Note to self: make plans for you and sisters to go out and get completely trashed and then if all works out well we should be passed out on curly headed friends' porch!! She needs more drama and something to tell her mom about.
Princess had been extremely funny lately...she "understands" everything.
Funny thing about family is that regardless of the insanity it is the family that keeps you sane. Who else knows everything about you? Even if my gay uncle thinks he is "the most normal uncle we have except the gay part." Yes I laughed my ass off about that.
Sister1 has changed her life!!again, but still she is changing & I think she is moving in the right direction. Let's see what happens tomorrow.
duuuuuude...y'all need some serious therapy! heh heh heh..just jokin!!! it's all good.. sounds like just a normal day in the life of your clan!!
i waaaaaaana seeee theee youuuuu tuuuubbbeeee!!!!! wahhhhhhhh!!!!
love and hugs...
This too shall pass
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