and this makes me sad. Damn it being home makes you hungry not to mention that now that I have the time to cook I've been cooking! Then there are lunches with the sisters and they just had to open the damn Dairy Queen two weeks ago, yes there was snow on the ground and that just isn't the way it's suppose to be done here in Michigan. Did I mention on Mondays you get a free Sundae?
Now that I'm staying home and reading the coupons that we get, I've found five free tans at a local tanning place! Just cause I'm Mexican doesn't mean my skin is does mean that I can tan and usually spare the burn.
My cat needs a new home. For that matter so do I. I hate this house. The water heater hasn't worked in a month so daily it has to be re lit. I know right? WTF? Yes we told our wonderful slumlord and he still hasn't done anything and neither has hubby. I completely expected him to do nothing cause that would require him to give a damn, however he is perfectly willing to hear me bitch and to light the damn thing sometimes four times a day. Who knew you needed hot water so much.
So I asked my sister what she wanted and it seems I have made her think, which is evident by the text messages that I receive. Which of course makes me wonder what I I'm making a list.....
starting with a home. (a real home a place that I love and feel food about coming "home" to, a place where it is welcoming and comforting at the same time, a place that my kids can come home to.)
Just starting this list so this may take some serious blogging time.
New furniture, that I need too. My loveseat should be on the lawn, my chairs need to be kindling and my bed is older than teen son. on these I can wait until I get that first one. Teen son isn't doing well in school!! Call me Shelby but he has to get it together for himself. Really does he want to explain how he attended classes every day and still managed to fail an elective?? Seriously he has to be sleeping in the class...but being Mom looks like I have to go up there and ask the teacher what the hell is going on. This may get ugly.
Wow! sooooooo serious......What do I want???? Damn I have no idea wtf I want? There are a few thing that I need but what do I want??????? Im not good at the thinking stuff...Well best of luck to us both...Hugs......Shelby.....PS You may have a muffin top but I can open a bakery!!!
yay! i'm in the muffin top club, too! i know..its pretty bad when i had my first D.Q. on March 6th..the largest blizzard (strawberry cheesecake) they make..dang...
OHMIGOD.. i would be RELENTLESS in my bitching about the hot water tank until one of those two guys fixed would be a 24/7 rant!!
i am evil...
well mom..take care of the school can do it..i wish all problems were that easy to take care of!!!
my want list would be pretty scary..i want "it all" gosh, i'm not asking for much!!
dont know why you hate the house so much..its just a make it a "home" it cant be that bad..but for you sake..i hope you move soon..i want you happy!
Yum,I wish I lived closer...I would come eat all the food you're cooking. I'm the only pregnant lady I know that is losing weight. It's not good I tell ya, and I do eat, it just doesnt stay down.
Having a rough week..Love yah
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