Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's been awhile

This month has completely flew by. WOW the days are growing closer til I can get out of this hell hole!!
Let's break it down. We've taken the kids to the movies and have realized that it would be best for all involved not to take them again until they are older....10 or 11 years of age. Dvd's are released fairly quickly so we are fine with that.
Trying to get my tubes tied so if you all could say a prayer that this will go through that would be great!!! SO. DO. NOT. want any more childrens!!!
Uncle is having a hard time with his life and I am content with allowing him to do his own thing as long as it doesn't involve me. Can I get an amen?

Princess is still cracking me up. Today we were driving home and she told me "to hurry up cause the clouds were out and they were dark and she was so running out of time to blow her bubbles!" (this is a three years olds nightmare having bubbles and not having the time to blow them outside!)
I tried to cut out carbs then I realized there would be no reason to live without them. I have decided to cut back on them and try to eat smarter. A woman needs her potatoes and chili fries.
Sister1 is SO A SCORPIO that it is hard to keep up. If things aren't dire then she is making some changes and I keep up by keeping all her texts so that I can remember (I'm closer to 40 than 30 now memory is the first to go) what is going on day by day.

Hubby is trying to be nice because last week he told me "You better be nice to me or one day you'll wake up and I'll be gone." I responded "That will not be necessary if you feel that we shouldn't be together I'll be the one to leave I'll gladly take my shit and pick up princess every other weekend, just give me three days notice and I'm outta here." This shocked him and he has been really nice, who knew reverse psychology would work on an adult? Seriously though, all he has to say is the word and my ass is out of here without even trying. No worries!!
Sister3 had some back issues that really bothered me (yes I know she was the one in pain but I can't handle my sisters in pain)and we had to make a 2 a.m. run to the hospital, many pain pills later and she is doing much much better!!! She cracks me up. I've realized that she has a parallel life to that of Jen Lancaster, author extraordinaire, so I gave her a book of hers to read and it still sits on her coffee table...three weeks later. HOWEVER Prince has read a few pages.
I'll blog more fingers are tired!


The Favorite said...

AMEN!!!!! I have to be in the mood to read I just can't pick it up and start to reading you know me. I swear I will get to it this week if it kills me and that just might be.

You know my house is itty bitty per sister number 2 but there is always room for my family.

I swear for baby jesus I wish all I had to worry about was the timing of the clouds and when will I be able to blow my bubbles. I need to take some life lessons from princess.

BTW Prince was cracking up while reading/ looking at the pages in the book on the coffee table


christine said...

so its about time! we need to get together!

here ya go...AMEN!

too funny..your life..everything..your kids, family and hubby... :)