Well hubby got me a puter of my very own for my birthday...can I get an AMEN!?
So it took two weeks before it was hooked up, but it is and I can now ignore the TV and do some posting.
Let's see the house hunt is on and let me tell you the race to get a home is on. There are tons of houses and people must really be standing in line waiting for the signs to go up in the yard so they can make an offer. Two houses and so far not good. Love some houses but not "the one" yet.
I'm waiting up for Teenson to get home from Cedar Point. Can't believe it but he has driven himself there!
Today I went to dad's to get some papers and decided to stop at IKEA to get a puter desk for my new puter...two hours later I am sitting in the parking lot trying to get the desk in the little escort. I know right...let teenson drive the SUV to Cedar Point cause I'm cool like that...somehow I must have forgotten that and couldn't get the damn desk in the trunk. Had to call Sister3 to pick it up...thankbabyjesus she came. Princess was having a tea party in the parking lot of Ikea and it was hot!
I told Princess that we have to do something nice for her Auntie since she came all this way to pick up my desk and she responded "Mom, when I'm thirty and I hatch a baby I'll name her after Auntie." I think that is a good deal...pick up desk have first born grandchild named after you.
My Bff is no longer here and I really needed her help one day a couple of weeks ago and went and picked her up...to clean. I did not have the energy, not even the ipod was giving me the boost to clean...but she did. Thank you!!
Sister2 told me today that she doesn't want healthcare for everyone...because if someone isn't insured they can go to the ER and get checked. This really got to me cause I was refused services at the ER because I wasn't insured. Actually I was told there was nothing they could do for me because I had not insurance. They did give me morphine then sent me on my way. I know too many people that do not have coverage, I've never had coverage except for a few months of my adult life. I know people suffer, our own mom didn't have coverage for a very long time but sister2 doesn't want to have to wait longer for her care and if it doesn't work for her then she doesn't want anyone else to have coverage. WOW. I really hope that she never has to go without insurance. I hope she never has to suffer though chest pains and back aches because she can not afford to go to the doctor, not to mention a dentist.
Everyone in the country deserves healthcare so please tell congress to vote yes..
First, see if your Rep. is in the Energy and Commerce Committee here. (If not, call Chairman Henry Waxman at 202-225-3976)
Then, call the Congressional Switchboard at 800-473-6711 and ask to be connected to him/her. Ask to speak with the health legislative assistant.
Tell them to vote yes:
“Hello, My name is __________, and as your constituent, I urge the Representative to vote YES on Representative Anthony Weiner’s HR 676 amendment to the Energy and Commerce Committee’s healthcare bill.”
AMEN!!!!!!! I cant wait for another name sake
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