So it was rather boring again. *sigh*
It is more commercial than following the moms.
Janelle has made it to school, for that I am proud. I hope she sticks it out. And I am so sorry but I HATE Keiffers shorts!! DUDE get a new pair. Those aren't cute and DO NoT match every shirt you own!! Sorry to tell you but white shorts with clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades is not a neutral item of clothing. *huge sigh**
Kailyn is still hum drum. She looked at apartments and realized {light bulb flashes brightly} that she can not afford to do it alone. Let this be a lesson. To live on your own is expensive to live on your own with a child and an income of "about $500 a month" is not happening. Not even close. Realize that you need to stay where you are and get your school done please!!! For the love of GOD!
Chelsea once again you are making bad decisions. Adam is Adam and will never ever change. He can not step up to the plate. Let me let you in on a little secret....if everyone who loves you hates the man you're with then you need to not be with him. Tonta!!! Don't lose your friends and family for a heart break.
Leah and Corey. *happysigh* I don't care if his proposal was red neck it still was cute. He loves her and together they are going to make a go of it!! My heart breaks for Ali. I want to know what is happening to her and I want to know now!! I can not wait this week after week after thing is driving me insane!
In other stuff....Teen son still is in school and has not gotten anyone pregnant! I think me telling him each time he leaves the casa to bag it before he has sex is working. I don't want him to have to care for a child right now he isn't ready.
Princess has been sick and it makes me sad but I sent her to school today because the choice is she either goes to school feeling 75% or she misses yet another day of education and she needs to get her education on!!
CHF is slacking and hasn't done her mentoring job.
My family brings me here! Between marriage, sisters, kids and certain curly headed friends, I've decided a BLOG is my best vent! I am scattered enough to find some humor in the the day to day!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
I would like to invite the Wisconsin 14 Senate Democrats to come stay in Michigan!
For several reasons.
First and foremost I want them to know they are welcome here and we will keep their location "undisclosed" We will feed them well and we will hope that they can share their moxy with our state democrats. We need a hero here too!! Right now you fourteen are akin to the Legion of Superheros!!! I've heard stories of democrats who use to stand up for the average man and I've heard stories of rallies that made change. But up until this point in my life I've not seen it. I am excited to see how this plays out for my fellow citizens.
Just some quick thoughts.....
These 14 Senate Dems could stay in any of the hundreds of thousands of vacant homes we have here. I have a mattress to spare and I just KNOW that we can round up a few more!!!! We could find a home that is furnished and I think there are several places where we could do an "underground railroad" gig. Once the people in Wisconsin get their reps to actually represent them then we will escort the 14 back to Wisconsin.
Go Wisconsin Go!!!!!
First and foremost I want them to know they are welcome here and we will keep their location "undisclosed" We will feed them well and we will hope that they can share their moxy with our state democrats. We need a hero here too!! Right now you fourteen are akin to the Legion of Superheros!!! I've heard stories of democrats who use to stand up for the average man and I've heard stories of rallies that made change. But up until this point in my life I've not seen it. I am excited to see how this plays out for my fellow citizens.
Just some quick thoughts.....
These 14 Senate Dems could stay in any of the hundreds of thousands of vacant homes we have here. I have a mattress to spare and I just KNOW that we can round up a few more!!!! We could find a home that is furnished and I think there are several places where we could do an "underground railroad" gig. Once the people in Wisconsin get their reps to actually represent them then we will escort the 14 back to Wisconsin.
Go Wisconsin Go!!!!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
I have aged and fell asleep and missed *cough* Teen Mom 2
for this I am upset.
First let me blame CHF. CHF is well aware of the pitfalls of turning the dreaded *cough* 40 and did not tell me of so many things. Like the memory loss. I mean I knew it was coming I just didn't realize how fast. It's the short term things that tend to get me all mixed up. Dates tend to mean nothing either. Like today is Wednesday of this I am sure cause I have a calendar on my desk thankyoubabyjesus.
I believe that CHF should give me a list of things to warn me of about hitting the women of a certain age thing. If my name were Bill she would already have had me a list.
I will say that CHF did win me tickets to a country jam thing!! **highfives all around** but it is tonight and I am not sure that I would be able to go. *sigh*
This morning I made Teen/Adult son take Princess to school....he calls me from the parking lot.... "Mom does she have school today there is NOBODY here."
*cough* oppsies*cough* She probably had a late start. :) Sorry Teen/Adult son...just hummm take her home then take her back to school at 9:30ish. Peace and love. Why do schools have a late start anyways?!?!??! Really I think an early dismissal is much better and something that makes more sense to me. I mean we are getting into our routine and now you are asking us to change it again!! I can only take so much.
Again I've brought no lunch even though it looks as if all my coworkers have theirs. I will survive on junk. Cause that is what I do. I'm like a cockroach.
Sister2 got proposed to on V-day. After she has faked it and told us she was/wasn't engaged I really didn't believe her, then she came to my house, it's true she is engaged and is trying hard to learn to speak Italian, you know with her hands.
I've gotten several texts about how difficult it is to carry around a rock so heavy, how hard it is to cook with the bling blinging in her eyes and the like.
I am not jealous, I'm just saying that two of my sisters have these gorgeous rings that SCREAM My man loves me while my total of mine is like 6.45% the worth. Not that mine doesn't mean love, cause I think hubby loves me it's just that it makes me feel like 6.45%
My current worry is if I should buy myself some new black shoes for work. I know that I have to because the ones I have are extremely worn out and are now squeaking. I think the squeak means the heel is about to break. Scares me a bit. But it is hard to justify spending money on me when I have a kid who needs to eat and she keeps growing. Again we are going to need to go shopping for pants. Seriously.
I missed Teen Mom 2. I am sad and now have to wait to see what has happened.
First let me blame CHF. CHF is well aware of the pitfalls of turning the dreaded *cough* 40 and did not tell me of so many things. Like the memory loss. I mean I knew it was coming I just didn't realize how fast. It's the short term things that tend to get me all mixed up. Dates tend to mean nothing either. Like today is Wednesday of this I am sure cause I have a calendar on my desk thankyoubabyjesus.
I believe that CHF should give me a list of things to warn me of about hitting the women of a certain age thing. If my name were Bill she would already have had me a list.
I will say that CHF did win me tickets to a country jam thing!! **highfives all around** but it is tonight and I am not sure that I would be able to go. *sigh*
This morning I made Teen/Adult son take Princess to school....he calls me from the parking lot.... "Mom does she have school today there is NOBODY here."
*cough* oppsies*cough* She probably had a late start. :) Sorry Teen/Adult son...just hummm take her home then take her back to school at 9:30ish. Peace and love. Why do schools have a late start anyways?!?!??! Really I think an early dismissal is much better and something that makes more sense to me. I mean we are getting into our routine and now you are asking us to change it again!! I can only take so much.
Again I've brought no lunch even though it looks as if all my coworkers have theirs. I will survive on junk. Cause that is what I do. I'm like a cockroach.
Sister2 got proposed to on V-day. After she has faked it and told us she was/wasn't engaged I really didn't believe her, then she came to my house, it's true she is engaged and is trying hard to learn to speak Italian, you know with her hands.
I've gotten several texts about how difficult it is to carry around a rock so heavy, how hard it is to cook with the bling blinging in her eyes and the like.
I am not jealous, I'm just saying that two of my sisters have these gorgeous rings that SCREAM My man loves me while my total of mine is like 6.45% the worth. Not that mine doesn't mean love, cause I think hubby loves me it's just that it makes me feel like 6.45%
My current worry is if I should buy myself some new black shoes for work. I know that I have to because the ones I have are extremely worn out and are now squeaking. I think the squeak means the heel is about to break. Scares me a bit. But it is hard to justify spending money on me when I have a kid who needs to eat and she keeps growing. Again we are going to need to go shopping for pants. Seriously.
I missed Teen Mom 2. I am sad and now have to wait to see what has happened.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
HUD still has not sent me my refund, since 1999
I've been trying to get my refund fro HUD since 1999. It is currently 2011. I have sent them on several occasions documents, signatures and had them notarized. It has been such a headache. Yet they still haven't sent me my refund. I know this money is sitting in some huge bank account gaining interest and I am just getting by.
Today I am going to share this site with you all:
Does HUD owe you a refund???
Today I am going to share this site with you all:
Does HUD owe you a refund???
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
A can of condensed milk exploded in my cabinet, Teen Mom 2 and I hate mornings
First last night when I came home I smelled this awful smell like vomit and thought the cat got sick somewhere, then I remembered the cat died so this had to be something else causing this wretched smell....Hubby cooked cat fish!!! Ding ding ding....wrong.
It wasn't the cat fish, it wasn't the crock pot from dinner the night before, it wasn't vomit from dead cat or Princess. I was at a loss and told myself that maybe it was all in my head.
I then watched Teen Mom 2. Pffft. It was very boring this week.
No drama and the drama that could have been, Jo and his dad fighting, we didn't get to see.
So two teen moms are homeless, Kaitlyn and Janelle. Janelle is not doing well, her intentsion are good but what you do and what you intend to do are two different things. Kaitlyn is still very needy. I am hoping she finds her inner strength and can pull this off.
Leah is overwhelmed but she really is a good mother. I hope that she can figure a way to get into school soon. Leah you can do this!!!
Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea...Adam is not there to make a happy family. He is there to have a place to rest his head. I do not see in him any change. The fact that you have to ask him not to cheat on you any more is telling. Just step away from Adam. Step away! Pray that he pays his child support. Know that you have an amazing support system and it is your dad to whom you owe your loyalty!! Wake up girl!!!
Then I woke up late this morning. My alarm went off but I hit stop instead of snooze and fell back asleep. This is happening more and more and I blame it entirely on age. I ache in places I've never ached, I hurt myself in my sleep and I can hardly keep up with just the everyday. Did I mention grey hairs???
So I woke up late and had to wake the morning monster child. She is nothing less than evil in the mornings...I've tired the happy song wake her up approach, I've tired yelling, I've tired spraying water in her face, I've tired yelling, I've tired bribing her, I've tired yelling....nothing works. She isn't a morning person. Then I smelt the wretched smell. For times sake I had to ignore it. Vomit, vile smell. I continued to get ready and the monster child ready. Hubby then woke up "*&%$& IS THAT SMELL"
**shrug**"I thought it was your catfish but it couldn't have been."
So Hubby searched the kitchen....and he found it!! EUREKA!!! A can of condensed milk had exploded in the cabinet and leaked out under the was gross. Alas I had to get to work. I was confident in the fact that hubby would get the milk cleaned and because he has a mild case of OCD I am sure that it will be perfect!!!
So I left for work!!
WITH NO COFFEE!!!!! F*&&^^%*( I had to stop and get caps from the gas station. AND I have no lunch for work today. Let us all pray that my coworker has to make a food run and will feel pity and grab me something! )
It wasn't the cat fish, it wasn't the crock pot from dinner the night before, it wasn't vomit from dead cat or Princess. I was at a loss and told myself that maybe it was all in my head.
I then watched Teen Mom 2. Pffft. It was very boring this week.
No drama and the drama that could have been, Jo and his dad fighting, we didn't get to see.
So two teen moms are homeless, Kaitlyn and Janelle. Janelle is not doing well, her intentsion are good but what you do and what you intend to do are two different things. Kaitlyn is still very needy. I am hoping she finds her inner strength and can pull this off.
Leah is overwhelmed but she really is a good mother. I hope that she can figure a way to get into school soon. Leah you can do this!!!
Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea...Adam is not there to make a happy family. He is there to have a place to rest his head. I do not see in him any change. The fact that you have to ask him not to cheat on you any more is telling. Just step away from Adam. Step away! Pray that he pays his child support. Know that you have an amazing support system and it is your dad to whom you owe your loyalty!! Wake up girl!!!
Then I woke up late this morning. My alarm went off but I hit stop instead of snooze and fell back asleep. This is happening more and more and I blame it entirely on age. I ache in places I've never ached, I hurt myself in my sleep and I can hardly keep up with just the everyday. Did I mention grey hairs???
So I woke up late and had to wake the morning monster child. She is nothing less than evil in the mornings...I've tired the happy song wake her up approach, I've tired yelling, I've tired spraying water in her face, I've tired yelling, I've tired bribing her, I've tired yelling....nothing works. She isn't a morning person. Then I smelt the wretched smell. For times sake I had to ignore it. Vomit, vile smell. I continued to get ready and the monster child ready. Hubby then woke up "*&%$& IS THAT SMELL"
**shrug**"I thought it was your catfish but it couldn't have been."
So Hubby searched the kitchen....and he found it!! EUREKA!!! A can of condensed milk had exploded in the cabinet and leaked out under the was gross. Alas I had to get to work. I was confident in the fact that hubby would get the milk cleaned and because he has a mild case of OCD I am sure that it will be perfect!!!
So I left for work!!
WITH NO COFFEE!!!!! F*&&^^%*( I had to stop and get caps from the gas station. AND I have no lunch for work today. Let us all pray that my coworker has to make a food run and will feel pity and grab me something! )
Friday, February 4, 2011
Cause I slack I forgot to update Teen Mom 2, but you really didn't miss anything anywho

Leah has found a new place to live and wants her family to be a family, although her mom thinks it is to fast I tend to agree with Leah they do have two babies together so really it isn't that fast.
Chelsea is getting back with Adam....I see doom and gloom in her future. Adam probably just needs a place to stay.
Kailyn is heading to college but I'm not sure she is really all that smart...HELLO FINANCIAL AID!!!!!!!! She was fretting about getting money for school and I am thinking she is a single mother with a part time minimum wage job...she may get financial aid.
In other news....I finally got CHF her "crack" into her mailslot. It was a tight fit but I got it in there!!! **highfive***
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Ok here is what happened...
It's a new fun game we play do at work. When a client tells us something that seems like they are lying to us like we are retarded and don't keep really good notes unlikely we make up a "ok, here is what really happened..."
For instance, if a client said their Uncle died and they had to fly to LA.
Co-worker and I say "okay here is what really happened, he bought a scratch off at the liquor store from which he won free airline tickets to fly any where in the continental United States and he figured the furthest place he could go at that point is LA. Only once he got there he found out that the scratch off ticket winnings did not include room and board and food and all that other stuff you need to survive, so he had to max out all of his credit cards and is now at the point where he cannot pay his bill. "
I think he should be honest and tell us the truth but he'd rather make up something that he hopes will evoke sympathy which in turn will make me able to make his bill just disappear. I do have a wand but I just don't think it would work. That is all fine and dandy cause we all know his Uncle didn't die cause that is what he told us like three weeks ago and unless he has several Uncles that he is going around and feeding poison to of some sort then it is hard to believe that all of your kin is dropping like flies...I mean really?
I really really really want fast food * I feel faint***
For instance, if a client said their Uncle died and they had to fly to LA.
Co-worker and I say "okay here is what really happened, he bought a scratch off at the liquor store from which he won free airline tickets to fly any where in the continental United States and he figured the furthest place he could go at that point is LA. Only once he got there he found out that the scratch off ticket winnings did not include room and board and food and all that other stuff you need to survive, so he had to max out all of his credit cards and is now at the point where he cannot pay his bill. "
I think he should be honest and tell us the truth but he'd rather make up something that he hopes will evoke sympathy which in turn will make me able to make his bill just disappear. I do have a wand but I just don't think it would work. That is all fine and dandy cause we all know his Uncle didn't die cause that is what he told us like three weeks ago and unless he has several Uncles that he is going around and feeding poison to of some sort then it is hard to believe that all of your kin is dropping like flies...I mean really?
I really really really want fast food * I feel faint***
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