Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A can of condensed milk exploded in my cabinet, Teen Mom 2 and I hate mornings

First last night when I came home I smelled this awful smell like vomit and thought the cat got sick somewhere, then I remembered the cat died so this had to be something else causing this wretched smell....Hubby cooked cat fish!!!  Ding ding ding....wrong.

It wasn't the cat fish, it wasn't the crock pot from dinner the night before, it wasn't vomit from dead cat or Princess.  I was at a loss and told myself that maybe it was all in my head. 

I then watched Teen Mom 2. Pffft.  It was very boring this week. 
No drama and the drama that could have been, Jo and his dad fighting, we didn't get to see.
So two teen moms are homeless, Kaitlyn and Janelle.  Janelle is not doing well, her intentsion are good but what you do and what you intend to do are two different things.   Kaitlyn is still very needy.  I am hoping she finds her inner strength and can pull this off. 
Leah is overwhelmed but she really is a good mother.  I hope that she can figure a way to get into school soon.  Leah you can do this!!!
Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea...Adam is not there to make a happy family.  He is there to have a place to rest his head.  I do not see in him any change.  The fact that you have to ask him not to cheat on you any more is telling.  Just step away from Adam. Step away! Pray that he pays his child support.  Know that you have an amazing support system and it is your dad to whom you owe your loyalty!!  Wake up girl!!!

Then I woke up late this morning.  My alarm went off but I hit stop instead of snooze and fell back asleep.  This is happening more and more and I blame it entirely on age.   I ache in places I've never ached, I hurt myself in my sleep and I can hardly keep up with just the everyday.  Did I mention grey hairs??? 
So I woke up late and had to wake the morning monster child.  She is nothing less than evil in the mornings...I've tired the happy song wake her up approach, I've tired yelling, I've tired spraying water in her face, I've tired yelling, I've tired bribing her, I've tired yelling....nothing works. She isn't a morning person.  Then I smelt the wretched smell.  For times sake I had to ignore it.  Vomit, vile smell. I continued to get ready and the monster child ready.  Hubby then woke up "*&%$& IS THAT SMELL"
**shrug**"I thought it was your catfish but it couldn't have been."
So Hubby searched the kitchen....and he found it!! EUREKA!!! A can of condensed milk had exploded in the cabinet and leaked out under the was gross.  Alas I had to get to work.  I was confident in the fact that hubby would get the milk cleaned and because he has a mild case of OCD I am sure that it will be perfect!!! 
So I left for work!!
WITH NO COFFEE!!!!! F*&&^^%*( I had to stop and get caps from the gas station.  AND I have no lunch for work today.  Let us all pray that my coworker has to make a food run and will feel pity and grab me something! )

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