Friday, August 29, 2008

My toothache, moving and the State Fair

So I bit into a timbit and the pain surged throughout my face!! It was horrible and I cried. Well I went to the dentist...thank GOD my curly headed friend knows someone who does EVERYTHING no matter what!! She recommended the dentist.
SO I get there and fill out ton-o-paperwork. I took my Uncle justin case the Dr. tried anything funny. He didn't he was super nice and super hungry. While he was checking out my teeth his tummy kept groweling. He drilled out the bad stuff in my tooth, ripped the nerve out then placed in some temporary filling!!! I was so happy until the drugs wore off at about sevenish..then I was in pain again and despite how much I hate vicodin I made my hubby go get them for me.
Still got to watch Obama give his speech. I was blown away. I think Princess loves him. Yes she watched it too. She said "Mom that guy is a really nice guy. Look how he makes all those people smile."
My son watched the speech too, and well he said he can't wait to vote for him in 2012.

Hubby is getting the keys to his dream house tomorrow. More realistically he is getting the keys to his dream back yard. He doesn't aim high. So I am not excited at all. Whatever. It's going to be a long few weeks.

We are trying to round up the little ones to get them to the fair so we can watch some cows have their babies and we can't seem to get it orchastrated!!! We have two days to go Saturday OR Monday. We have to go. I think we are just going to go on Saturday and whoever can go can go, otherwise we tried! We'll take pictures and eat an elephant ear for you.

On a side note: the reason I can't blog everyday is because mostly my life is hectic. My boss never really works and when I'm home I'm full time Mommy and Auntie. So when people like curly headed friend are pushing me and pushing me to blog all I can think of is I'd sure like to slap her curly hair straight...instead I take it out on my tards, aka clients. My favorite answer is "I know I agree with you, but I am not the company and guess what I just work here." Guess what I don't get paid to listen to you bitch, I don't get paid for overtime, and I do not make more money if I do more work!!!! Guess where that puts me?? If you're thinking in that happy to just be doing what I need to do, then you're right!! The less I knnow.....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dumb Dumber Dumbest, it's real!!

because of my job, customer care, I really have developed a low tolerance for stupidity. I try so hard because I know they really don't mean for things to happen like that. Granted I am not Einstein but jesushchrist I have average intelligence and can fake it until I figure it out when necessary. Hello people the entire Internet is out there!!! In all it's glory all you really have to do is type in a question and the the wonderful world of google will answer it for you a hundred times over. So why do you still have to make things difficult for those of us who process things on a more average basis? So really now I've taught myself many things in the quest for figuring out what my much smarter friends have stated or asked. better late than never. I don't want to be that person but really it is so hard to hold back the urge to smack some people accross the face a few times.
So I need xanax or something to CALM DOWN. With all the drugs out there you'd think in the good ole USA I'd have access to it. Nope not when you do not have insurance. Funny true story: A few months back I thought I was dying because of the way my body was reacting to GOD only knows what. Flu like symptoms, rash then my body was having arthritis like pains ALL OVER...I took my uninsured ass to the hospital where they gave me pain medicine and told me without insurance there was nothing they could do. Thank you hospital for wasting my time and money that I don't have to tell me sorry no insurance no service. I think that should be posted in the hospitals waiting rooms. I laugh when I open one of their bills because I think charging me $1100 to tell me they couldn't help me is really the American way. DUMB

Hubby is getting the house I hate. Not happy at all about it. There is a bright side!! I am going to save tons o cash cause I am not going to pay to live in a house I really don't like. So if I only pay my bills and food for my chitlins I'm thinking I should have some saving in a year then who knows where that will take me!!! My son is going to have to stay with Sister3 during the week, one because gas is crazy and I'd really not have time to take him to school go home get princess and myself ready then drive back this way drop her at daycare and make it to work by 8:30...two because he still hasn't gotten his drivers license!!! (I'm so pissed because I had to pay for drivers training and everything and he doesn't want to drive!!!) I need a xanex.
So in Hubby's world he is a perfect man with perfect deeds who shows his love perfectly. I SO want to live there!!!! Really I do!!! I just don't know how to shrink myself enough to fit in his mind. He rewrites events to his benefit. It cracks me up and makes me furious all at the same time. He talks a good game and it sounds wonderful but it isn't true. I wonder if his friends believes these tales?? Considering the company he keeps they all must think he is SUPER HUBBY!! DUMBER

back to people who drive me insane. I need xanex.
Those people who ask the same question over and over again. I wonder if they really don't understand or if they think that if they keep asking the answer will change.

The women who take advantage of the good guys. They are the reason that good men will never be good again.

The men who think women are stupid or afraid and can not do anything for themselves. Seriously mens we've got that!!

New people who take the rule book and live it verbatim without realizing that there are PEOPLE behind the numbers and every case is not "textbook". WE LIVE IN GREY PEOPLE!! DUMBEST!!!!!!!!

And seriously I have a hard time remembering what happened the day before yesterday so what happened last year is really not that clear in the memory bank.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Corn Corn Corn Corn

We roasted at the corn roast on Saturday!! The kids had a blast!! It was really great....there were rides for the kids and cotton candy and pop and a clown and CORN! The little ones were all over and it was so damn hot I was sweating just watching the kids run around.
So what we learned at the corn roast.....

1.) Just cause you are old that does not give you the right to be nasty!!
(It's a corn roast why can't we bring CORN in the building????)

2.) Just because you post little flyer like signs all over the building that say "No Corn Allowed in the Building" That doesn't change the fact that it is a CORN ROAST!!!
3.) Just because they hand out all the hot buttered fresh corn in the world doesn't mean you should eat it all!! (Or for that matter put in down just to go in the building!)

4.) Kids could care less of the heat index or humidity as long as they are jumping around like animals and have free CORN!!

5.) There really is no need to eat anything other than corn at a Corn Roast. So all those tickets we bought, yeah twenty dollars worth, are still in my Uncles' pocket. (Do we hold on to them until next years corn roast?????)

All in all it was fun!!!
Until Sunday morning....when I bit into a powdered donut! OUCH OUCH OUCH! The pain went from my tooth all inside my head. IT was burning!! I cried it hurt so bad!! My tooth caused all that pain. I was afraid to eat. I have no idea what happened except maybe it was karma....Hubby had a bad toothache and I made fun of him. **now I feel bad** I couldn't believe he wouldn't go to the dentist and insisted that if it REALLY HURT he would have been at the dentist already! Well karma smacked me in the tooth!!!
Today I'm treating my tooth like a baby. I think a filling fell out which of course means it's gonna come out from the backdoor soon and I'm praying that won't hurt. Pray with me.

Friday, August 22, 2008

For a job well go to the dump

So this week I landed a huge account...seriously worked on for months and got it through!!! Very proud of myself thankyouverymuch....what does my boss do???
Takes me to the local dumps. It was funny, really. See I was being used. Boss couldn't dump at the dump without paying extra cause he isn't a resident. So I'm being used for my address.
We get to the dump. The girl there asks: "So what are you dumping?" I tell her shingles. She is all like "Oh no we can't take those they weigh to much and we can be fined and blahblahblah"
Happy as a lark I return to the truck and let him know that we can't dump there... so he calls another dump and then we are on our way to another dump!! Jesushchrist!!!
At least boss is very amusing and makes me laugh about stuff. Still where do you take a person to reward them?? The local dumps??? PLEASE?!?! A girl needs a margarita every so often. Just saying!! Hint hint hint.
So I really would like to take some me time and maybe go up north for a weekend....more than likly it is not going to happen. A girl can dream??

Looks like we are getting the house I just don't like. But what ever I'll save some cash and be good in one year. I really need to let some of the burden go.

Princess FINALLY got to spend her first over night with Sister2...didn't seem to work out very well at bedtime. ** I told her to sing twinkle twinkle, she didn't** Now she can not spend the night again until she is seven.

My Dad isn't taking care of himself and looks like Sister3 is going to have to set him straight. She isn't going to play that. Go sister3 GO!!! There are only so many hours in a day.

I dealt with a really intelligent client today....I dealt with him yesterday. I think he thought I wouldn't remember that he had called and asked the exact same question yesterday....hello I am not that Tarded!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Princess got her first Coach purse

Not from me of course this is all sister3's thing. She went on eBay and won a Coach when she got her prize it was tot size!! Still laughing about that. She has since taught Princess to say "I aint fake wike dat." This is directed at me cause of my new found love of the faboulously fake purses. I like them. But I am not buying anymore I have to start saving some cash. My other curly headed friend, Boobs, who never has any cash, her favorite saying is "money is funny right now", seems to be having some cash flow right now. I'm sure it has nothing to do with her new cleavage...I just think that she always has extra cash to do fun things and I admire that!!! She wants us to go to the beach this Saturday, take the day off work Monday and go to Cedar Point then go up north on Wednesday for at least five days. If only we could afford such luxuaries! Until I get a good job that will appreciate my skills and my pay me well for them I can not do all these things.
The move is on and I gave in. We'll be living in the home of Hubby's dreams and I will try my best not to be too cruel. Happiness is in the eye of the beholder.

last night I tuned in to watch the kids of China dive. Let me tell you I am impressed with their skills!! They must all be plucked from their mothers wombs and thrown off the boards. So I wonder to myself...Self, do you think China's governement puts the kids out to pasture at the ripe old age of eighteen?? I mean seriously if they are all peaking at tweleve then by eighteen the spark is gone. Then since there are a billion more born any given year, they can just continuously cycle through those little babies. I also want to know how the government of Chna decides which children to take? I watch a documentary about how the gymnastics people went to a day care and took the two year olds that jumped the highest. Really I am not kidding. Now I watch my own three year old jump and realize that she may not be destined for the Olympics.
Besides Princess has a new Coach purse that she WILL NOT allow me to touch. She had a fit this morning cause I wanted to bring her Coach to work to show people.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Really China we know they are ten years old...

I saw the picture. **me rolling my eyes** Those gymnists do not even have hips yet. Not even a bud in the boob area!! They haven't reached puberty yet and they want us to believe they are sixteen???!! Just cause you own us doesn't mean we are stupid.
So we looked at another house. Basically I told hubby that either I can be happy or miserable which did he prefer?
We pulled up and the house had two red maples in the front yard!! Something about those trees just screams HOME to me. So before I went in I loved it!! Actually we both liked it!!!! It is in walking distance to Meijers'(still laughing cause I can't see me walking there) there is a Coney Island on the corner, this is HEAVEN!!!, and it has lots of space!!!!
The lady who owns the home now works at the schools, just like my mom did, she had four boys, my mom had four girls and the moment I met her I felt comfortable!!
Work is very overwhelming!! I am not happy here!! I need a change. I have to have some control over something and this is not it.
When are the Olympics over anyways??? Inserted Photo!

Monday, August 18, 2008

When a dog barks at you, do you bark back???

Nope!! When you think about it, that dog is, well, just a dog. Consider the source. So who makes you mad must tell alot about who you are. Right?
My hubby makes me mad...for several reasons mostly because he isn't logical and well I am. I know I know ying and yang, but really WTF?!?!? When looking for a home who do you consider first??? The happiness of your loving wife who has been there for you for everything all the time, your stepson who is still looking for a reason and your adoring (beautiful, I might add) daughter or your dogs? A logical person would say the wifey, stepson and princess. Right??? Not my hubby he is worried sick about the dogs. Really can I get some love??? Being last on the line all the time is insane. I'm getting older and less tolerant of stupid things. That is just me I'm sure.
So we went to B-I-N-G-O last night! I know...but it was Sunday!! I have a great idea of something to make to sell at Bingo halls and make a killing!!! I won't divulge it until I get the patent process rolling but I'm thinking millions!!! $$$$ Bingo Pimp was there...he was sharp in his light grey suit, pink shirt, pink tie and pink shoes!! Real men wear pink!!! I lurve it. Forgot to get a dang picture but I'm sure he'll be there next time. Some good Bingo prayers would be appreciated.
back story on Bingo Pimp:
After as a family thing my sisters and I all went to the Bingo Hall in hopes of winning the jackpot, really we mostly ate. But there in the mist of all the older peoples who really live for playing bingo was Bingo Pimp. He was all decked out and of all the jackets to wear he thought his long fur was best!! My sisters and I laughed most of the night. He had the jewelry to match and was as sweet as could be to the ladies. It was great, we have a photo somewhere. Seven months later he is still there....hunting!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Dearest Sister3

I hope your wedding is really cool while yours in Vegas. We missed the first, damnit, so I guess we'll miss this one too. Please Please Please make sure that Man'o yours smiles in the photos we are sure to see in about six months. We need something to frame. **wink wink***
I know you think we are all a bit on the slow side, but really there isn't a man alive who isn't really married that would wear a wedding ring just cause. There are some insane women who may do this and call it a promise ring, However it is not a ritual that men par take in. It's just not "cool".
Reunited is your song!! I get all giddy just thinking about it!!! That is love I tell you, love!! Let us know if it is the song you decide to walk down the aisle too!! Kiss Kiss.

Happy Honeymoon!!! We ALL LOVE YOU!!!

I blog because I can

As a preteen I always wanted a diary. That wasn't working considering I HAD to share a room with a sister at all times. I blame my sisters for my inability to keep a diary. Granted as a teen I moved all over the house to make a quick private room. Even the unfinished attic that lasted all of a week!! Heat rises people heat rises!
So now that I have this online diary I get to blog.
I've been having those high school flashbacks...they come more frequent with age. I member when I wore nothing but blue jeans. It was crazy. What was I thinking??? I actually had males that I attended school with tell me they couldn't ever see my bodyshape cause I wore jeans and big shirts. At the time I was very busy being geeky and well didn't realize that showing a bit of the girls could actually have helped me!!! Dang with age comes knowledge. Now I know.
Then there is those wise old saying that I paid no attention until Sister2 has been reminding me of....
the horse never falls in the same hole twice
Damn smart horses I use to think. Now I can see what that means. Regardless we still all learn more by failing.
Except maybe in love cause still I fell in love after fallin in the hole. I dug my nails into the dirt walls climbed out dirty but not broken and damnit if I didn't do the same thing again. Maybe I need to put that horse in a hole saying on a tee- shirt and wear it!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

P.S. Comments are important too

All three of you who read my blog should leave comments in order to fuel my fire. I'd blog more if there were more people commenting on my blog...not to mention I just might get some ideas from the three of you who read this.
Plus you can remain anonymous...really you could.

Just saying peeps

Uncle gets out of jail

So finally my Uncle gets to come home!! Okay he went to jail because he beat the crapola out of some guy for taking his woman's' cell phone. Picture it; Uncle buys his girlfriend a cell phone. They are at the bar getting their drink on. Her cell phone comes up missing. The other peoples at the bar, also drunk, say that man took it. Uncle, who use to box in the Army, confronts the man who swears he didn't take the cell phone....Uncle pulls out his cell and dials his girlfriends cell and the man's pocket starts to ring. Uncle beats the guy up, goes to jail and now he's home!! Yeah!!
We threw Uncle a going away party, cause that's how we roll, and yesterday a "taco release party." That is LOVE RIGHT THERE!!!
Now I was told that he is not allowed to be around any type of violence. This is gonna be difficult because well we are a loud bunch. let's keep our fingers crossed that no one gets loud in public.
Other important news.....still looking for a casa. Who knew it would be so damn hard?? Hubby and I agree on nothing. I like big he likes small. I want brick he wants frame. **I am to the point no woman ever want to be at...I am going to let him decide**
Now this scares me on many levels. Where my importance lies with how the children will function in the home, his only prereq is that there is PLENTY OF ROOM FOR THE DOG!!! Makes no sense to me either. But ladies I'm tired, it just shouldn't be this damn hard to find a place to rest your head. I never remember it being this hard before. So I digress and pray for the best.
So the Taco release Partay was good...I made a ton o tacos for the feast and bless their hearts my sisters helped me too. Gotta love family.
Today we go look at another home. I'll probably love and he'll hate it.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Weekend Update

Friday sucked, however it included Middle Eastern Food and that did make it somewhat better!! Yeah Shawarma! Like when I was younger I wondered how in the hell those thin girls could Love salad, now after having a fatouse I know. Really I know.
I just hate when I really get nothing done over the weekend. Good point is that, it may have taken my Hubby four days to fix his truck, HUBBY has FINALLY fixed his truck!! thankyouverymuch. So that means I get my van back and I've decided to sell the thing. I really don't need it right now and I'd hate to have to park it at Sister1's house cause she might get mad at me.
Well, my son stomped on my last nerve this weekend, because being the cruel mother I am I want him, at 16 years of age no less, to go get his damn license. Hello SON I've paid for the classes and you have use of a perfectly good, fuel efficient vehicle!! What more can I really do at this point?? I know I haven't let you "practice" a lot but HELLO you scare me and 99% of the time I have princess and/or nephew1 or nephew3 in the car with me.
There was other things pertaining to the license thing, like him losing every piece of paper I gave him that ALLOWS him to drive on the road...which meant we sat at Secretary of State for like NINETY MINUTES! Inhale, Exhale, release, relax...Good
So needless to say nothing really got done that I had intended. My Son is still alive! When i told him that he had to pay me back all of the sudden he can drive??!!??! What's up with that??
This is brief, but tomorrow I'll not be here for I am off to test world. Pray for me!

Friday, August 1, 2008


What a week!! Sister 2 had surgery...she is good but jesushchrist it was crazy just thinking about it. She has however come through AGAIN and let me "borrow" some of her pain pills. SHUT UP!! I'VE HAD A TOOTHACHE! I live in the USA and can't quite afford food and medical coverage, so based on the size of my arse I've chosen food!
Been looking at houses, cause in my mind I have a plan, I want a new home by the time son starts school again. Of course the one house that I really like hasn't responded!! Cause in this market that makes perfect sense! There are a couple of others that I like we will see. Pray for me.
Princess has been really sarcastic lately...I have no idea where she gets it but it is to the point of insane....she is only three. She does have a new talent, she draws smiley faces.

About the adult toy partay my friend had, well we didn't make it, that sucks! No pun intended. Some men, cough my hubby cough, are very insecure when it comes to plastic penises. They could after all take over his "role" in our marriage. What does that mean? Really?? Does he think his only role is that of a dildo?? Seriously?? That is both funny and sad. Funny cause if that is what he really thinks then, ahem, someone is slacking! This is a rated PG-13 blog right? Sad because that would explain his vanity. Now it all makes sense to me.