We roasted at the corn roast on Saturday!! The kids had a blast!! It was really great....there were rides for the kids and cotton candy and pop and a clown and CORN! The little ones were all over and it was so damn hot I was sweating just watching the kids run around.
So what we learned at the corn roast.....
1.) Just cause you are old that does not give you the right to be nasty!!
(It's a corn roast why can't we bring CORN in the building????)
2.) Just because you post little flyer like signs all over the building that say "No Corn Allowed in the Building" That doesn't change the fact that it is a CORN ROAST!!!
3.) Just because they hand out all the hot buttered fresh corn in the world doesn't mean you should eat it all!! (Or for that matter put in down just to go in the building!)
4.) Kids could care less of the heat index or humidity as long as they are jumping around like animals and have free CORN!!
5.) There really is no need to eat anything other than corn at a Corn Roast. So all those tickets we bought, yeah twenty dollars worth, are still in my Uncles' pocket. (Do we hold on to them until next years corn roast?????)
All in all it was fun!!!
Until Sunday morning....when I bit into a powdered donut! OUCH OUCH OUCH! The pain went from my tooth all inside my head. IT was burning!! I cried it hurt so bad!! My tooth caused all that pain. I was afraid to eat. I have no idea what happened except maybe it was karma....Hubby had a bad toothache and I made fun of him. **now I feel bad** I couldn't believe he wouldn't go to the dentist and insisted that if it REALLY HURT he would have been at the dentist already! Well karma smacked me in the tooth!!!
Today I'm treating my tooth like a baby. I think a filling fell out which of course means it's gonna come out from the backdoor soon and I'm praying that won't hurt. Pray with me.
ohmigod..she didnt just blog about corn!?!?!?!?!?!
*ahem* speaking of the "backdoor" you do know about corn, right?!?!?!
That's right we can sit down if we want too after all it was open to the public maybe the NASTY OLD LADY didn't know that. Why can't I bring corn into the building I only took one bite of it what a waste oh well back for more.
next time your blog better be about :
"Porn Porn Porn Porn"
and why cant you people just eat your corn and THEN go into the building! jesushchrist!
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