Friday, August 29, 2008

My toothache, moving and the State Fair

So I bit into a timbit and the pain surged throughout my face!! It was horrible and I cried. Well I went to the dentist...thank GOD my curly headed friend knows someone who does EVERYTHING no matter what!! She recommended the dentist.
SO I get there and fill out ton-o-paperwork. I took my Uncle justin case the Dr. tried anything funny. He didn't he was super nice and super hungry. While he was checking out my teeth his tummy kept groweling. He drilled out the bad stuff in my tooth, ripped the nerve out then placed in some temporary filling!!! I was so happy until the drugs wore off at about sevenish..then I was in pain again and despite how much I hate vicodin I made my hubby go get them for me.
Still got to watch Obama give his speech. I was blown away. I think Princess loves him. Yes she watched it too. She said "Mom that guy is a really nice guy. Look how he makes all those people smile."
My son watched the speech too, and well he said he can't wait to vote for him in 2012.

Hubby is getting the keys to his dream house tomorrow. More realistically he is getting the keys to his dream back yard. He doesn't aim high. So I am not excited at all. Whatever. It's going to be a long few weeks.

We are trying to round up the little ones to get them to the fair so we can watch some cows have their babies and we can't seem to get it orchastrated!!! We have two days to go Saturday OR Monday. We have to go. I think we are just going to go on Saturday and whoever can go can go, otherwise we tried! We'll take pictures and eat an elephant ear for you.

On a side note: the reason I can't blog everyday is because mostly my life is hectic. My boss never really works and when I'm home I'm full time Mommy and Auntie. So when people like curly headed friend are pushing me and pushing me to blog all I can think of is I'd sure like to slap her curly hair straight...instead I take it out on my tards, aka clients. My favorite answer is "I know I agree with you, but I am not the company and guess what I just work here." Guess what I don't get paid to listen to you bitch, I don't get paid for overtime, and I do not make more money if I do more work!!!! Guess where that puts me?? If you're thinking in that happy to just be doing what I need to do, then you're right!! The less I knnow.....

1 comment:

christine said...

you shoulda brougt the good dr. dentist a timbit! gawd..he put off his lunch to work on you on your lunch!!

you were drinkin the koolaid while watching the speech, werent you?

hubbys dream backyard..i do admire that about him..he cares about his animals!

well..about slapping my hair straight..thats pretty hostile girl! but it would save me some $$ from the salon..i am thinking about getting it straight for a while..

since your under appreciated at can blog while you put your tards on excuses!