Thursday, October 30, 2008

Devil's Night

SO please let this year end!
Yesterday when I took my nephew to school, the crossing guard had on two different did I notice?....cause one heel was way higher than the other. I'm sure she had to notice as soon as she walked one step in them. Maybe she couldn't find the other shoe to either one and figured they were both black and no one would notice. She had no idea I'd be driving by her corner.
Still haven't cut the pumpkin. I guess that is a task we will have to do today cause tomorrow is the holiday. I hate carving them cause it never comes out how I picture it in my head. I want one of those cool ones you see on the Food Network! Maybe I can set up a smoke machine and it would look really cool!!! I was driving by my Sisters' house and one home had their entire yard set up with corn stalks. I'm thinking my little monkey and mouse should not walk up there. For sure they will have monsters jump out at the little kids and seriously Princess is scared to death of things in the dark now. I know I let her watch Friday the 13th but it was part 8 or something and it really did look fake.


The Favorite said...

OMG if that isn't the funniest thing I've heard today boy I'll tell you some people! Princess is way to little to understand what those movies are all about. What ever happened to the great pumpkin patch charlie brown? Mouse and Monkey will be getting all the candy they can get for me (oops) for them! Happy Halloween

christine said...

omg! who hasnt worn 2 different shoes to work!!! i did! and didnt notice until i was walking into the i have worn mismatching socks AND once i had my black pants on inside out! oops me! doh!!!!

we have to carve our pumpkin tonite too! plus we are making apple crisp tonite from the apple orchard apples!!

i have a fog machine!! it's cool! my mom usually uses it b/c she puts out a coffin and monsters and stuff..i keep mine cute..purple light up bats, hanging orange lights and cutesy pumpkins!!

dont let her watch scary movies!! she is tooooo little! i watched charlie brown and the pumpkin patch and goosebumps last nite! gosh, send princess over to my house!

peace out

sheri said...

christine forgot to tell you she also has worn her mans undies to work... GROSS.. maybe just maybe that crossing guard has one leg shorter then the other and that is why one shoe had a higher heel then the other... just maybe...
stop letting princess watch those scarey movies..... poor baby...