Been a few days so.....
Yes I put the tree up, Princess was having a heart attack cause her baby cousin has a tree and she needed one too. So we did. After we saw Santa. She was all big girl about it and even took a nice picture!! The line wasn't long and Santa was really nice. Less kids on the lap the happier Santa is.
In the mall they had trees where you could write the name of a lost loved one on an angel and hang it on the tree. I had no cash and thank GOD sister3 was able to get one for my Mom. I miss her so much. Having lots of break downs lately. You really need your mom when things are hard and let me tell you hard is an understatement.
We've been looking at houses and there are so many and nothing just right yet. Either we need to win the lottery or move over sister1, cause we'll be living with you! Imagine that:/
Sister2 is taking the lead and trying to make things as good as she can. We are heading to her house on Xmas morning, only she thinks she can give us a "time" to be there...Yeah right not going to work. We roll early. Put the biscuts on at 6:30!
She is also having dinner. For some reason this year I just can't get it together. She is planning everything and I know, cause she is very Martha Stewartish, that it is going to work out just fine.
Hubby has been crackin me up cause he actually has learnt something. I've been in a horrible mood and really not wanting to do much, think borderline depression, and well last night he went and got my favorite food without even asking me!! Yes I fainted and just had some for breakfast/lunch.
Now you know you hear of things in threes and well I've heard of three to a dear friend who has been wanting one with her dream man for a while now and well seems she met him about two months ago!! Love! Sex!! baby!! WHo knew?? Another is someone that I can not believe would be ready for another she has like four little ones now and well here comes number five! She'll be fine because she never keeps any fat after giving birth! It's sounds unhumanlike but it is true!!
Then there is our dear curly headed friends baby girl...although it didn't happen in the order that she had planned for her baby girl, she is really excited!! No matter what I know she is going to make a beautiful baby!!!!
Regardless of what may happen in this up coming year I know that my sisters and I are going to be fine. That is what matters most to me and for that I am grateful!
The lump in my throat is too big. That one hit home and the heart! Love you
aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww, thats all i can say..just..aaaaaaawwwwwwww
and i like the christmas tree pic!
curly headed friend
Love the Christmas tree. Yes, You will always have 3 never homeless never hungry and a exciting future to look forward to. I know that lossing Mom has been the hardest loss in our lifes but it has made me realize how much love Mom had for us. I am trying to keep positive for Mom she always said " I was strong" and I know that I am strong because she made me STRONG!!!! We are strong because that is what she wanted 4 strong women. Great job Mom/ We are strong alone and stronger together. 20 years for us means SISTERS FOREVER! All my love to the one person that is so much like Mom, she lives forever in our hearts and is in everything that we do! Muahhhhhh
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