Christmas without my Mom just wasn't Christmas.
However Sister2 did a damn fine job!! She made breakfast and dinner. Both were really good. Got lots of stuff, but the best thing is that we may be getting a home. Sister3 has gone beyond the norm and is trying to help us get a home, areal home. One that the kids can enjoy and one that I will cherish. How do you thank someone for something like that?? The fainting I see on Extreme Home Makeovers is probably a start and if this really happens I just might faint. Having a home that is the bestest thing in the world and you don't realize it until you don't have one.
Now for happy things. Princess woke up on Christmas and has decided that Santa is a really nice guy! She is so excited and to her he did well!
Prince has a bruised penis. I mean what little one hasn't smashed it with the toilet seat? Right?? I mean it looks really bruised but it is still working and I believe this a lesson he will never forget: "Place the penis back in the underoos THEN put the seat down!"
Yes in the ghetto they need tailgates from Ford pickups. Lesson learned this morning. My Dad's tailgate was stolen!! Imagine those peeps running down the street with a tailgate! Not like the city of Detroit is going to be on the look out for it , I do know that we will be. Grey tailgate on a red Ford and that person is busted!! So I think we all need our CCW's. Just in case we run into some bad guys and need protection.
Took the tree down on Saturday because it just need not be up any longer. Santa came and it just wasn't the same.
Sister3 is a speed demon, we left the same place about the same time and yet she managed to get to my house before me!! I pay attention to speed signs. WE had took the little ones to watch a Pooh Bear play at the DIA. Prince laughed out loud twice and that was so damn funny. Princess is upset that Tigger wasn't there. Of Course he should have been, that Rabbit was there and he isn't even funny. I guess he had to have a part so that Pooh could get stuck in his rabbit hole, but still kids love Tigger. Then I thought the actors were all a bit on the older side and may not have wanted to jump around on the stage.
Let's talk about that restroom in the DIA. The men's room was nice and clean I looked while the door was opened. The ladies room had a line out the door. Seriously, the women couldn't pee fast enough to keep the line from coming out the door. Then there was the restroom attendant who couldn't get the toilet paper out fast enough. Not only did she have to get it out but then she had to fight back through the line to get it to the stall!! I think that they should consider making another ladies room. The attendant also needs a raise.
My family brings me here! Between marriage, sisters, kids and certain curly headed friends, I've decided a BLOG is my best vent! I am scattered enough to find some humor in the the day to day!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Yes Princess, there is a Santa Claus
Seems our Princess some how got a letter from the old St. Nick himself. She loves it! It was really cool so I called my sisters to see who sent it. First was Sister3 and it wasn't her. Then Sister1 and nada, then and of course I knew better Sister2 and well it wasn't any of them. Even asked curly headed friend, cause that is something she would so do, and it wasn't her either. So there must be a Santa!! I hope he gets here on time!!!
I've been on strike lately and haven't really made any dinners. Which makes me a bad wife, however I figure that bad hubby's get stuck with bad wifey's right?
My other curly headed friend, the one who got pregnant and we still aren't sure how that happened is going to do it solo!! I know major props to her. She will make it work out I know it, now if that baby gets my hair that would be awesome! Amazing too.
So Sister3 and I went to the movies to watch Seven Pounds....don't waste your money wait for the video. I was so exxcited to go see it and well it wasn't that great. That is what I get for hoping for a life changing movie. SO yesterday I rented on-demand "where GOD left his shoes" now that was a great movie!! I needed some drama.
I also made it to the store yesterday to get some gifts and well it is hard to buy for those you love. Really what do you get a sister that has everything or one who likes nothing?? IF Sister2 does that rolling of the eyes thing and that "well that is nice" in a mono tone or anything other that pure EXCITEMENT I'm not getting her anything else except gift cards again. Depending on the mood I'll be in I might just have to smack her after I eat my biscuits and gravy.
Best diet ever is stress!! I've been stressed out and eating a lot less. Like I could not even eat a 99 cents bag of chips!! Princess ate more than me!! I've not eaten all those wonderful homemade cookies....I want to but I'm not in the mood to chew. Highfive for holiday stress!!!
Now what do I get my teenson for Xmas??? After he has gotten his first ticket??? After he has made me madder in the last few months than in his whole growing up career??? I'm thinking cash.
I have to go to Mom in Laws to grab cheese for my sister, cause without it we will have no cheesey potatoes for Xmas, I hate cheese but everyone else loves them so I will have mom in law meet me her wheel chair.
I've been on strike lately and haven't really made any dinners. Which makes me a bad wife, however I figure that bad hubby's get stuck with bad wifey's right?
My other curly headed friend, the one who got pregnant and we still aren't sure how that happened is going to do it solo!! I know major props to her. She will make it work out I know it, now if that baby gets my hair that would be awesome! Amazing too.
So Sister3 and I went to the movies to watch Seven Pounds....don't waste your money wait for the video. I was so exxcited to go see it and well it wasn't that great. That is what I get for hoping for a life changing movie. SO yesterday I rented on-demand "where GOD left his shoes" now that was a great movie!! I needed some drama.
I also made it to the store yesterday to get some gifts and well it is hard to buy for those you love. Really what do you get a sister that has everything or one who likes nothing?? IF Sister2 does that rolling of the eyes thing and that "well that is nice" in a mono tone or anything other that pure EXCITEMENT I'm not getting her anything else except gift cards again. Depending on the mood I'll be in I might just have to smack her after I eat my biscuits and gravy.
Best diet ever is stress!! I've been stressed out and eating a lot less. Like I could not even eat a 99 cents bag of chips!! Princess ate more than me!! I've not eaten all those wonderful homemade cookies....I want to but I'm not in the mood to chew. Highfive for holiday stress!!!
Now what do I get my teenson for Xmas??? After he has gotten his first ticket??? After he has made me madder in the last few months than in his whole growing up career??? I'm thinking cash.
I have to go to Mom in Laws to grab cheese for my sister, cause without it we will have no cheesey potatoes for Xmas, I hate cheese but everyone else loves them so I will have mom in law meet me her wheel chair.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Fabulous is what you make it
Let's snowed in Michigan!! Princess got to make her snow angel. It was cool and she has learnt that snow equals cold.
I've looked at so many houses that I can not take it anymore. I found one that I really liked and well hubby doesn't understand the process and since someone is currently unemployed someone has no money to submit an offer. Rather than argue about it I've let it go. Hubby can continue the search or what ever he wants to call it. He reminds me so much of the child that left his homework at home. Dude what is the point?? He has the cash to start getting a home but he is waiting...I have no idea what for; however he is waiting. After nine years yes there is a pattern. He wants things to happen to him and that just isn't the type of person I am. I like security. I want to know what is going to happen and when. I don't like surprises (SURPRISE YOU'RE HOMELESS!!) Fabulous!!
Instead of stressing....I'm laughing out loud cause I've had like five breakdowns in the last thirty hours...I am going to eat Ann's Homemade cookies!! They are fabulous. Good for at least an extra ten pounds. But I need these cookies. I need the sugar.
Princess has a new found obsession with who are they and why are they strangers and just how dangerous are they??. Someone had told her that strangers steal little kids. Fabulous! *rolling my eyes* Cause yes she wants to know why strangers steal little kids? I try to answer her the best I can. "Princess, strangers who steal little kids are just stupid, want a slurpee?"
Jim Carey was on Ellen the other day and he said that all things that happen to you are suppose to happen and are good, even if you get hit in the head by a brick, not verbatim but something very close to that. So I thought to myself, Self maybe all this horrible stuff is happening for a reason, maybe GOD really doesn't give you more than you can handle, maybe there is something out there that is better for you, maybe just maybe JIM CAREY IS FULL OF SHIT!.
Fabulous!! I know that when I win the lottery I'll be thinking that same way HOWEVER until then I'm going to keep keeping on and thinking of what is fabulous!!
My sisters are Fabulous!
I've looked at so many houses that I can not take it anymore. I found one that I really liked and well hubby doesn't understand the process and since someone is currently unemployed someone has no money to submit an offer. Rather than argue about it I've let it go. Hubby can continue the search or what ever he wants to call it. He reminds me so much of the child that left his homework at home. Dude what is the point?? He has the cash to start getting a home but he is waiting...I have no idea what for; however he is waiting. After nine years yes there is a pattern. He wants things to happen to him and that just isn't the type of person I am. I like security. I want to know what is going to happen and when. I don't like surprises (SURPRISE YOU'RE HOMELESS!!) Fabulous!!
Instead of stressing....I'm laughing out loud cause I've had like five breakdowns in the last thirty hours...I am going to eat Ann's Homemade cookies!! They are fabulous. Good for at least an extra ten pounds. But I need these cookies. I need the sugar.
Princess has a new found obsession with who are they and why are they strangers and just how dangerous are they??. Someone had told her that strangers steal little kids. Fabulous! *rolling my eyes* Cause yes she wants to know why strangers steal little kids? I try to answer her the best I can. "Princess, strangers who steal little kids are just stupid, want a slurpee?"
Jim Carey was on Ellen the other day and he said that all things that happen to you are suppose to happen and are good, even if you get hit in the head by a brick, not verbatim but something very close to that. So I thought to myself, Self maybe all this horrible stuff is happening for a reason, maybe GOD really doesn't give you more than you can handle, maybe there is something out there that is better for you, maybe just maybe JIM CAREY IS FULL OF SHIT!.
Fabulous!! I know that when I win the lottery I'll be thinking that same way HOWEVER until then I'm going to keep keeping on and thinking of what is fabulous!!
My sisters are Fabulous!
Monday, December 15, 2008
One Two Three!
Been a few days so.....
Yes I put the tree up, Princess was having a heart attack cause her baby cousin has a tree and she needed one too. So we did. After we saw Santa. She was all big girl about it and even took a nice picture!! The line wasn't long and Santa was really nice. Less kids on the lap the happier Santa is.
In the mall they had trees where you could write the name of a lost loved one on an angel and hang it on the tree. I had no cash and thank GOD sister3 was able to get one for my Mom. I miss her so much. Having lots of break downs lately. You really need your mom when things are hard and let me tell you hard is an understatement.
We've been looking at houses and there are so many and nothing just right yet. Either we need to win the lottery or move over sister1, cause we'll be living with you! Imagine that:/
Sister2 is taking the lead and trying to make things as good as she can. We are heading to her house on Xmas morning, only she thinks she can give us a "time" to be there...Yeah right not going to work. We roll early. Put the biscuts on at 6:30!
She is also having dinner. For some reason this year I just can't get it together. She is planning everything and I know, cause she is very Martha Stewartish, that it is going to work out just fine.
Hubby has been crackin me up cause he actually has learnt something. I've been in a horrible mood and really not wanting to do much, think borderline depression, and well last night he went and got my favorite food without even asking me!! Yes I fainted and just had some for breakfast/lunch.
Now you know you hear of things in threes and well I've heard of three to a dear friend who has been wanting one with her dream man for a while now and well seems she met him about two months ago!! Love! Sex!! baby!! WHo knew?? Another is someone that I can not believe would be ready for another she has like four little ones now and well here comes number five! She'll be fine because she never keeps any fat after giving birth! It's sounds unhumanlike but it is true!!
Then there is our dear curly headed friends baby girl...although it didn't happen in the order that she had planned for her baby girl, she is really excited!! No matter what I know she is going to make a beautiful baby!!!!
Regardless of what may happen in this up coming year I know that my sisters and I are going to be fine. That is what matters most to me and for that I am grateful!
Yes I put the tree up, Princess was having a heart attack cause her baby cousin has a tree and she needed one too. So we did. After we saw Santa. She was all big girl about it and even took a nice picture!! The line wasn't long and Santa was really nice. Less kids on the lap the happier Santa is.
In the mall they had trees where you could write the name of a lost loved one on an angel and hang it on the tree. I had no cash and thank GOD sister3 was able to get one for my Mom. I miss her so much. Having lots of break downs lately. You really need your mom when things are hard and let me tell you hard is an understatement.
We've been looking at houses and there are so many and nothing just right yet. Either we need to win the lottery or move over sister1, cause we'll be living with you! Imagine that:/
Sister2 is taking the lead and trying to make things as good as she can. We are heading to her house on Xmas morning, only she thinks she can give us a "time" to be there...Yeah right not going to work. We roll early. Put the biscuts on at 6:30!
She is also having dinner. For some reason this year I just can't get it together. She is planning everything and I know, cause she is very Martha Stewartish, that it is going to work out just fine.
Hubby has been crackin me up cause he actually has learnt something. I've been in a horrible mood and really not wanting to do much, think borderline depression, and well last night he went and got my favorite food without even asking me!! Yes I fainted and just had some for breakfast/lunch.
Now you know you hear of things in threes and well I've heard of three to a dear friend who has been wanting one with her dream man for a while now and well seems she met him about two months ago!! Love! Sex!! baby!! WHo knew?? Another is someone that I can not believe would be ready for another she has like four little ones now and well here comes number five! She'll be fine because she never keeps any fat after giving birth! It's sounds unhumanlike but it is true!!
Then there is our dear curly headed friends baby girl...although it didn't happen in the order that she had planned for her baby girl, she is really excited!! No matter what I know she is going to make a beautiful baby!!!!
Regardless of what may happen in this up coming year I know that my sisters and I are going to be fine. That is what matters most to me and for that I am grateful!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Common sense ain't so common~ just saying
You just never know when good things are going to happen...take Friday for instance. Bad news all around.....then the clouds parted, the sun shone and angels sang (sure it was my Mom) and mortgage guy called and said "go forth and lookith for a new home." Not really but it sounded like that!! So we are on a time crunch, trying to find something we can move into within the next three or four weeks. I know Xmas and all of that but in a time like this home and spending time with family is WAYYYY more important.
Speaking of family this one is for my sister "FUCK THEM BITCHES!!!!"
It needed to be typed. She is now a member of those millions of Bush citizens whom have been "laid off." Bastards. Makes no sense to me. That's quite alright cause that means we'll be bale to watch Ellen together and but could be better? Besides she needs a bit of a break.
Now funny story about Saturday shopping with Sisters 2 & 3. Sister2 who is completely in love actually bought him a pile of shit. It's fake, but still. Imagine the lovey dovey Christmas morning and then he opens his gift. Let's all pray that we are there to witness the event cause we are all heading to her house for Biscuts & Gravy (and sausage and coffee and donuts :)
Sister3 FINALLY has her new bathroom and Princess has been telling everyone about it...they are both so excited. IT is beautiful!! She did say she is having a shower party...BYOT Bring your own towel. Love it! Five stars!!
Sister1 has been way busy lately. We did make it to Ihop! It was great, needed the pancakes.
So excited for Curly Headed Friend!! **wink wink**
Princess did the funniest thing in the world.
First her story is that she has been so excited to make a snow angel I think one of those dumb cartoons showed her how and as soon as the snow began to fall she has been waiting to lay in it!!
Well today I take her out to the car and as soon as she gets outside she put her head in the snow. Really she did. She tells me "Mom I just want to make a snow of me." I hate Noggin.
Speaking of family this one is for my sister "FUCK THEM BITCHES!!!!"
It needed to be typed. She is now a member of those millions of Bush citizens whom have been "laid off." Bastards. Makes no sense to me. That's quite alright cause that means we'll be bale to watch Ellen together and but could be better? Besides she needs a bit of a break.
Now funny story about Saturday shopping with Sisters 2 & 3. Sister2 who is completely in love actually bought him a pile of shit. It's fake, but still. Imagine the lovey dovey Christmas morning and then he opens his gift. Let's all pray that we are there to witness the event cause we are all heading to her house for Biscuts & Gravy (and sausage and coffee and donuts :)
Sister3 FINALLY has her new bathroom and Princess has been telling everyone about it...they are both so excited. IT is beautiful!! She did say she is having a shower party...BYOT Bring your own towel. Love it! Five stars!!
Sister1 has been way busy lately. We did make it to Ihop! It was great, needed the pancakes.
So excited for Curly Headed Friend!! **wink wink**
Princess did the funniest thing in the world.
First her story is that she has been so excited to make a snow angel I think one of those dumb cartoons showed her how and as soon as the snow began to fall she has been waiting to lay in it!!
Well today I take her out to the car and as soon as she gets outside she put her head in the snow. Really she did. She tells me "Mom I just want to make a snow of me." I hate Noggin.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Crazy neighbor's daughter
Things have been well crazy! My Sister3 came to spend the night. Which means Prince and Princess ran like nuts all night long, a couple of head bumps later and they fell asleep. Not before ho stopped by (okay not gonna call her ho always, cause she did stop by) Anywho, Sister3 thought it would be a GREAT IDEA to invite them in. When I say them I mean her driver, her Uncle who really isn't her Uncle. They come in for a few then went outside to talk. Teen son and ho were outside two doors down under a tree chit chatting, when all hell broke loose! Teen son came in and said the neighbor pulled up on him and was cussing him out. Hubby said "the guy two doors down?" Teen son said "yes" and hubby went out the door.
Choas happened then.
The old couple's daughter was all loud and yelling "You should have heard your son cussing, fuck this and fuck that." I ignored her and I think it upset her cause she tried to walk closer to me. The entire time HUbby is "talking" to the prick two doors down. He was saying he was sorry but his mom was just robbed. And he was only acting on his neighbor, crazy daughter, calling him. He had a point. However he shouldn't have acted the way he did.
Come to find out Sister3 SAW neighbor man drive up on teen son from the bedroom window, now since she was raised in da hood, she just watched. This all happened in a matter of minutes, but I knew hubby has been looking for a reason to hit that guy.
This could have been that reason. However neighbor was all sorry and hubby let him know never to talk to his son that way again. This is the break through, Hubby stood up for my son. Feel the love?
Now neighbor's daughter is on my shit list. I will be looking for way to piss her off. Cause I believe my son, who claims he didn't say anything except "What the Fuck." When the car speed up on him. Which any person would have said.
So Happy TUrkey Day!!!
Choas happened then.
The old couple's daughter was all loud and yelling "You should have heard your son cussing, fuck this and fuck that." I ignored her and I think it upset her cause she tried to walk closer to me. The entire time HUbby is "talking" to the prick two doors down. He was saying he was sorry but his mom was just robbed. And he was only acting on his neighbor, crazy daughter, calling him. He had a point. However he shouldn't have acted the way he did.
Come to find out Sister3 SAW neighbor man drive up on teen son from the bedroom window, now since she was raised in da hood, she just watched. This all happened in a matter of minutes, but I knew hubby has been looking for a reason to hit that guy.
This could have been that reason. However neighbor was all sorry and hubby let him know never to talk to his son that way again. This is the break through, Hubby stood up for my son. Feel the love?
Now neighbor's daughter is on my shit list. I will be looking for way to piss her off. Cause I believe my son, who claims he didn't say anything except "What the Fuck." When the car speed up on him. Which any person would have said.
So Happy TUrkey Day!!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
What next????
If you can ever be you it's with your sisters right? I mean who else knows everything about you? BFF's are not even close. Sure they are great to hang around with but they can never ever promise you twenty years!! I've got twenty riding on me and my sisters at least forty, if god willing I make it there. They are my blood. We've been raised together. Not something you can let go of. The tie that binds is more than the friends you can call to chit chat. Shit I chit chat more with my sisters than anyone else period. Never would I allow someone to come between that. Not worth it ever.
Then there are the kids. Between us there are five kids and I love them all completely. They are like my own. They are growing up together and it is great that they love each other so much. I never ever want that to change.
As for teen son well he dropped a bomb on me the other day. Seems GF, whom we'll call ho from now on, wants some condoms. Yes I fell over but I bought the condoms!!
We were in the middle of shopping and teen son says "Remember those things that you always told me I could ask you for." Turned my cart around and went directly to the condoms, the whole while ranting about how much of a ho ho is. I know I said some stuff about him not being her first, considering she is asking for them, then of course how he would be sleeping with everyone she had been with and everyone they had been with and so on and so on. (member the commercial?) Then I made it clear that I would not be raising any child for him and that we would get testing and if her and her father came to my door I'd let them know that teen son was in Mexico but they could look him up. SO I embarrassed him and I am okay with that. My stomach was hurting for two days. I wanted to puke. At least he is talking to me about it. Which is better than not talking to me about it. I just want him to be safe and sure.
Then there is the house thing.....jesushchrist....still not sure where all that is going but somehow I imagine us moving in the winter, with snow.
Then there are the kids. Between us there are five kids and I love them all completely. They are like my own. They are growing up together and it is great that they love each other so much. I never ever want that to change.
As for teen son well he dropped a bomb on me the other day. Seems GF, whom we'll call ho from now on, wants some condoms. Yes I fell over but I bought the condoms!!
We were in the middle of shopping and teen son says "Remember those things that you always told me I could ask you for." Turned my cart around and went directly to the condoms, the whole while ranting about how much of a ho ho is. I know I said some stuff about him not being her first, considering she is asking for them, then of course how he would be sleeping with everyone she had been with and everyone they had been with and so on and so on. (member the commercial?) Then I made it clear that I would not be raising any child for him and that we would get testing and if her and her father came to my door I'd let them know that teen son was in Mexico but they could look him up. SO I embarrassed him and I am okay with that. My stomach was hurting for two days. I wanted to puke. At least he is talking to me about it. Which is better than not talking to me about it. I just want him to be safe and sure.
Then there is the house thing.....jesushchrist....still not sure where all that is going but somehow I imagine us moving in the winter, with snow.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Boulder holder party and all that
So my sister had a boulder holder party of which I was excited about cause I just knew I was wearing the wrong size all my life. Well chalk one up for me cause I was right. However I did learn that my entire life I've been putting the damn thing on wrong! Who knew? You are suppose to place the shoulder straps on then hook the back then gently place the boobage into the cups of the bra and adjust. Not once in my life have I ever done that. I hook in front and twist. Seems there is a proper way to wash them as well and never ever ever dry them. At sixty bucks a pop these are lessons I've learned.
Some people, curly headed friend, didn't show up, worry not cause the wine wasn't wasted!!
So we went to look at another house in Allen Park, bordering this lovely city we are currently in. I am sure if you cross the street you'd still be in this hell hole. Fret not cause at least this house has a kitchen you can move in. It's cozy, small but it will have to do. I'm thinking we'll be moving by Xmas. Hip hip hooray.
For some reason I've been really depressed lately. Weird on so many levels. But losing Mom, Home then job are some tough blows in less than twelve months. I'm trying to regroup and get it together.
I know I need to find a job but W. has screwed that up for everyone!! What happened to the good old Clinton years of working for cash??
Princess finally has her's Belle from Disney...she owns that dress!! Cracks me up.
I need to find out what stay at home moms do besides cook. Really there should be a hand book for this stuff. My sister told me about an article in the paper today about the children being removed from daycare cause parents are losing jobs and the stress the poor children are under...they miss the structure, friends, outside play, paint, pets in the classroom, the random snacks, dancing to tot music....all those things that they no longer get to do at home with mom. Yes Princess is a victim!! She needs the structure, the paint, the friends!!! I can not be all things to all people.
Hubby has gained two pounds and is "fat" That man couldn't be fat if he tried. I tried to explained that he hasn't shit yet but he doesn't believe me.
Now what to make for dinner?
Some people, curly headed friend, didn't show up, worry not cause the wine wasn't wasted!!
So we went to look at another house in Allen Park, bordering this lovely city we are currently in. I am sure if you cross the street you'd still be in this hell hole. Fret not cause at least this house has a kitchen you can move in. It's cozy, small but it will have to do. I'm thinking we'll be moving by Xmas. Hip hip hooray.
For some reason I've been really depressed lately. Weird on so many levels. But losing Mom, Home then job are some tough blows in less than twelve months. I'm trying to regroup and get it together.
I know I need to find a job but W. has screwed that up for everyone!! What happened to the good old Clinton years of working for cash??
Princess finally has her's Belle from Disney...she owns that dress!! Cracks me up.
I need to find out what stay at home moms do besides cook. Really there should be a hand book for this stuff. My sister told me about an article in the paper today about the children being removed from daycare cause parents are losing jobs and the stress the poor children are under...they miss the structure, friends, outside play, paint, pets in the classroom, the random snacks, dancing to tot music....all those things that they no longer get to do at home with mom. Yes Princess is a victim!! She needs the structure, the paint, the friends!!! I can not be all things to all people.
Hubby has gained two pounds and is "fat" That man couldn't be fat if he tried. I tried to explained that he hasn't shit yet but he doesn't believe me.
Now what to make for dinner?
Friday, October 31, 2008
I've met tons o' friends on line via a common issue we have (married men with exes and children) and they crack me up. They are becoming rich n famous from writing!! One has movies now and everything and I can only say I knew them when.
So I think I need to start writing a book. It could be funny. It could be dramatic. Who knows. Regarding I need to start writing. That or win the lotto, something has to work right?
Tonight is fright night and I am sure Princess is going to pass out!
She is on a mission to get chocolate and chips. I told her she isn't coming home until the bag is full!! Ask teen son I have no quames about locking her out on the porch.
So my hair is in desperate need of a touch up. I'm thinking of carrying a bag with a hair do fund sign on it tonight. I'm thinking there just may be some people willing to help a sister out.
I've drank way to much coffee today whilst listening to old country songs....nothing wrong with that right? It reminds me of my Mom blasting her stereo to Dolly Parton and her snapping her fingers. Got some momma in me and I'm PROUD!! Besides I think the bikers next door like it!
So hell hole is a scam....came home the other day to a notice on the door.(from the mortgage company, they want their house back) After calming down hubby who wanted to kill the landlord, I called an attorney today. Basically we are not liable for the lease and looks like finding a new home is on the horizon, thinking after the holidays. Going to get a home that I like period.
Teen son wants to use my vehicle tomorrow to go out with three friends, kinda of a double date thing. Not sure I am ready for loaning him my car. What to do? On one hand I think he is an okay driver on the other I am not ready for him to drive around with his friends, plus this is the girl I don't think is good enough for him.
So I think I need to start writing a book. It could be funny. It could be dramatic. Who knows. Regarding I need to start writing. That or win the lotto, something has to work right?
Tonight is fright night and I am sure Princess is going to pass out!
She is on a mission to get chocolate and chips. I told her she isn't coming home until the bag is full!! Ask teen son I have no quames about locking her out on the porch.
So my hair is in desperate need of a touch up. I'm thinking of carrying a bag with a hair do fund sign on it tonight. I'm thinking there just may be some people willing to help a sister out.
I've drank way to much coffee today whilst listening to old country songs....nothing wrong with that right? It reminds me of my Mom blasting her stereo to Dolly Parton and her snapping her fingers. Got some momma in me and I'm PROUD!! Besides I think the bikers next door like it!
So hell hole is a scam....came home the other day to a notice on the door.(from the mortgage company, they want their house back) After calming down hubby who wanted to kill the landlord, I called an attorney today. Basically we are not liable for the lease and looks like finding a new home is on the horizon, thinking after the holidays. Going to get a home that I like period.
Teen son wants to use my vehicle tomorrow to go out with three friends, kinda of a double date thing. Not sure I am ready for loaning him my car. What to do? On one hand I think he is an okay driver on the other I am not ready for him to drive around with his friends, plus this is the girl I don't think is good enough for him.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Devil's Night
SO please let this year end!
Yesterday when I took my nephew to school, the crossing guard had on two different did I notice?....cause one heel was way higher than the other. I'm sure she had to notice as soon as she walked one step in them. Maybe she couldn't find the other shoe to either one and figured they were both black and no one would notice. She had no idea I'd be driving by her corner.
Still haven't cut the pumpkin. I guess that is a task we will have to do today cause tomorrow is the holiday. I hate carving them cause it never comes out how I picture it in my head. I want one of those cool ones you see on the Food Network! Maybe I can set up a smoke machine and it would look really cool!!! I was driving by my Sisters' house and one home had their entire yard set up with corn stalks. I'm thinking my little monkey and mouse should not walk up there. For sure they will have monsters jump out at the little kids and seriously Princess is scared to death of things in the dark now. I know I let her watch Friday the 13th but it was part 8 or something and it really did look fake.
Yesterday when I took my nephew to school, the crossing guard had on two different did I notice?....cause one heel was way higher than the other. I'm sure she had to notice as soon as she walked one step in them. Maybe she couldn't find the other shoe to either one and figured they were both black and no one would notice. She had no idea I'd be driving by her corner.
Still haven't cut the pumpkin. I guess that is a task we will have to do today cause tomorrow is the holiday. I hate carving them cause it never comes out how I picture it in my head. I want one of those cool ones you see on the Food Network! Maybe I can set up a smoke machine and it would look really cool!!! I was driving by my Sisters' house and one home had their entire yard set up with corn stalks. I'm thinking my little monkey and mouse should not walk up there. For sure they will have monsters jump out at the little kids and seriously Princess is scared to death of things in the dark now. I know I let her watch Friday the 13th but it was part 8 or something and it really did look fake.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Odds and ends
Princess still is on the waiting list for school and damnit she needs some schooling!! We need a break from each other. She is so clingy. Like she is an only child or something.
So I've been watching the news A LOT and I am so ashamed that Palin was the choice for VP. If she was the best woman for the job in McCain's eyes then he really needed glasses. I think someone needs to explain the proper use of the word also. I've come to the conclusion that she uses also like other people use the sound hmmmm. So I bet somewhere in speech class at one of her five colleges she was told to not say hmmmmmmmmm but instead use the word also where words fail her. Makes me want to bang my head on the wall. I will say the highlights are nice!!
I bought some new slippers for six bucks!! They are cute with bows.
My sister3 bought the Wii fit and it says I am two years younger than I really am!! So excited bout that!! (also) j/k. It did say I am overweight and have to lose like 21.79 pounds to be healthy!! So no more eating.
Hubby's doggies ran away while he was in the hospital for his finger. **rolling my eyes here** I found one in doggie jail and bailed her out. She wasn't the favorite doggie and hubby is still upset. So he has for two days been driving around looking for his doggie. I told him to make some signs with doggies photo on it but he thinks he can "track" him down. Doggie intuition.
My son got a 4.0. First time ever!! Then he proceed to text me not to get to excited cause that was only a progress report. Regardless I was excited and looking for a frame. He is driving now and has made about four solo trips and he has done okay so far. I do make him call when he leaves and when he arrives to his destination cause he is a beginner. Everyone just watch out for those young drivers.
My Uncle is still here and he needs female companionship like quick. He needs a friend. He has good qualities. Plus he can be trained! Sorry not posting his pic here.
So my Sisters and my Dad are trying to do something really amazing for me. It would be a miracle. Since miracles are few are far between some prayer may be needed! Not going to go into what it actually is cause that might jinx it.
Today is my fifth wedding anniversary and Hubby remembered. He said we are going to dinner so we will see. He is so distraught about the dogs he'll more than likely forget.
Curly headed friend is having a party of the ghostly kind. I really want to have a reading but I'm not sure I am ready to hear what he has to say again. The last one he told me that I would be financially okay and that hasn't happened, I mean I lost my job and unemployment isn't the greatest. So unless something happens, like trees growing cash, I can't see that happening.
So I've been watching the news A LOT and I am so ashamed that Palin was the choice for VP. If she was the best woman for the job in McCain's eyes then he really needed glasses. I think someone needs to explain the proper use of the word also. I've come to the conclusion that she uses also like other people use the sound hmmmm. So I bet somewhere in speech class at one of her five colleges she was told to not say hmmmmmmmmm but instead use the word also where words fail her. Makes me want to bang my head on the wall. I will say the highlights are nice!!
I bought some new slippers for six bucks!! They are cute with bows.
My sister3 bought the Wii fit and it says I am two years younger than I really am!! So excited bout that!! (also) j/k. It did say I am overweight and have to lose like 21.79 pounds to be healthy!! So no more eating.
Hubby's doggies ran away while he was in the hospital for his finger. **rolling my eyes here** I found one in doggie jail and bailed her out. She wasn't the favorite doggie and hubby is still upset. So he has for two days been driving around looking for his doggie. I told him to make some signs with doggies photo on it but he thinks he can "track" him down. Doggie intuition.
My son got a 4.0. First time ever!! Then he proceed to text me not to get to excited cause that was only a progress report. Regardless I was excited and looking for a frame. He is driving now and has made about four solo trips and he has done okay so far. I do make him call when he leaves and when he arrives to his destination cause he is a beginner. Everyone just watch out for those young drivers.
My Uncle is still here and he needs female companionship like quick. He needs a friend. He has good qualities. Plus he can be trained! Sorry not posting his pic here.
So my Sisters and my Dad are trying to do something really amazing for me. It would be a miracle. Since miracles are few are far between some prayer may be needed! Not going to go into what it actually is cause that might jinx it.
Today is my fifth wedding anniversary and Hubby remembered. He said we are going to dinner so we will see. He is so distraught about the dogs he'll more than likely forget.
Curly headed friend is having a party of the ghostly kind. I really want to have a reading but I'm not sure I am ready to hear what he has to say again. The last one he told me that I would be financially okay and that hasn't happened, I mean I lost my job and unemployment isn't the greatest. So unless something happens, like trees growing cash, I can't see that happening.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
It's amazing how time flies when you're having....well
It's been a while so quick updates....
Still in this hellhole.
Got my papers for the job I've been wanting...just got them too late.
Still in this hellhole.
Teen son took and passed his driving test!! Thanks Momma!!!!
He is now licensed so be warned.
Still in this hellhole.
It's hard to blog when princess is ALWAYS on you. How do stay at home moms do it?? No wonder xanex is a hot commodity!!!
Husband has been okay just on my nerves a little.
I hung up three pictures in the living room. That took a lot out of me. Seriously. I didn't want to hang them. This is temporary housing. Then at the secretary of state those people MADE me change my address, it is official I live here. Not that I am looking for reasons to hate this city they just find me.
So I had to get finger printed who knew it would be a task?? Seriously the cities around here are all computerized and could not do "ink". They said it like it was a dirty word. Thank GOD the city of Detroit isn't as advanced. Sister2 got them done.
Princess and I took a day at the childrens museum in Detroit. It was really fun for her, but she was so mean to the other tots that were there. I have no idea where she gets her attitude, except that she is the only little girl or maybe Sister2 has been arguing with her since she was a year old, or maybe because Sister3 is tough on her (treats her like one of the boys) I have no idea. I do know that princess is Always pissed off! She tells me.
I have not lost one pound. I'm not eating as much but still haven't lost one pound. I need to walk. So tomorrow I am walking.
Don't buy cheap dishsoap! Before in the other house I had a dishwasher. Now I have to wash by hand, and just thought soap was soap...not the case. Neither are garbage bags.
If everyone can pray that Princess gets into headstart that would be great. She is on several waiting lists. I need a break.
Also a calender! I forget everything.
Today I thought it was the tenth. I know it's the fifteenth but I thought for a moment it was the tenth....which means five less days in the hellhole!!!
Still in this hellhole.
Got my papers for the job I've been wanting...just got them too late.
Still in this hellhole.
Teen son took and passed his driving test!! Thanks Momma!!!!
He is now licensed so be warned.
Still in this hellhole.
It's hard to blog when princess is ALWAYS on you. How do stay at home moms do it?? No wonder xanex is a hot commodity!!!
Husband has been okay just on my nerves a little.
I hung up three pictures in the living room. That took a lot out of me. Seriously. I didn't want to hang them. This is temporary housing. Then at the secretary of state those people MADE me change my address, it is official I live here. Not that I am looking for reasons to hate this city they just find me.
So I had to get finger printed who knew it would be a task?? Seriously the cities around here are all computerized and could not do "ink". They said it like it was a dirty word. Thank GOD the city of Detroit isn't as advanced. Sister2 got them done.
Princess and I took a day at the childrens museum in Detroit. It was really fun for her, but she was so mean to the other tots that were there. I have no idea where she gets her attitude, except that she is the only little girl or maybe Sister2 has been arguing with her since she was a year old, or maybe because Sister3 is tough on her (treats her like one of the boys) I have no idea. I do know that princess is Always pissed off! She tells me.
I have not lost one pound. I'm not eating as much but still haven't lost one pound. I need to walk. So tomorrow I am walking.
Don't buy cheap dishsoap! Before in the other house I had a dishwasher. Now I have to wash by hand, and just thought soap was soap...not the case. Neither are garbage bags.
If everyone can pray that Princess gets into headstart that would be great. She is on several waiting lists. I need a break.
Also a calender! I forget everything.
Today I thought it was the tenth. I know it's the fifteenth but I thought for a moment it was the tenth....which means five less days in the hellhole!!!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
My "princess" is playing in her car telling her cousin that he is "pissing her off, absolutely you is pissing me off." (he isn't even here.)Seriously That is completely my fault!
So curly headed friend took her niece to a soccer game, the entire two hours she was in her car fighting a bee. That poor bee wanted nothing more than a ride to the L.P. He lost the battle. Meanwhile I was on the phone with her the entire time. She wanted to hit a few soccer moms cause they were cheering for their little ones "Go Morgan GO!!!" This is what soccer moms live for! Curly Headed Friend should have had pom poms and been yelling louder than anyone there. Instead she fought the bee. She did call out once to her niece.
What I learnt while chit chatting for two hours. There is a ton of stuff curly headed friend doesn't "share" with me. Like I have to drag it out of her. Yet she wants details, details, details on everything I tell her. Being an open book isn't good enough! Being daughter of curly headed friend has got to be a dream come true. She has it made in the shade.
So being a stay at home mom isn't all its cracked up to be. IT sounds nice but in reality I have no idea what to do all day. There isn't enough time to do those things I want to do and still haven't made it to the store.
I want to know what stay at home women DO all day. Cooking and cleaning really doesn't take all day long. I can't even make it last that long. There isn't enough laundry to do. I need to go to the gym. Let's pray little princess gets to go to school that will give me three hours four days a week to go!!
I am going to make a goal.....25 pounds in five months...gone gone gone
So curly headed friend took her niece to a soccer game, the entire two hours she was in her car fighting a bee. That poor bee wanted nothing more than a ride to the L.P. He lost the battle. Meanwhile I was on the phone with her the entire time. She wanted to hit a few soccer moms cause they were cheering for their little ones "Go Morgan GO!!!" This is what soccer moms live for! Curly Headed Friend should have had pom poms and been yelling louder than anyone there. Instead she fought the bee. She did call out once to her niece.
What I learnt while chit chatting for two hours. There is a ton of stuff curly headed friend doesn't "share" with me. Like I have to drag it out of her. Yet she wants details, details, details on everything I tell her. Being an open book isn't good enough! Being daughter of curly headed friend has got to be a dream come true. She has it made in the shade.
So being a stay at home mom isn't all its cracked up to be. IT sounds nice but in reality I have no idea what to do all day. There isn't enough time to do those things I want to do and still haven't made it to the store.
I want to know what stay at home women DO all day. Cooking and cleaning really doesn't take all day long. I can't even make it last that long. There isn't enough laundry to do. I need to go to the gym. Let's pray little princess gets to go to school that will give me three hours four days a week to go!!
I am going to make a goal.....25 pounds in five months...gone gone gone
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I use to be a teen right?
Let's see PRincess went on a mini vaca with sister3!! She has been talking about it for like ten hours now. Something about Prince having to go pee pee a lot. SHe loved it and I am so glad she got to go! Sister3 rocks major!
The mom in law has been here for like a week now. Her apartment flooded and she can not stay there at all! Yes pray for me. I've about wanted to rip my hair out twice already. That woman can work anyones nerves. She nags and nags and nags.
I went to my first political rally the other day and it was really fun. We got really close to the stage. Hubby was loud and got the crowd going a couple of times. I noticed the snipers on all the really tall buildings. It was all camando and stuff. They had on all the gear and the guns. There were no shootings so I'm gonna give it up to them for a job well done.
Being home now that I'm unemployed, I seem to have a lot of nothing to do and the time flys! I still haven't made it to the grocery store and there are still packed boxes (those are staying packed cause I hate this house.)
Dunkin DOnuts and I are not friends. At least not in this city. They always mess up my order. You're a donut place make the damn donuts right!! So far I've gotten a half done blueberry cake donut. Seriously the middle wasn't cooked. But my fat ass ate all around were it was done. Cause I went there for the donut and gas is four dollars a gallon so I wasn't about to drive back up there. Besides I figure I only ate half a donut so half the fat! They have also messed up my coffee every single time. Why do I keep going there?? Cause I HATE starbucks even more!! At least at Dunkin's they speak English!! Now if they could make the donuts right I'd be good.
Being home I cook more. THis is good for the kids. THey get to eat real food not drive thru foods, right?
My teen son has been really busy with girls. I knew the time was coming but really I didn't think it would be this insane! Why do I hate every single girl he talks to?? Except the one I want him to talk to that he doesn't like??? Am I domed to be like curly headed friend and just let the kids CHOOSE their own boyfriend/girlfriend?? I'm thinking I should be completely involved. Right?! He can't make good decision son his own yet. He is still a kid and doesn't understand that high school is forgotten right after you gradute!!
Son: Mom she said we are just friend with benefits, but not to many benefits just some benefits but not really. (this from the chick that KISSED HIM!!)
ME: She is just playing stupid high school games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Son: Yeah mom I'm in high school!
I know that I just want him to have fun with high school cause life gets serious PDQ. I'll never buy his girlfriend a cell phone and add her to our family plan or anything, but I'm just saying
The mom in law has been here for like a week now. Her apartment flooded and she can not stay there at all! Yes pray for me. I've about wanted to rip my hair out twice already. That woman can work anyones nerves. She nags and nags and nags.
I went to my first political rally the other day and it was really fun. We got really close to the stage. Hubby was loud and got the crowd going a couple of times. I noticed the snipers on all the really tall buildings. It was all camando and stuff. They had on all the gear and the guns. There were no shootings so I'm gonna give it up to them for a job well done.
Being home now that I'm unemployed, I seem to have a lot of nothing to do and the time flys! I still haven't made it to the grocery store and there are still packed boxes (those are staying packed cause I hate this house.)
Dunkin DOnuts and I are not friends. At least not in this city. They always mess up my order. You're a donut place make the damn donuts right!! So far I've gotten a half done blueberry cake donut. Seriously the middle wasn't cooked. But my fat ass ate all around were it was done. Cause I went there for the donut and gas is four dollars a gallon so I wasn't about to drive back up there. Besides I figure I only ate half a donut so half the fat! They have also messed up my coffee every single time. Why do I keep going there?? Cause I HATE starbucks even more!! At least at Dunkin's they speak English!! Now if they could make the donuts right I'd be good.
Being home I cook more. THis is good for the kids. THey get to eat real food not drive thru foods, right?
My teen son has been really busy with girls. I knew the time was coming but really I didn't think it would be this insane! Why do I hate every single girl he talks to?? Except the one I want him to talk to that he doesn't like??? Am I domed to be like curly headed friend and just let the kids CHOOSE their own boyfriend/girlfriend?? I'm thinking I should be completely involved. Right?! He can't make good decision son his own yet. He is still a kid and doesn't understand that high school is forgotten right after you gradute!!
Son: Mom she said we are just friend with benefits, but not to many benefits just some benefits but not really. (this from the chick that KISSED HIM!!)
ME: She is just playing stupid high school games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Son: Yeah mom I'm in high school!
I know that I just want him to have fun with high school cause life gets serious PDQ. I'll never buy his girlfriend a cell phone and add her to our family plan or anything, but I'm just saying
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I need communication classes pronto.
Hubby and I do not communicate. There I said it. IT's true. Yesterday he said to me "Susie said she'd like to have Princess and her daughter in the same preschool, it's free." I said " Yeah, I thought about putting princess in once before but I was working and the timing would have been to hard." <--that's a period.
Well he seems to think that means Oh yes let's put her in there so she can be in school and learn stuff plus spend some time with her cousin cause really they do not know each other at all. Cause Susie got an application. Now I'm not opposed to Princess being in school and that might be great. But there are so many things right now that we are not certain of. Like where we are living!?!?!?!? Hello!?!? Are we staying in this hell hole??? Are we going to get out of this hell hole?!?!?? Your wife hates it here. It is torture here. I hate everything about this house, every day!! Plus there are bugs here! Hello!!! That means nothing to him, or if it does I have no idea cause we do not communicate.
Yesterday I was at sister2's house and I asked if she would be going with us tonight? She said that she had an appointment elsewhere and she didn't know cause "some things came back abnormal." SO when I talked to Sister 3 cause it is her birthday (Happy Birthday BEAN!!) she said something different. SO I three way call her and she got loud on the phone and blamed my age for not hearing what she said then stated that she doesn't even use the word "abnormal" That right there might be the problem for so many things. I think she is PMSing and I called at a bad time. So Teen son was there and I asked him if he heard the conversation on the porch? Nope cause he tunes us out. I've got to remember that one. See if he tunes us out when it is to his benefit. THis too is a communication blunder. One, cause if I'd asked my sister2 right then an there it would have not been a problem. Two, because if sister2 wasn't always so mean then I wouldn't worry about asking her those things. And Three, if sister2 wasn't ALWAYS HIDING STUFF I wouldn't assume the worst!
Well he seems to think that means Oh yes let's put her in there so she can be in school and learn stuff plus spend some time with her cousin cause really they do not know each other at all. Cause Susie got an application. Now I'm not opposed to Princess being in school and that might be great. But there are so many things right now that we are not certain of. Like where we are living!?!?!?!? Hello!?!? Are we staying in this hell hole??? Are we going to get out of this hell hole?!?!?? Your wife hates it here. It is torture here. I hate everything about this house, every day!! Plus there are bugs here! Hello!!! That means nothing to him, or if it does I have no idea cause we do not communicate.
Yesterday I was at sister2's house and I asked if she would be going with us tonight? She said that she had an appointment elsewhere and she didn't know cause "some things came back abnormal." SO when I talked to Sister 3 cause it is her birthday (Happy Birthday BEAN!!) she said something different. SO I three way call her and she got loud on the phone and blamed my age for not hearing what she said then stated that she doesn't even use the word "abnormal" That right there might be the problem for so many things. I think she is PMSing and I called at a bad time. So Teen son was there and I asked him if he heard the conversation on the porch? Nope cause he tunes us out. I've got to remember that one. See if he tunes us out when it is to his benefit. THis too is a communication blunder. One, cause if I'd asked my sister2 right then an there it would have not been a problem. Two, because if sister2 wasn't always so mean then I wouldn't worry about asking her those things. And Three, if sister2 wasn't ALWAYS HIDING STUFF I wouldn't assume the worst!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Clustered, Banks (FTP) and Starbucks.
Haven't posted in a bit so this may get choppy.
Seems we are looking for houses again. Great just great now I have to drive around and look from the outside at different houses hoping that I can find something I like. Then there was the threat of staying in this hell hole and I just am not prepared to do that. I hate it here.
The termites MAY HAVE BEEN just carpenter ants, which are ten times less harmful. Regardless they are just as gross.
I hate starbucks. For several reasons but mostly because if you walk in there and do not know the lingo they look at you like you are a tard. Large black coffee. (what does that not make any sense to you?)Hello brista person, I only know one mixed language and that is Spangish. Maybe your cocky attitude is the reason that several of you are SHUTTING DOWN. Just saying.
Sisters 3&4 and I went to see George Lopez in Detroit. Swear to God I thought Downtown Detroit turned into Mexican town. It was different to be part of the majority instead of the minority. We laughed our asses off and even had some side pains but it was worth it.
Princess is all confused about me being home now and wants me back at work. I try to explain the economy is a total mess and it may be a bit before mommy can find a new job, but I think she just don't get it.
While at home I have found myself a news junkie. Really this election is going to be so interesting and if the republicans buy this one and the rest of the country does nothing about it this time, we'll all be fucked. Cause personally I just don't know any millionaires. I just don't understand why this country isn't in roit mode because of the bailout Bush is providing for the banks. How are they going to "pay off bad debit" and the working class are going to pay it twice if not three times?? Working AMericans are going to continue to pay there mortgage the banks are getting BILLIONS and then every working person is going to get taxed to pay back the governement for bailing out those banks. Even to me the average person that doesn't make sense. I think of it like this: I "loan" curly headed friends $100, she doesn't pay so I go to her mom and say "mom of curly headed friend she isn't paying her loan and now I'm not able to make ends meet." So curly headed friend's mom pays me the $100 and I continue to collect the $10 monthly payments from her, curly headed friend, too. Not to mention that I've decided that to pay back her mother, Everyone is going to be taxed. I dont' like how that even sounds.
Seems we are looking for houses again. Great just great now I have to drive around and look from the outside at different houses hoping that I can find something I like. Then there was the threat of staying in this hell hole and I just am not prepared to do that. I hate it here.
The termites MAY HAVE BEEN just carpenter ants, which are ten times less harmful. Regardless they are just as gross.
I hate starbucks. For several reasons but mostly because if you walk in there and do not know the lingo they look at you like you are a tard. Large black coffee. (what does that not make any sense to you?)Hello brista person, I only know one mixed language and that is Spangish. Maybe your cocky attitude is the reason that several of you are SHUTTING DOWN. Just saying.
Sisters 3&4 and I went to see George Lopez in Detroit. Swear to God I thought Downtown Detroit turned into Mexican town. It was different to be part of the majority instead of the minority. We laughed our asses off and even had some side pains but it was worth it.
Princess is all confused about me being home now and wants me back at work. I try to explain the economy is a total mess and it may be a bit before mommy can find a new job, but I think she just don't get it.
While at home I have found myself a news junkie. Really this election is going to be so interesting and if the republicans buy this one and the rest of the country does nothing about it this time, we'll all be fucked. Cause personally I just don't know any millionaires. I just don't understand why this country isn't in roit mode because of the bailout Bush is providing for the banks. How are they going to "pay off bad debit" and the working class are going to pay it twice if not three times?? Working AMericans are going to continue to pay there mortgage the banks are getting BILLIONS and then every working person is going to get taxed to pay back the governement for bailing out those banks. Even to me the average person that doesn't make sense. I think of it like this: I "loan" curly headed friends $100, she doesn't pay so I go to her mom and say "mom of curly headed friend she isn't paying her loan and now I'm not able to make ends meet." So curly headed friend's mom pays me the $100 and I continue to collect the $10 monthly payments from her, curly headed friend, too. Not to mention that I've decided that to pay back her mother, Everyone is going to be taxed. I dont' like how that even sounds.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Now that hubby has pissed in my happiness
looks like we may have to stay here. I couldn't sleep at all last night and now my nerves are a mess! This is totally and completed screwed up. Is this year over??
Good news is that about a year ago my sisters and I got tickets to the George Lopez show!! This Saturday, gonna laugh my butt off. Really I can't wait to do something.
Princess can't get use to the fact that I am not working. Its a complete shock to her, she wants to go to Daycare. Feel the love??
That ass that let me go actually had a plan up his sleeve, seems he has a new person in the office, one he's been trying to get for two years!, so he should be as happy as a pig in shit! Knowing that he knew what he was doing and not giving me a bit of notice pisses me off. Karma sucks! I'm going to start a pray chain letter that his wifey finds someone new.
Being home is different. Seems to fly by and I really am getting some stuff done.
This morning I took my son to school or rather he took himself and I was in the passenger seat. I only freaked out once which is a major improvement!! That boy needs to start driving. Do you know how much help that would be?? GAWD at sixteen you should be a professional driver! Seems he thinks that making a decision as to stop at a yellow or drive through it is a problem. When it turned red as we were half way through the intersection he decided to brake!!! Seriously. I'm okay.
Good news is that about a year ago my sisters and I got tickets to the George Lopez show!! This Saturday, gonna laugh my butt off. Really I can't wait to do something.
Princess can't get use to the fact that I am not working. Its a complete shock to her, she wants to go to Daycare. Feel the love??
That ass that let me go actually had a plan up his sleeve, seems he has a new person in the office, one he's been trying to get for two years!, so he should be as happy as a pig in shit! Knowing that he knew what he was doing and not giving me a bit of notice pisses me off. Karma sucks! I'm going to start a pray chain letter that his wifey finds someone new.
Being home is different. Seems to fly by and I really am getting some stuff done.
This morning I took my son to school or rather he took himself and I was in the passenger seat. I only freaked out once which is a major improvement!! That boy needs to start driving. Do you know how much help that would be?? GAWD at sixteen you should be a professional driver! Seems he thinks that making a decision as to stop at a yellow or drive through it is a problem. When it turned red as we were half way through the intersection he decided to brake!!! Seriously. I'm okay.
Monday, September 15, 2008
We are outta here!! WOOT WOOT!!
Thank you termites for all your hard work. I know it probably took months, if not years, to build a nest in this house of brick and wood. To you I owe my deepest graditute. Thank you.
Now the countdown is like two weeks!! OMG we have to find a new place and I've pulled up three already!!
Yeah SUnday I went to wake up Hubby and saw what looked like someone had spray painted brown stuff on the wall. I turned the light on and screamed my head off!!! OVER A THOUSHAND LITTLE TERMITES WERE CLIMBING THE WALLS!! And that my friends was the end of the line. DONE WITH THIS HOUSE!!! Took me about a minute to explain to hubby that we were not staying here anymore period. Last straw! No more. Time to get more boxes (yes sheri that is a hint)
Since I've yet to really unpack it means I have less to pack now.
Oh yeah I got "let go" on Friday. That ass did me a favor and more than likly just ruined his business. He couldn't help a client on his own EVER. I seem to recall more complaints about him than Bush. I really hope I left tons of unfinished work and maybe some screw ups!! I've notified everyone I no longer work there and that they could always pick an agency they'd like. That number is 1-877-277-8908.
So recap, no more J-O-B, no more House from Hell, and no more headaches.
Now I get to be super Auntie and will eb there when any of my nephews need me. I can drive over to little princes house if he is ever sick (but he usually isn't;), I can pick up nephew1 any time now,and even nephew3 can not worry about having a place to be on his half-days!! I'm gonna like this.
WOW it's 10:30 and still have my jammas on!!!
Thought for the day: BOXES!!!
Now the countdown is like two weeks!! OMG we have to find a new place and I've pulled up three already!!
Yeah SUnday I went to wake up Hubby and saw what looked like someone had spray painted brown stuff on the wall. I turned the light on and screamed my head off!!! OVER A THOUSHAND LITTLE TERMITES WERE CLIMBING THE WALLS!! And that my friends was the end of the line. DONE WITH THIS HOUSE!!! Took me about a minute to explain to hubby that we were not staying here anymore period. Last straw! No more. Time to get more boxes (yes sheri that is a hint)
Since I've yet to really unpack it means I have less to pack now.
Oh yeah I got "let go" on Friday. That ass did me a favor and more than likly just ruined his business. He couldn't help a client on his own EVER. I seem to recall more complaints about him than Bush. I really hope I left tons of unfinished work and maybe some screw ups!! I've notified everyone I no longer work there and that they could always pick an agency they'd like. That number is 1-877-277-8908.
So recap, no more J-O-B, no more House from Hell, and no more headaches.
Now I get to be super Auntie and will eb there when any of my nephews need me. I can drive over to little princes house if he is ever sick (but he usually isn't;), I can pick up nephew1 any time now,and even nephew3 can not worry about having a place to be on his half-days!! I'm gonna like this.
WOW it's 10:30 and still have my jammas on!!!
Thought for the day: BOXES!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Football, Baseball, cheerleaders OH MY!
So I pulled into the driveway at that house yesterday and the Football team was practicing **thisismerollingmyeyes** I am trying to find the okay in that house and I just haven't found it yet....if Momma ain't happy no one is happy. well that just sucks major eggs then cause I'm not close to happy. I don't want to hear all the crapola in the schoolyard. I hate hate hate the driveway. This morning it was either the biker bytch neighbors bricks or my front porch...I choose to go yell at hubby to get the car out of the fucked up driveway. Which just made my morning peachy!!
Had lunch on sister3s porch today because I forgot her keys!!
There is baseball practice today in my backyard/schoolyard.
I was thinking if those kids could make it to the playoffs of high school baseball thingy then I could charge them to park in my yard!! I need to make and save some cash. Maybe charge for the teen boys to watch the cheerleaders practice??? Thinking out loud here. I could get a few park benches and rent those out.
Flirting??? When does it cross the line?? Is it just playful banter???
Thoughts to ponder.
Had lunch on sister3s porch today because I forgot her keys!!
There is baseball practice today in my backyard/schoolyard.
I was thinking if those kids could make it to the playoffs of high school baseball thingy then I could charge them to park in my yard!! I need to make and save some cash. Maybe charge for the teen boys to watch the cheerleaders practice??? Thinking out loud here. I could get a few park benches and rent those out.
Flirting??? When does it cross the line?? Is it just playful banter???
Thoughts to ponder.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Gas Station Chicken salad sandwiches are deceaving
Now that I live further away from work, my lunch hour is all messed up. SOME people don't have money anymore cause their baby girls' enjoy romps in the bed and keep making babies so "Granny" has to have parties and buy diapers and all that stuff.
So I went to the gas station for a chicken salad sandwich and almost vomited. I'm okay, just hungry now. A person can not live on peanuts alone!! I need to start making lunches...maybe I could get a lunchbox. Jotting that down on a postie! Seriously it looked really good!!
So the house is still there and so am I. I am trying to be okay with it. However yesterday I was making dinner and I was so confused and not enough room. Looks like frozen dinners for the remainder of my sentence there!! Princess can live on lunchables and frozen banquet meals!
Actually it is starting to get more put together...except for the basement which is packed floor to ceiling with boxes.
I am blessed to have good friends around me who allow me to vent to them. I need to give my trio of sisters a break from time to time. HOWEVER being the oldest I am always the shoulder on which you lean....(psst sister4) Screw that men are a dime a least in China and there they work really hard!!!
My cat, Snoopy, loves the new house. He runs around and slides as he turns, because this house has no carpet. Which means all the little ones are falling and hurting there heads. At least I feel better when they are over. I had nephew last night and it was better.
So I went to the gas station for a chicken salad sandwich and almost vomited. I'm okay, just hungry now. A person can not live on peanuts alone!! I need to start making lunches...maybe I could get a lunchbox. Jotting that down on a postie! Seriously it looked really good!!
So the house is still there and so am I. I am trying to be okay with it. However yesterday I was making dinner and I was so confused and not enough room. Looks like frozen dinners for the remainder of my sentence there!! Princess can live on lunchables and frozen banquet meals!
Actually it is starting to get more put together...except for the basement which is packed floor to ceiling with boxes.
I am blessed to have good friends around me who allow me to vent to them. I need to give my trio of sisters a break from time to time. HOWEVER being the oldest I am always the shoulder on which you lean....(psst sister4) Screw that men are a dime a least in China and there they work really hard!!!
My cat, Snoopy, loves the new house. He runs around and slides as he turns, because this house has no carpet. Which means all the little ones are falling and hurting there heads. At least I feel better when they are over. I had nephew last night and it was better.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Additional stuff!!
So yes, a ticker does not constitute a true blog log so here is this weekends highlights:
We moved into the hell hole. I am tryiing really I am to find sometihng that I like about the house but it is not happening. I tried to like the tub, but the drain is broke. I tried to like the floors but they make so much noise when you walk through them it's nuts. I can't I hate it all very much, so much I want to vomit when I think about it. It may be a while but I'm going to find a nice place to rest my head, in the mean time I'm going to be saving as much as possible.
So the question of the weekend is do you divorce because your spouse has placed you in hell??? Still pondering that one.
Who watched the VMA'S?? That host was sick. Bet MTV never crosses the pond for a host again. However his opening had me laughing out loud.
Whilst moving I've found picture of me back in the days...I was skinny!! WTF was I thinking at the time??? Seriously I looked really hot!! Now I'm a big fat cow!! Since I'm saving money I am going to be buying less food and maybe just maybe I can lose some fat cells.
Lots of biker guys go next the summers are going to be interesting.
We moved into the hell hole. I am tryiing really I am to find sometihng that I like about the house but it is not happening. I tried to like the tub, but the drain is broke. I tried to like the floors but they make so much noise when you walk through them it's nuts. I can't I hate it all very much, so much I want to vomit when I think about it. It may be a while but I'm going to find a nice place to rest my head, in the mean time I'm going to be saving as much as possible.
So the question of the weekend is do you divorce because your spouse has placed you in hell??? Still pondering that one.
Who watched the VMA'S?? That host was sick. Bet MTV never crosses the pond for a host again. However his opening had me laughing out loud.
Whilst moving I've found picture of me back in the days...I was skinny!! WTF was I thinking at the time??? Seriously I looked really hot!! Now I'm a big fat cow!! Since I'm saving money I am going to be buying less food and maybe just maybe I can lose some fat cells.
Lots of biker guys go next the summers are going to be interesting.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Missed the Partay to move into that house

Curly Head Friend had another party and I missed it, However not intentionally....I was packing boxes and moving them and all of that! Sister3 had Princess and she called me and said "It's 8:30 and we go to bed at 9:00, so when are you going to be here?" My first thought was damnit I missed the free food! Then I thought where did three and a half hours go?? then I thought what would sh do if I wasn't there by nine? Throw Princess out on the front porch?? Give her a blanket and a cracker??? Would she be pissed at me forever because I was late picking her up?? Naturally I didn't want to chance any of it and rushed to save the little one, who was sleeping in a small spot on the couch. I took her to that house anyways....she stayed up until two in the morning!! IT was insane, I even noticed her runny nose and gave her some benedryl!!!
Regardless I slept for two and a half hours and still have about five thousand boxes to go through.
Good News!!! This time I did NOT mess up the neighbors bricks while backing out of that fuc*ed up driveway!!
I do have to say my hubby and uncle worked their arses off. You could smell the hard workerness a mile away! Kudos to them. Now had it of been a home that I would have liked I would have helped do a lot more, being that was not the case I left it all to hubby. This is his home, I'm just a resident.
You know you are exhausted when:
You actually eat taco bell!
Your legs ache and you eyes burn and you don't want to move once you hit the sheets.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Not one to work to hard
Why stress when it's not necessary?? I hate to do something twice.
Work smarter, not harder.
Today the great city of Detroit is in the spotlight AGAIN. I'm cracking up. This mayor has some balls. (Did I mention the size of the balls on the hogs at the fair?? jesushchrist they were HUGE!) The people of Detroit need to get together and clean house, impeach all of them, city council the school board, each person in the mayors office then the mayor. They really haven't done well for the city. New fresh ideas is what Detroit needs. If someone doesn't wise up and take a stand, Granholm, then Detroit is going to become another Flint in the blink of an eye. Michael Moore should look into that.
I feel like the people at home office are trying to "make work" in an effort to "create" job security. Living in Michigan I can appreciate that. Really I can, but when you are making me work harder, without a raise or bonus, I'm not liking it so much. There are hoards of other things at the JOB that get my goat but I cannot jeopardize my JOB...especially when I am trying to save so that I can buy my own home, that I LOVE.
So packing is really fun!! Who knew I had purchased so many cool things at such bargain prices?!?!??!? This means part of my Xmas shopping is done!! Even not knowing I've already begun to save some cash.....crazy hubby is trying to get me to give him some of my stash....not likely. At this point we aren't friends. He asked how long I'd have the attitude about the house?? I answered "twelve months!" MoFo!
My teen is driving me insane. Really at some point he has to start TCB. I've got plenty of eggs in my basket at this point and he needs to step up.
My motto for this evening is One day at a time.
Work smarter, not harder.
Today the great city of Detroit is in the spotlight AGAIN. I'm cracking up. This mayor has some balls. (Did I mention the size of the balls on the hogs at the fair?? jesushchrist they were HUGE!) The people of Detroit need to get together and clean house, impeach all of them, city council the school board, each person in the mayors office then the mayor. They really haven't done well for the city. New fresh ideas is what Detroit needs. If someone doesn't wise up and take a stand, Granholm, then Detroit is going to become another Flint in the blink of an eye. Michael Moore should look into that.
I feel like the people at home office are trying to "make work" in an effort to "create" job security. Living in Michigan I can appreciate that. Really I can, but when you are making me work harder, without a raise or bonus, I'm not liking it so much. There are hoards of other things at the JOB that get my goat but I cannot jeopardize my JOB...especially when I am trying to save so that I can buy my own home, that I LOVE.
So packing is really fun!! Who knew I had purchased so many cool things at such bargain prices?!?!??!? This means part of my Xmas shopping is done!! Even not knowing I've already begun to save some cash.....crazy hubby is trying to get me to give him some of my stash....not likely. At this point we aren't friends. He asked how long I'd have the attitude about the house?? I answered "twelve months!" MoFo!
My teen is driving me insane. Really at some point he has to start TCB. I've got plenty of eggs in my basket at this point and he needs to step up.
My motto for this evening is One day at a time.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Sometimes being a bitch is a good thing
So we are moving too the new house and let me tell you it is more emotionally draining than anything else. There is no way on God's green earth that I would ever buy that house. I plan to stay in that house less than a year. I do not like it and every time I go there I hate it more. So yes I've been a bitch. I would not be this way if hubby would have listened to me when we first went to the house, I didn't like it then and I hate it now. you don't learn to love a house. It's like clothes, you look at them and either love em or hate them in an instant. I'm moving and I'll deal with it.
I took Princess to a new daycare today and she threw me out. I felt so loved.
This weekend was so damn hot!! We did make it to the fair. About melted but we went. Saw lots of animals, had a carmel apple that melted on my white shirt, bought a bubble gun!, and ate some chili fries. We go for the food.
I took Princess to a new daycare today and she threw me out. I felt so loved.
This weekend was so damn hot!! We did make it to the fair. About melted but we went. Saw lots of animals, had a carmel apple that melted on my white shirt, bought a bubble gun!, and ate some chili fries. We go for the food.
Friday, August 29, 2008
My toothache, moving and the State Fair
So I bit into a timbit and the pain surged throughout my face!! It was horrible and I cried. Well I went to the dentist...thank GOD my curly headed friend knows someone who does EVERYTHING no matter what!! She recommended the dentist.
SO I get there and fill out ton-o-paperwork. I took my Uncle justin case the Dr. tried anything funny. He didn't he was super nice and super hungry. While he was checking out my teeth his tummy kept groweling. He drilled out the bad stuff in my tooth, ripped the nerve out then placed in some temporary filling!!! I was so happy until the drugs wore off at about sevenish..then I was in pain again and despite how much I hate vicodin I made my hubby go get them for me.
Still got to watch Obama give his speech. I was blown away. I think Princess loves him. Yes she watched it too. She said "Mom that guy is a really nice guy. Look how he makes all those people smile."
My son watched the speech too, and well he said he can't wait to vote for him in 2012.
Hubby is getting the keys to his dream house tomorrow. More realistically he is getting the keys to his dream back yard. He doesn't aim high. So I am not excited at all. Whatever. It's going to be a long few weeks.
We are trying to round up the little ones to get them to the fair so we can watch some cows have their babies and we can't seem to get it orchastrated!!! We have two days to go Saturday OR Monday. We have to go. I think we are just going to go on Saturday and whoever can go can go, otherwise we tried! We'll take pictures and eat an elephant ear for you.
On a side note: the reason I can't blog everyday is because mostly my life is hectic. My boss never really works and when I'm home I'm full time Mommy and Auntie. So when people like curly headed friend are pushing me and pushing me to blog all I can think of is I'd sure like to slap her curly hair straight...instead I take it out on my tards, aka clients. My favorite answer is "I know I agree with you, but I am not the company and guess what I just work here." Guess what I don't get paid to listen to you bitch, I don't get paid for overtime, and I do not make more money if I do more work!!!! Guess where that puts me?? If you're thinking in that happy to just be doing what I need to do, then you're right!! The less I knnow.....
SO I get there and fill out ton-o-paperwork. I took my Uncle justin case the Dr. tried anything funny. He didn't he was super nice and super hungry. While he was checking out my teeth his tummy kept groweling. He drilled out the bad stuff in my tooth, ripped the nerve out then placed in some temporary filling!!! I was so happy until the drugs wore off at about sevenish..then I was in pain again and despite how much I hate vicodin I made my hubby go get them for me.
Still got to watch Obama give his speech. I was blown away. I think Princess loves him. Yes she watched it too. She said "Mom that guy is a really nice guy. Look how he makes all those people smile."
My son watched the speech too, and well he said he can't wait to vote for him in 2012.
Hubby is getting the keys to his dream house tomorrow. More realistically he is getting the keys to his dream back yard. He doesn't aim high. So I am not excited at all. Whatever. It's going to be a long few weeks.
We are trying to round up the little ones to get them to the fair so we can watch some cows have their babies and we can't seem to get it orchastrated!!! We have two days to go Saturday OR Monday. We have to go. I think we are just going to go on Saturday and whoever can go can go, otherwise we tried! We'll take pictures and eat an elephant ear for you.
On a side note: the reason I can't blog everyday is because mostly my life is hectic. My boss never really works and when I'm home I'm full time Mommy and Auntie. So when people like curly headed friend are pushing me and pushing me to blog all I can think of is I'd sure like to slap her curly hair straight...instead I take it out on my tards, aka clients. My favorite answer is "I know I agree with you, but I am not the company and guess what I just work here." Guess what I don't get paid to listen to you bitch, I don't get paid for overtime, and I do not make more money if I do more work!!!! Guess where that puts me?? If you're thinking in that happy to just be doing what I need to do, then you're right!! The less I knnow.....
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Dumb Dumber Dumbest, it's real!!
because of my job, customer care, I really have developed a low tolerance for stupidity. I try so hard because I know they really don't mean for things to happen like that. Granted I am not Einstein but jesushchrist I have average intelligence and can fake it until I figure it out when necessary. Hello people the entire Internet is out there!!! In all it's glory all you really have to do is type in a question and the the wonderful world of google will answer it for you a hundred times over. So why do you still have to make things difficult for those of us who process things on a more average basis? So really now I've taught myself many things in the quest for figuring out what my much smarter friends have stated or asked. better late than never. I don't want to be that person but really it is so hard to hold back the urge to smack some people accross the face a few times.
So I need xanax or something to CALM DOWN. With all the drugs out there you'd think in the good ole USA I'd have access to it. Nope not when you do not have insurance. Funny true story: A few months back I thought I was dying because of the way my body was reacting to GOD only knows what. Flu like symptoms, rash then my body was having arthritis like pains ALL OVER...I took my uninsured ass to the hospital where they gave me pain medicine and told me without insurance there was nothing they could do. Thank you hospital for wasting my time and money that I don't have to tell me sorry no insurance no service. I think that should be posted in the hospitals waiting rooms. I laugh when I open one of their bills because I think charging me $1100 to tell me they couldn't help me is really the American way. DUMB
Hubby is getting the house I hate. Not happy at all about it. There is a bright side!! I am going to save tons o cash cause I am not going to pay to live in a house I really don't like. So if I only pay my bills and food for my chitlins I'm thinking I should have some saving in a year then who knows where that will take me!!! My son is going to have to stay with Sister3 during the week, one because gas is crazy and I'd really not have time to take him to school go home get princess and myself ready then drive back this way drop her at daycare and make it to work by 8:30...two because he still hasn't gotten his drivers license!!! (I'm so pissed because I had to pay for drivers training and everything and he doesn't want to drive!!!) I need a xanex.
So in Hubby's world he is a perfect man with perfect deeds who shows his love perfectly. I SO want to live there!!!! Really I do!!! I just don't know how to shrink myself enough to fit in his mind. He rewrites events to his benefit. It cracks me up and makes me furious all at the same time. He talks a good game and it sounds wonderful but it isn't true. I wonder if his friends believes these tales?? Considering the company he keeps they all must think he is SUPER HUBBY!! DUMBER
back to people who drive me insane. I need xanex.
Those people who ask the same question over and over again. I wonder if they really don't understand or if they think that if they keep asking the answer will change.
The women who take advantage of the good guys. They are the reason that good men will never be good again.
The men who think women are stupid or afraid and can not do anything for themselves. Seriously mens we've got that!!
New people who take the rule book and live it verbatim without realizing that there are PEOPLE behind the numbers and every case is not "textbook". WE LIVE IN GREY PEOPLE!! DUMBEST!!!!!!!!
And seriously I have a hard time remembering what happened the day before yesterday so what happened last year is really not that clear in the memory bank.
So I need xanax or something to CALM DOWN. With all the drugs out there you'd think in the good ole USA I'd have access to it. Nope not when you do not have insurance. Funny true story: A few months back I thought I was dying because of the way my body was reacting to GOD only knows what. Flu like symptoms, rash then my body was having arthritis like pains ALL OVER...I took my uninsured ass to the hospital where they gave me pain medicine and told me without insurance there was nothing they could do. Thank you hospital for wasting my time and money that I don't have to tell me sorry no insurance no service. I think that should be posted in the hospitals waiting rooms. I laugh when I open one of their bills because I think charging me $1100 to tell me they couldn't help me is really the American way. DUMB
Hubby is getting the house I hate. Not happy at all about it. There is a bright side!! I am going to save tons o cash cause I am not going to pay to live in a house I really don't like. So if I only pay my bills and food for my chitlins I'm thinking I should have some saving in a year then who knows where that will take me!!! My son is going to have to stay with Sister3 during the week, one because gas is crazy and I'd really not have time to take him to school go home get princess and myself ready then drive back this way drop her at daycare and make it to work by 8:30...two because he still hasn't gotten his drivers license!!! (I'm so pissed because I had to pay for drivers training and everything and he doesn't want to drive!!!) I need a xanex.
So in Hubby's world he is a perfect man with perfect deeds who shows his love perfectly. I SO want to live there!!!! Really I do!!! I just don't know how to shrink myself enough to fit in his mind. He rewrites events to his benefit. It cracks me up and makes me furious all at the same time. He talks a good game and it sounds wonderful but it isn't true. I wonder if his friends believes these tales?? Considering the company he keeps they all must think he is SUPER HUBBY!! DUMBER
back to people who drive me insane. I need xanex.
Those people who ask the same question over and over again. I wonder if they really don't understand or if they think that if they keep asking the answer will change.
The women who take advantage of the good guys. They are the reason that good men will never be good again.
The men who think women are stupid or afraid and can not do anything for themselves. Seriously mens we've got that!!
New people who take the rule book and live it verbatim without realizing that there are PEOPLE behind the numbers and every case is not "textbook". WE LIVE IN GREY PEOPLE!! DUMBEST!!!!!!!!
And seriously I have a hard time remembering what happened the day before yesterday so what happened last year is really not that clear in the memory bank.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Corn Corn Corn Corn
We roasted at the corn roast on Saturday!! The kids had a blast!! It was really great....there were rides for the kids and cotton candy and pop and a clown and CORN! The little ones were all over and it was so damn hot I was sweating just watching the kids run around.
So what we learned at the corn roast.....
1.) Just cause you are old that does not give you the right to be nasty!!
(It's a corn roast why can't we bring CORN in the building????)
2.) Just because you post little flyer like signs all over the building that say "No Corn Allowed in the Building" That doesn't change the fact that it is a CORN ROAST!!!
3.) Just because they hand out all the hot buttered fresh corn in the world doesn't mean you should eat it all!! (Or for that matter put in down just to go in the building!)
4.) Kids could care less of the heat index or humidity as long as they are jumping around like animals and have free CORN!!
5.) There really is no need to eat anything other than corn at a Corn Roast. So all those tickets we bought, yeah twenty dollars worth, are still in my Uncles' pocket. (Do we hold on to them until next years corn roast?????)
All in all it was fun!!!
Until Sunday morning....when I bit into a powdered donut! OUCH OUCH OUCH! The pain went from my tooth all inside my head. IT was burning!! I cried it hurt so bad!! My tooth caused all that pain. I was afraid to eat. I have no idea what happened except maybe it was karma....Hubby had a bad toothache and I made fun of him. **now I feel bad** I couldn't believe he wouldn't go to the dentist and insisted that if it REALLY HURT he would have been at the dentist already! Well karma smacked me in the tooth!!!
Today I'm treating my tooth like a baby. I think a filling fell out which of course means it's gonna come out from the backdoor soon and I'm praying that won't hurt. Pray with me.
So what we learned at the corn roast.....
1.) Just cause you are old that does not give you the right to be nasty!!
(It's a corn roast why can't we bring CORN in the building????)
2.) Just because you post little flyer like signs all over the building that say "No Corn Allowed in the Building" That doesn't change the fact that it is a CORN ROAST!!!
3.) Just because they hand out all the hot buttered fresh corn in the world doesn't mean you should eat it all!! (Or for that matter put in down just to go in the building!)
4.) Kids could care less of the heat index or humidity as long as they are jumping around like animals and have free CORN!!
5.) There really is no need to eat anything other than corn at a Corn Roast. So all those tickets we bought, yeah twenty dollars worth, are still in my Uncles' pocket. (Do we hold on to them until next years corn roast?????)
All in all it was fun!!!
Until Sunday morning....when I bit into a powdered donut! OUCH OUCH OUCH! The pain went from my tooth all inside my head. IT was burning!! I cried it hurt so bad!! My tooth caused all that pain. I was afraid to eat. I have no idea what happened except maybe it was karma....Hubby had a bad toothache and I made fun of him. **now I feel bad** I couldn't believe he wouldn't go to the dentist and insisted that if it REALLY HURT he would have been at the dentist already! Well karma smacked me in the tooth!!!
Today I'm treating my tooth like a baby. I think a filling fell out which of course means it's gonna come out from the backdoor soon and I'm praying that won't hurt. Pray with me.
Friday, August 22, 2008
For a job well go to the dump
So this week I landed a huge account...seriously worked on for months and got it through!!! Very proud of myself thankyouverymuch....what does my boss do???
Takes me to the local dumps. It was funny, really. See I was being used. Boss couldn't dump at the dump without paying extra cause he isn't a resident. So I'm being used for my address.
We get to the dump. The girl there asks: "So what are you dumping?" I tell her shingles. She is all like "Oh no we can't take those they weigh to much and we can be fined and blahblahblah"
Happy as a lark I return to the truck and let him know that we can't dump there... so he calls another dump and then we are on our way to another dump!! Jesushchrist!!!
At least boss is very amusing and makes me laugh about stuff. Still where do you take a person to reward them?? The local dumps??? PLEASE?!?! A girl needs a margarita every so often. Just saying!! Hint hint hint.
So I really would like to take some me time and maybe go up north for a weekend....more than likly it is not going to happen. A girl can dream??
Looks like we are getting the house I just don't like. But what ever I'll save some cash and be good in one year. I really need to let some of the burden go.
Princess FINALLY got to spend her first over night with Sister2...didn't seem to work out very well at bedtime. ** I told her to sing twinkle twinkle, she didn't** Now she can not spend the night again until she is seven.
My Dad isn't taking care of himself and looks like Sister3 is going to have to set him straight. She isn't going to play that. Go sister3 GO!!! There are only so many hours in a day.
I dealt with a really intelligent client today....I dealt with him yesterday. I think he thought I wouldn't remember that he had called and asked the exact same question yesterday....hello I am not that Tarded!!!
Takes me to the local dumps. It was funny, really. See I was being used. Boss couldn't dump at the dump without paying extra cause he isn't a resident. So I'm being used for my address.
We get to the dump. The girl there asks: "So what are you dumping?" I tell her shingles. She is all like "Oh no we can't take those they weigh to much and we can be fined and blahblahblah"
Happy as a lark I return to the truck and let him know that we can't dump there... so he calls another dump and then we are on our way to another dump!! Jesushchrist!!!
At least boss is very amusing and makes me laugh about stuff. Still where do you take a person to reward them?? The local dumps??? PLEASE?!?! A girl needs a margarita every so often. Just saying!! Hint hint hint.
So I really would like to take some me time and maybe go up north for a weekend....more than likly it is not going to happen. A girl can dream??
Looks like we are getting the house I just don't like. But what ever I'll save some cash and be good in one year. I really need to let some of the burden go.
Princess FINALLY got to spend her first over night with Sister2...didn't seem to work out very well at bedtime. ** I told her to sing twinkle twinkle, she didn't** Now she can not spend the night again until she is seven.
My Dad isn't taking care of himself and looks like Sister3 is going to have to set him straight. She isn't going to play that. Go sister3 GO!!! There are only so many hours in a day.
I dealt with a really intelligent client today....I dealt with him yesterday. I think he thought I wouldn't remember that he had called and asked the exact same question yesterday....hello I am not that Tarded!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Princess got her first Coach purse
Not from me of course this is all sister3's thing. She went on eBay and won a Coach when she got her prize it was tot size!! Still laughing about that. She has since taught Princess to say "I aint fake wike dat." This is directed at me cause of my new found love of the faboulously fake purses. I like them. But I am not buying anymore I have to start saving some cash. My other curly headed friend, Boobs, who never has any cash, her favorite saying is "money is funny right now", seems to be having some cash flow right now. I'm sure it has nothing to do with her new cleavage...I just think that she always has extra cash to do fun things and I admire that!!! She wants us to go to the beach this Saturday, take the day off work Monday and go to Cedar Point then go up north on Wednesday for at least five days. If only we could afford such luxuaries! Until I get a good job that will appreciate my skills and my pay me well for them I can not do all these things.
The move is on and I gave in. We'll be living in the home of Hubby's dreams and I will try my best not to be too cruel. Happiness is in the eye of the beholder.
last night I tuned in to watch the kids of China dive. Let me tell you I am impressed with their skills!! They must all be plucked from their mothers wombs and thrown off the boards. So I wonder to myself...Self, do you think China's governement puts the kids out to pasture at the ripe old age of eighteen?? I mean seriously if they are all peaking at tweleve then by eighteen the spark is gone. Then since there are a billion more born any given year, they can just continuously cycle through those little babies. I also want to know how the government of Chna decides which children to take? I watch a documentary about how the gymnastics people went to a day care and took the two year olds that jumped the highest. Really I am not kidding. Now I watch my own three year old jump and realize that she may not be destined for the Olympics.
Besides Princess has a new Coach purse that she WILL NOT allow me to touch. She had a fit this morning cause I wanted to bring her Coach to work to show people.
The move is on and I gave in. We'll be living in the home of Hubby's dreams and I will try my best not to be too cruel. Happiness is in the eye of the beholder.
last night I tuned in to watch the kids of China dive. Let me tell you I am impressed with their skills!! They must all be plucked from their mothers wombs and thrown off the boards. So I wonder to myself...Self, do you think China's governement puts the kids out to pasture at the ripe old age of eighteen?? I mean seriously if they are all peaking at tweleve then by eighteen the spark is gone. Then since there are a billion more born any given year, they can just continuously cycle through those little babies. I also want to know how the government of Chna decides which children to take? I watch a documentary about how the gymnastics people went to a day care and took the two year olds that jumped the highest. Really I am not kidding. Now I watch my own three year old jump and realize that she may not be destined for the Olympics.
Besides Princess has a new Coach purse that she WILL NOT allow me to touch. She had a fit this morning cause I wanted to bring her Coach to work to show people.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Really China we know they are ten years old...

I saw the picture. **me rolling my eyes** Those gymnists do not even have hips yet. Not even a bud in the boob area!! They haven't reached puberty yet and they want us to believe they are sixteen???!! Just cause you own us doesn't mean we are stupid.
So we looked at another house. Basically I told hubby that either I can be happy or miserable which did he prefer?
We pulled up and the house had two red maples in the front yard!! Something about those trees just screams HOME to me. So before I went in I loved it!! Actually we both liked it!!!! It is in walking distance to Meijers'(still laughing cause I can't see me walking there) there is a Coney Island on the corner, this is HEAVEN!!!, and it has lots of space!!!!
The lady who owns the home now works at the schools, just like my mom did, she had four boys, my mom had four girls and the moment I met her I felt comfortable!!
Work is very overwhelming!! I am not happy here!! I need a change. I have to have some control over something and this is not it.
When are the Olympics over anyways??? Inserted Photo!
Monday, August 18, 2008
When a dog barks at you, do you bark back???
Nope!! When you think about it, that dog is, well, just a dog. Consider the source. So who makes you mad must tell alot about who you are. Right?
My hubby makes me mad...for several reasons mostly because he isn't logical and well I am. I know I know ying and yang, but really WTF?!?!? When looking for a home who do you consider first??? The happiness of your loving wife who has been there for you for everything all the time, your stepson who is still looking for a reason and your adoring (beautiful, I might add) daughter or your dogs? A logical person would say the wifey, stepson and princess. Right??? Not my hubby he is worried sick about the dogs. Really can I get some love??? Being last on the line all the time is insane. I'm getting older and less tolerant of stupid things. That is just me I'm sure.
So we went to B-I-N-G-O last night! I know...but it was Sunday!! I have a great idea of something to make to sell at Bingo halls and make a killing!!! I won't divulge it until I get the patent process rolling but I'm thinking millions!!! $$$$ Bingo Pimp was there...he was sharp in his light grey suit, pink shirt, pink tie and pink shoes!! Real men wear pink!!! I lurve it. Forgot to get a dang picture but I'm sure he'll be there next time. Some good Bingo prayers would be appreciated.
back story on Bingo Pimp:
After as a family thing my sisters and I all went to the Bingo Hall in hopes of winning the jackpot, really we mostly ate. But there in the mist of all the older peoples who really live for playing bingo was Bingo Pimp. He was all decked out and of all the jackets to wear he thought his long fur was best!! My sisters and I laughed most of the night. He had the jewelry to match and was as sweet as could be to the ladies. It was great, we have a photo somewhere. Seven months later he is still there....hunting!!!
My hubby makes me mad...for several reasons mostly because he isn't logical and well I am. I know I know ying and yang, but really WTF?!?!? When looking for a home who do you consider first??? The happiness of your loving wife who has been there for you for everything all the time, your stepson who is still looking for a reason and your adoring (beautiful, I might add) daughter or your dogs? A logical person would say the wifey, stepson and princess. Right??? Not my hubby he is worried sick about the dogs. Really can I get some love??? Being last on the line all the time is insane. I'm getting older and less tolerant of stupid things. That is just me I'm sure.
So we went to B-I-N-G-O last night! I know...but it was Sunday!! I have a great idea of something to make to sell at Bingo halls and make a killing!!! I won't divulge it until I get the patent process rolling but I'm thinking millions!!! $$$$ Bingo Pimp was there...he was sharp in his light grey suit, pink shirt, pink tie and pink shoes!! Real men wear pink!!! I lurve it. Forgot to get a dang picture but I'm sure he'll be there next time. Some good Bingo prayers would be appreciated.
back story on Bingo Pimp:
After as a family thing my sisters and I all went to the Bingo Hall in hopes of winning the jackpot, really we mostly ate. But there in the mist of all the older peoples who really live for playing bingo was Bingo Pimp. He was all decked out and of all the jackets to wear he thought his long fur was best!! My sisters and I laughed most of the night. He had the jewelry to match and was as sweet as could be to the ladies. It was great, we have a photo somewhere. Seven months later he is still there....hunting!!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Dearest Sister3
I hope your wedding is really cool while yours in Vegas. We missed the first, damnit, so I guess we'll miss this one too. Please Please Please make sure that Man'o yours smiles in the photos we are sure to see in about six months. We need something to frame. **wink wink***
I know you think we are all a bit on the slow side, but really there isn't a man alive who isn't really married that would wear a wedding ring just cause. There are some insane women who may do this and call it a promise ring, However it is not a ritual that men par take in. It's just not "cool".
Reunited is your song!! I get all giddy just thinking about it!!! That is love I tell you, love!! Let us know if it is the song you decide to walk down the aisle too!! Kiss Kiss.
Happy Honeymoon!!! We ALL LOVE YOU!!!
I know you think we are all a bit on the slow side, but really there isn't a man alive who isn't really married that would wear a wedding ring just cause. There are some insane women who may do this and call it a promise ring, However it is not a ritual that men par take in. It's just not "cool".
Reunited is your song!! I get all giddy just thinking about it!!! That is love I tell you, love!! Let us know if it is the song you decide to walk down the aisle too!! Kiss Kiss.
Happy Honeymoon!!! We ALL LOVE YOU!!!
I blog because I can

As a preteen I always wanted a diary. That wasn't working considering I HAD to share a room with a sister at all times. I blame my sisters for my inability to keep a diary. Granted as a teen I moved all over the house to make a quick private room. Even the unfinished attic that lasted all of a week!! Heat rises people heat rises!
So now that I have this online diary I get to blog.
I've been having those high school flashbacks...they come more frequent with age. I member when I wore nothing but blue jeans. It was crazy. What was I thinking??? I actually had males that I attended school with tell me they couldn't ever see my bodyshape cause I wore jeans and big shirts. At the time I was very busy being geeky and well didn't realize that showing a bit of the girls could actually have helped me!!! Dang with age comes knowledge. Now I know.
Then there is those wise old saying that I paid no attention until Sister2 has been reminding me of....
the horse never falls in the same hole twiceDamn smart horses I use to think. Now I can see what that means. Regardless we still all learn more by failing.
Except maybe in love cause still I fell in love after fallin in the hole. I dug my nails into the dirt walls climbed out dirty but not broken and damnit if I didn't do the same thing again. Maybe I need to put that horse in a hole saying on a tee- shirt and wear it!!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
P.S. Comments are important too
All three of you who read my blog should leave comments in order to fuel my fire. I'd blog more if there were more people commenting on my blog...not to mention I just might get some ideas from the three of you who read this.
Plus you can remain anonymous...really you could.
Just saying peeps
Plus you can remain anonymous...really you could.
Just saying peeps
Uncle gets out of jail
So finally my Uncle gets to come home!! Okay he went to jail because he beat the crapola out of some guy for taking his woman's' cell phone. Picture it; Uncle buys his girlfriend a cell phone. They are at the bar getting their drink on. Her cell phone comes up missing. The other peoples at the bar, also drunk, say that man took it. Uncle, who use to box in the Army, confronts the man who swears he didn't take the cell phone....Uncle pulls out his cell and dials his girlfriends cell and the man's pocket starts to ring. Uncle beats the guy up, goes to jail and now he's home!! Yeah!!
We threw Uncle a going away party, cause that's how we roll, and yesterday a "taco release party." That is LOVE RIGHT THERE!!!
Now I was told that he is not allowed to be around any type of violence. This is gonna be difficult because well we are a loud bunch. let's keep our fingers crossed that no one gets loud in public.
Other important news.....still looking for a casa. Who knew it would be so damn hard?? Hubby and I agree on nothing. I like big he likes small. I want brick he wants frame. **I am to the point no woman ever want to be at...I am going to let him decide**
Now this scares me on many levels. Where my importance lies with how the children will function in the home, his only prereq is that there is PLENTY OF ROOM FOR THE DOG!!! Makes no sense to me either. But ladies I'm tired, it just shouldn't be this damn hard to find a place to rest your head. I never remember it being this hard before. So I digress and pray for the best.
So the Taco release Partay was good...I made a ton o tacos for the feast and bless their hearts my sisters helped me too. Gotta love family.
Today we go look at another home. I'll probably love and he'll hate it.
We threw Uncle a going away party, cause that's how we roll, and yesterday a "taco release party." That is LOVE RIGHT THERE!!!
Now I was told that he is not allowed to be around any type of violence. This is gonna be difficult because well we are a loud bunch. let's keep our fingers crossed that no one gets loud in public.
Other important news.....still looking for a casa. Who knew it would be so damn hard?? Hubby and I agree on nothing. I like big he likes small. I want brick he wants frame. **I am to the point no woman ever want to be at...I am going to let him decide**
Now this scares me on many levels. Where my importance lies with how the children will function in the home, his only prereq is that there is PLENTY OF ROOM FOR THE DOG!!! Makes no sense to me either. But ladies I'm tired, it just shouldn't be this damn hard to find a place to rest your head. I never remember it being this hard before. So I digress and pray for the best.
So the Taco release Partay was good...I made a ton o tacos for the feast and bless their hearts my sisters helped me too. Gotta love family.
Today we go look at another home. I'll probably love and he'll hate it.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Weekend Update
Friday sucked, however it included Middle Eastern Food and that did make it somewhat better!! Yeah Shawarma! Like when I was younger I wondered how in the hell those thin girls could Love salad, now after having a fatouse I know. Really I know.
I just hate when I really get nothing done over the weekend. Good point is that, it may have taken my Hubby four days to fix his truck, HUBBY has FINALLY fixed his truck!! thankyouverymuch. So that means I get my van back and I've decided to sell the thing. I really don't need it right now and I'd hate to have to park it at Sister1's house cause she might get mad at me.
Well, my son stomped on my last nerve this weekend, because being the cruel mother I am I want him, at 16 years of age no less, to go get his damn license. Hello SON I've paid for the classes and you have use of a perfectly good, fuel efficient vehicle!! What more can I really do at this point?? I know I haven't let you "practice" a lot but HELLO you scare me and 99% of the time I have princess and/or nephew1 or nephew3 in the car with me.
There was other things pertaining to the license thing, like him losing every piece of paper I gave him that ALLOWS him to drive on the road...which meant we sat at Secretary of State for like NINETY MINUTES! Inhale, Exhale, release, relax...Good
So needless to say nothing really got done that I had intended. My Son is still alive! When i told him that he had to pay me back all of the sudden he can drive??!!??! What's up with that??
This is brief, but tomorrow I'll not be here for I am off to test world. Pray for me!
I just hate when I really get nothing done over the weekend. Good point is that, it may have taken my Hubby four days to fix his truck, HUBBY has FINALLY fixed his truck!! thankyouverymuch. So that means I get my van back and I've decided to sell the thing. I really don't need it right now and I'd hate to have to park it at Sister1's house cause she might get mad at me.
Well, my son stomped on my last nerve this weekend, because being the cruel mother I am I want him, at 16 years of age no less, to go get his damn license. Hello SON I've paid for the classes and you have use of a perfectly good, fuel efficient vehicle!! What more can I really do at this point?? I know I haven't let you "practice" a lot but HELLO you scare me and 99% of the time I have princess and/or nephew1 or nephew3 in the car with me.
There was other things pertaining to the license thing, like him losing every piece of paper I gave him that ALLOWS him to drive on the road...which meant we sat at Secretary of State for like NINETY MINUTES! Inhale, Exhale, release, relax...Good
So needless to say nothing really got done that I had intended. My Son is still alive! When i told him that he had to pay me back all of the sudden he can drive??!!??! What's up with that??
This is brief, but tomorrow I'll not be here for I am off to test world. Pray for me!
Friday, August 1, 2008

What a week!! Sister 2 had surgery...she is good but jesushchrist it was crazy just thinking about it. She has however come through AGAIN and let me "borrow" some of her pain pills. SHUT UP!! I'VE HAD A TOOTHACHE! I live in the USA and can't quite afford food and medical coverage, so based on the size of my arse I've chosen food!
Been looking at houses, cause in my mind I have a plan, I want a new home by the time son starts school again. Of course the one house that I really like hasn't responded!! Cause in this market that makes perfect sense! There are a couple of others that I like we will see. Pray for me.
Princess has been really sarcastic lately...I have no idea where she gets it but it is to the point of insane....she is only three. She does have a new talent, she draws smiley faces.
About the adult toy partay my friend had, well we didn't make it, that sucks! No pun intended. Some men, cough my hubby cough, are very insecure when it comes to plastic penises. They could after all take over his "role" in our marriage. What does that mean? Really?? Does he think his only role is that of a dildo?? Seriously?? That is both funny and sad. Funny cause if that is what he really thinks then, ahem, someone is slacking! This is a rated PG-13 blog right? Sad because that would explain his vanity. Now it all makes sense to me.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
That one time, at blogspot
So I am a bad blogger and I know it!! I've not had a ton of time to blog, with looking for a new house and dealing with Hubby who is SOOOOO HELPFUL (sarcasism intended) It has been one thing then another. Everyone I've come in contact with lately has been stressed out....we all need VALIUM!! I say!! I know drugs are bad but it's not our fault. We are stressed, another curly headed friend of mine has just been told that she has High Blood Pressure, duh she is stressed.
I try not to stress because things work themselves out.
Heard a great quote to live by: "Respect is like virginity, once you lose it you never get it back." Let's put that on a tee-shirt!
I try not to stress because things work themselves out.
Heard a great quote to live by: "Respect is like virginity, once you lose it you never get it back." Let's put that on a tee-shirt!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Sisters, girlfriends and just women in general
Sister2 cracks me up! Everything she texts, no she doesn't talk anymore just texts, is funny. I can hardly keep up! Really who has time to find all the letters on the damn phone and pound them out? Please don't text a word like "need" cause mine always comes out "ned" or something just as crazy, not Sister2 cause she has it down to a science!
Sister3 wants me to go with her to cut off her long beautiful hair! Like I want to really witness this!?!? I'm all about long beautiful flowing locks of shiny hair. She wants "something new", she knows after how she acted at my purse party I'm going to be completely honest and LOUD!!
CurlyHeaded Friend is trying to get me drunk while I go get my hair colored! I know, like yeah right!!
Olde'curlyheaded friend wants me to find her airfare at the same rate I got her a ticket three years ago. **laughing so hard I can hardly type this out** Obviously she hasn't bought gas and/or seen a newscast in the last three years. The funniest part is that this ticket is being bought by a third party so at some point don't you think she'd say "well, it's not my money." and just buy the damn ticket. With airline tickets: Time is money!! A lesson she hasn't quite learnt yet. It's the Mississippi air that has deminished her common sense!
Now maybe my lack of sleep recently or maybe it's my new age hurdle I've jumped, but I am quickly losing tolerance for other people's stupidity. "You don't want to make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry." I do not like anyone to falsely accuse me of anything I did not do! Just saying. Now I know that it is not a wise idea to discuss work issues on any blog, do to that one lady that lost her job because of it, let me just say ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I do know that my current job is holding me down and breaking my spirits. This is not me.
Softball again this Sunday! Rah rah rah cough.
Sister3 wants me to go with her to cut off her long beautiful hair! Like I want to really witness this!?!? I'm all about long beautiful flowing locks of shiny hair. She wants "something new", she knows after how she acted at my purse party I'm going to be completely honest and LOUD!!
CurlyHeaded Friend is trying to get me drunk while I go get my hair colored! I know, like yeah right!!
Olde'curlyheaded friend wants me to find her airfare at the same rate I got her a ticket three years ago. **laughing so hard I can hardly type this out** Obviously she hasn't bought gas and/or seen a newscast in the last three years. The funniest part is that this ticket is being bought by a third party so at some point don't you think she'd say "well, it's not my money." and just buy the damn ticket. With airline tickets: Time is money!! A lesson she hasn't quite learnt yet. It's the Mississippi air that has deminished her common sense!
Now maybe my lack of sleep recently or maybe it's my new age hurdle I've jumped, but I am quickly losing tolerance for other people's stupidity. "You don't want to make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry." I do not like anyone to falsely accuse me of anything I did not do! Just saying. Now I know that it is not a wise idea to discuss work issues on any blog, do to that one lady that lost her job because of it, let me just say ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I do know that my current job is holding me down and breaking my spirits. This is not me.
Softball again this Sunday! Rah rah rah cough.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
General bitching
Thanks to my J-O-B I get to deal with a variety of peoples. It is more fun than you can shake a stick at! Let me not forget the friends we make whilst working! My absolutely favorite thing is when a customer calls and assumes that I know who it is on the other line. Yes we have caller ID but people have cell phones where on the display it actually says "cellular call" Thanks phone gods for not yet figuring out how to display cellular call names! More times than not I have no idea who is on the only line. So FTR state your name when ever you have to phone a provider of your services!!
Back to said J-O-B...
Carry on
Back to said J-O-B...
Carry on
Monday, July 21, 2008
Eighteenth through the Twenty~First
Let me start by saying I am sooooooooooo sore! Damnit I am so out of shape. In more ways than one. It should be so much easier to do things I use to do twenty years ago right??
Nope. Not at all.
So I had a damn purse party and thanks to Sisters' 2 & 3 I vow to never have another party of any type in my house, or my friend's house cause really that is where the damn party was. She is currently not working and had time to get things together, afterall.
Except Tupperware cause they always give you really cool small gifts and that tiny key chain bowl with a lid and everything. But other than that no party ever.
From the moment they walked in they were pissed that their perfect bag wasn't there. They went on and on and on and on and on, in front of the demonstrator no less, about how they went to a purse party where they had no less than FIVE THOUSAND PURSES TO CHOOSE FROM!! The demonstrator even made a comment of "Did they rent a U-Haul to get that many bags in one house!" Come on people that was way funny coming form such a tiny woman. (She weighs like fifty pounds soaking wet, with clothes on!!) Whatever I got a new purse!
Then Saturday I had a ribtastic dinner for my son's birthday for close family and a few good friends who might as well be family *couch* Donna Brown *cough* I didn't make the ribs we went to Famous Daves! Home of the pig eaters! It was grand and everything was really good.
Must jot down: All This Food is the cause of making me FAT because I really don't get it!!
That evening Sister4 took Princess home with her because Hubby and I were going out. This is where I laugh. We were going to go to a really cool and crowded bar to celebrate his friend's birthday. However by nine o'clock I had taken advantage of Princess being away and Hubby and I went to a few stores and wound up in the book store. Insert that music that goes like duh duh duh...No man's land. I get lost in there every time. It is their fault.
If there were not comfy chairs everywhere to read at plus a coffee shop then maybe I would not have to sit there and read a few pages, I mean chapters. Time flies when you find a good book. Hubby and I admit were are older and head home for the night.
Yesterday, we went to play softball with a bunch of Hubby's old friends. I blend well with others and had a great time. The entire three innings I played.
Hello I did have Prince and Princess with me. There weren't any toilet facilities and Princess did learn how to pee in the outdoors, however when she needed to do a #2 there was no way in hell I was going to let that happen without being able to flush it away! I don't care if bears shit in the woods, Princess' do not! So while taking her to a public restroom; not one of Hubby's friends who all lived within a mile of the field offered to take us to their toilet but that's just a personal bitch, I wasn't raised that way, we grabbed some sliders too and well at that point I was done. Screw the heat! I want FALL Weather to happen like last week.
Slept well last night and today I am only sore in one thigh.
I don't blame that on the softball game cause I really felt it hurt when I hopped the fence, badass Mexican that I am!
Vatos Locos forever!!
"I may be white on the outside, but I'm brown on the inside!" **le sigh** A certain curled headed friend has just brought it to my attention that some may not get the movie reference above in quotations, so here it is:
Blood In Blood Out
Nope. Not at all.
So I had a damn purse party and thanks to Sisters' 2 & 3 I vow to never have another party of any type in my house, or my friend's house cause really that is where the damn party was. She is currently not working and had time to get things together, afterall.
Except Tupperware cause they always give you really cool small gifts and that tiny key chain bowl with a lid and everything. But other than that no party ever.
From the moment they walked in they were pissed that their perfect bag wasn't there. They went on and on and on and on and on, in front of the demonstrator no less, about how they went to a purse party where they had no less than FIVE THOUSAND PURSES TO CHOOSE FROM!! The demonstrator even made a comment of "Did they rent a U-Haul to get that many bags in one house!" Come on people that was way funny coming form such a tiny woman. (She weighs like fifty pounds soaking wet, with clothes on!!) Whatever I got a new purse!
Then Saturday I had a ribtastic dinner for my son's birthday for close family and a few good friends who might as well be family *couch* Donna Brown *cough* I didn't make the ribs we went to Famous Daves! Home of the pig eaters! It was grand and everything was really good.
Must jot down: All This Food is the cause of making me FAT because I really don't get it!!
That evening Sister4 took Princess home with her because Hubby and I were going out. This is where I laugh. We were going to go to a really cool and crowded bar to celebrate his friend's birthday. However by nine o'clock I had taken advantage of Princess being away and Hubby and I went to a few stores and wound up in the book store. Insert that music that goes like duh duh duh...No man's land. I get lost in there every time. It is their fault.
If there were not comfy chairs everywhere to read at plus a coffee shop then maybe I would not have to sit there and read a few pages, I mean chapters. Time flies when you find a good book. Hubby and I admit were are older and head home for the night.
Yesterday, we went to play softball with a bunch of Hubby's old friends. I blend well with others and had a great time. The entire three innings I played.
Hello I did have Prince and Princess with me. There weren't any toilet facilities and Princess did learn how to pee in the outdoors, however when she needed to do a #2 there was no way in hell I was going to let that happen without being able to flush it away! I don't care if bears shit in the woods, Princess' do not! So while taking her to a public restroom; not one of Hubby's friends who all lived within a mile of the field offered to take us to their toilet but that's just a personal bitch, I wasn't raised that way, we grabbed some sliders too and well at that point I was done. Screw the heat! I want FALL Weather to happen like last week.
Slept well last night and today I am only sore in one thigh.
I don't blame that on the softball game cause I really felt it hurt when I hopped the fence, badass Mexican that I am!
Vatos Locos forever!!
"I may be white on the outside, but I'm brown on the inside!" **le sigh** A certain curled headed friend has just brought it to my attention that some may not get the movie reference above in quotations, so here it is:
Blood In Blood Out
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Let's talk about court!!
Yesterday, I got the chance to spend an entire day in court! I know don't all be jealous at once. It's not everyday you get a SUPOENA. It was very entertaining. It was a "child support" courtroom and jesushchrist can't men help raise their children anymore?? I've heard more sob stories from more grown ass men in that seven hours than I had ever heard in my life. They are called condoms! For the low low price of just under $500 men can go and snip the sperm ship and then do anyone he wants without having to worry of those financial woes.
FTR the Judge, his Honor, and Sir kicked major ass!!!! If we get to vote for our circuit county Judge, then this Judge is the man. He is doing his job and doing it well. Two thumbs up and kudos and all of that jazz. He was fair with just a dash of sarcasm that made reading the book I brought with me useless.
As for the attorneys that work for the General Attorneys office, well I can say nothing more than BRAVO!! BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!! Each person who is there because they are not taking care of their children, usually financially but mostly emotionally, deserved no less than what these fine attorneys dished out to them. They refused any excuse as to why they couldn't make their child support payment for the last DECADE and told them...time's up, no deal. They are the warriors for our little ones lost and I was so proud! I think I'll bake cupcakes or something to take up there for snacks and maybe spend the day listening to the court serve up some justice. I know, I should have been a Judge because of my sarcastic skills
FTR the Judge, his Honor, and Sir kicked major ass!!!! If we get to vote for our circuit county Judge, then this Judge is the man. He is doing his job and doing it well. Two thumbs up and kudos and all of that jazz. He was fair with just a dash of sarcasm that made reading the book I brought with me useless.
As for the attorneys that work for the General Attorneys office, well I can say nothing more than BRAVO!! BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!! Each person who is there because they are not taking care of their children, usually financially but mostly emotionally, deserved no less than what these fine attorneys dished out to them. They refused any excuse as to why they couldn't make their child support payment for the last DECADE and told them...time's up, no deal. They are the warriors for our little ones lost and I was so proud! I think I'll bake cupcakes or something to take up there for snacks and maybe spend the day listening to the court serve up some justice. I know, I should have been a Judge because of my sarcastic skills
Monday, July 14, 2008
Highlights are like crack
With all the wonderful surgical miracle procedures there are in this land of fake beauty, there is only one thing I can not do without....getting my hair did!! I know I know it's not major like lipo but it is life changing!! Born a brunette, without highlights, I've been all the colors of the rainbow in the last decade! Thanks to my fav hair magician, Liz. Let me tell you she can make you fabulous and still keep up on all the gossip at least in southeastern Michigan and not skip a beat. Now the amount of time it takes to make you fabulous is a bit long, but well worth the wait. If Diddy can make all those wanna be singers walk fifty miles in the Bronx after midnight for a piece of cheesecake then I can definitely wait four hours for fabulous hair. just saying.
What I've learnt of the different colors of hair and the way they shape my life. Blond is without a doubt WAY MORE FUN! Men, in general, tend to flock to the golden locks and assume you need help with EVERYTHING! Brunettes not so much. Blonds drink for free anywhere they go period. Brunettes not so much. On the plus side of being a buxom Brunette is the fact that brains come along with the hair shade.
So highlights have been my crack for the better part of the last decade. I love them for the first month. They always make you feel better about everything. Highlights are like get that feeling of euthnasia when they are done right. You're on a high for well like four weeks, until those roots start to show. Then there is the amazing sex with hubby cause afterall you look like a new woman after a good highlight job. Well, it looks like this Friday I'll be doing an after hours hair date with a certain curly headed friend who will without a doubt change ABSOLUTELY nothing about her hair, well because she is after all already blond, but at least she brings alcohol and makes us laugh.
What I've learnt of the different colors of hair and the way they shape my life. Blond is without a doubt WAY MORE FUN! Men, in general, tend to flock to the golden locks and assume you need help with EVERYTHING! Brunettes not so much. Blonds drink for free anywhere they go period. Brunettes not so much. On the plus side of being a buxom Brunette is the fact that brains come along with the hair shade.
So highlights have been my crack for the better part of the last decade. I love them for the first month. They always make you feel better about everything. Highlights are like get that feeling of euthnasia when they are done right. You're on a high for well like four weeks, until those roots start to show. Then there is the amazing sex with hubby cause afterall you look like a new woman after a good highlight job. Well, it looks like this Friday I'll be doing an after hours hair date with a certain curly headed friend who will without a doubt change ABSOLUTELY nothing about her hair, well because she is after all already blond, but at least she brings alcohol and makes us laugh.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
38?? WTF??
Yesterday was my birthday. Two of my loving family members including my hubby said I was 38, now nothing about those who are 38 but that's not me... not yet anyways. So that started my day with a bang. Thanks. Don't people know that once you hit 30, the big three 0, it is tough to spit out your age! Of course after thirty you forget things more easily and when someone randomly asks your age you continue to be 29 but not on purpose. I'm going to be forty soon enough making me thirty eight early on your clock is not changing the fact. Not for me. I was never one of those teens that wanted to "look older" I was always content with the fact that I come from good genes, Mom & Dad never looked their ages and I am happy with that. In five days I become the parent of a sixteen year old **this is me fainting at the thought** He will be wanting his license and truth be told I'm scared about that!
Back to my birthday, no cake. I personally don't care for cake anywho but I think my little one wanted some cake or balloons or something that she could relate to a birthday for me. No cake. I had dinner with Dad and that was cool. I did get some gifts...including a certain recycled card from a certain curly headed friend...wink wink. I swear in twenty years that card will still be in the mailbox!
For the record I am celebrating the seventh anniversary of my twenty nineth birthday!!
Back to my birthday, no cake. I personally don't care for cake anywho but I think my little one wanted some cake or balloons or something that she could relate to a birthday for me. No cake. I had dinner with Dad and that was cool. I did get some gifts...including a certain recycled card from a certain curly headed friend...wink wink. I swear in twenty years that card will still be in the mailbox!
For the record I am celebrating the seventh anniversary of my twenty nineth birthday!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Bless his little heart
Three days just fly by!! My hubby, princess and I stayed the night in Ohio in the sticks. My friend lives in the country. Still coming to terms with that bit o' info. I completely had her pinned as a city slicker! Actually it was really nice and quiet. Different. We came home to family BBQ and some Volleyball. Hubby was super volleyball player and hurthiswiddleknee. His knee is nice and swollen and he is milking it! I just keep hearing in my head *Supastar* just like that chick from SNL.
It's official I now own High School Musical. Tonight we will be watching it! Yea us! I made hubby buy it for princess cause she has that dance class and all. Plus tonight I have my nephew and his little friend staying the night so it will be fun fun fun to watch.
Why hubby is an ass.....I wanted to go yesterday for an adult female adventure also known as the movies! (SITC) This became a major issue. Everyone had an attitude because I wanted to leave. Son was pissed that I wanted him to watch his sister AND his cousin. Hubby was an ass period he was f-in this and that and it was horrible that I wanted to leave the kids there WITHOUT me!! I said FUCK IT and stayed home. Ms. Bradshaw may not want to be married if she watched my happily*cough*ever*fuckin*after!! It's not real!! There isn't a wonderful man who cooks and cleans and laughs at your jokes and understands when you've had a bad day so he rubs your feet just because he loves you and it has nothing to do with him wanting sex afterwards kinda foot rub. HE IS A DREAM that television has made up. What you get is someone that may have one of those traits if you are lucky, then there are the men like my hubby, bless his little heart, who wait until I am prepared to explode to remember my Birthday is this week so he hands me some cold hard cash to go shopping for myself something really nice.
It's official I now own High School Musical. Tonight we will be watching it! Yea us! I made hubby buy it for princess cause she has that dance class and all. Plus tonight I have my nephew and his little friend staying the night so it will be fun fun fun to watch.
Why hubby is an ass.....I wanted to go yesterday for an adult female adventure also known as the movies! (SITC) This became a major issue. Everyone had an attitude because I wanted to leave. Son was pissed that I wanted him to watch his sister AND his cousin. Hubby was an ass period he was f-in this and that and it was horrible that I wanted to leave the kids there WITHOUT me!! I said FUCK IT and stayed home. Ms. Bradshaw may not want to be married if she watched my happily*cough*ever*fuckin*after!! It's not real!! There isn't a wonderful man who cooks and cleans and laughs at your jokes and understands when you've had a bad day so he rubs your feet just because he loves you and it has nothing to do with him wanting sex afterwards kinda foot rub. HE IS A DREAM that television has made up. What you get is someone that may have one of those traits if you are lucky, then there are the men like my hubby, bless his little heart, who wait until I am prepared to explode to remember my Birthday is this week so he hands me some cold hard cash to go shopping for myself something really nice.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Visiting me not my house, right?
So, I have guests coming up this evening. No matter what I am going to find some space for them to stay with me. I'm kicking my son out of his room. That is one bed. I'm getting an air mattress, sorta bed number two. Then there is the couch and loveseat! Right? I'm trying to get it together. I've decided my friends are coming to visit me not my house. My house is but a shelter.
Then there is making sure there is enough food and drinks for the guests. This could get interesting. People live on bread and water right?
Trying to get my son to help without making that damn list is a challenge! For real can't you look around and see things that need to be done?
A funny....
Yesterday was daughter's third dance class. She just sat there and watched the other girls learn the new part of the dance steps. The last five minutes of the class she decides to stand up and go do the new steps...of which she nailed!!...then sit back down in the middle of the class. She cracks me up everyday. I refuse not to take her to that damn class cause I paid for it!! So three down and three to go. I did ask Ms. Brenda what the name of the song is cause I've never heard it to which she replied "It's Fabulous form High School Musical!!" So off to the store to by the soundtrack so we can "practice" at home.
Then there is making sure there is enough food and drinks for the guests. This could get interesting. People live on bread and water right?
Trying to get my son to help without making that damn list is a challenge! For real can't you look around and see things that need to be done?
A funny....
Yesterday was daughter's third dance class. She just sat there and watched the other girls learn the new part of the dance steps. The last five minutes of the class she decides to stand up and go do the new steps...of which she nailed!!...then sit back down in the middle of the class. She cracks me up everyday. I refuse not to take her to that damn class cause I paid for it!! So three down and three to go. I did ask Ms. Brenda what the name of the song is cause I've never heard it to which she replied "It's Fabulous form High School Musical!!" So off to the store to by the soundtrack so we can "practice" at home.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Who recycles Friendship cards?
So I was shopping the other day with my little one and saw a cute card and thought hey that card would be cool to send to a certain curly headed friend. So I get it, even though it is blank inside and that means I have to WRITE something in it myself, and drop it in the mail to said curly headed friend. Do I get an email something to the effect "awwww that was a cute card"? Nope, not from curly headed friend. Instead I get a phone call about how the man that she lives in sin with is upset cause now he thinks we are lesbos (nothing against lesbos that's just not my thing at the moment personally) and I want to steal her away from about insecure!!! We laugh it off and in my head I picture the Friendship card set up on her dresser or at the very least hung on the fridge.
I was all excited when my son told me I had a card in the mail. Couldn't wait to get home and see what it said. NO WAY!! Curly Headed Friend crosses out my signature and mails the damn thing back to me without a return address and now that I look at the envelope an Arizona stamp!!! Who recycles Friendship cards and Why?
I was all excited when my son told me I had a card in the mail. Couldn't wait to get home and see what it said. NO WAY!! Curly Headed Friend crosses out my signature and mails the damn thing back to me without a return address and now that I look at the envelope an Arizona stamp!!! Who recycles Friendship cards and Why?
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Let's talk about

My sister, number 2. I've raised her from a tad pole and she has brought me hours of entertainment. Sister #2 has without a doubt been my shadow for many years. For some reason she had a bad couple of years, okay decade but like the PHOENIX she is rising from the ashes. Case in point...the other day she told me that she really appreciates that I have stepped up to the plate and helped her with her son, my nephew just like Mom used too. **awwwwwwweee do you feel the love?** She was worried about what she would do and there I was ready to do what I had to to make things fall into place...and that my friends, is what family is all about period exclamation point. Sister #2 because of her sign LMAO is always changing her mind about things and sceptical about everything. However if you ever need data about anyone she is the one to go to! Besides the funny texts that I get everyday, cause I'm on her mass text list, she still makes me laugh. Today she was laughing so hard because I phoned her last night and she was in her slumber and she thought I was her boyfriend!!
No matter what I'll be there in twenty years and I know the same is true of all my sisters. Even the one that is completely in love right now and doesn't have time for her sisters at the moment, sometimes men get in the way but I just know that will change as soon as she get married to him *wink wink* and we can hang out again!
Friday, June 20, 2008
There wasn't a list Mom!
No list no do. WTF is that??
I have a 15 year old son who can not do anything without being told step by step how to do it. I recently made the mistake of leaving him a couple of lists. On the bright side he did mark each thing off as they were completed kodos for that one son! But seriously do I have to continue to write it down for you? I mean if you wouldn't put a line though them I could recycle the damn list each and everyday! It's not like the things I want you to do are different, just the day of the week is!
So yesterday I forgot to leave a list AND I come home from a long hard day at work to nothing being done. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Instead I'm greeted from son with 'Mom, I'm starving what are you making for dinner? (as he is putting his shoes on to head out the door) I'm going to S's house I'll be back later." Woah! Hellllllo Son I thought you were STARVING! How are you going to function without food? How did you make it for EIGHT HOURS in a home with stock piled cupboards, a full fridge and two freezers full of FOOD, some of which you can MICROWAVE, and not eat a damn thing?!?
I don't know, Mom. I'll be back later.
So he went to hang out with friends and got home after my bedtime. Being the good mom I am I had him a plate of food in the fridge. None of which he ate.
Thank GOD for little boys.
I have a 15 year old son who can not do anything without being told step by step how to do it. I recently made the mistake of leaving him a couple of lists. On the bright side he did mark each thing off as they were completed kodos for that one son! But seriously do I have to continue to write it down for you? I mean if you wouldn't put a line though them I could recycle the damn list each and everyday! It's not like the things I want you to do are different, just the day of the week is!
So yesterday I forgot to leave a list AND I come home from a long hard day at work to nothing being done. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Instead I'm greeted from son with 'Mom, I'm starving what are you making for dinner? (as he is putting his shoes on to head out the door) I'm going to S's house I'll be back later." Woah! Hellllllo Son I thought you were STARVING! How are you going to function without food? How did you make it for EIGHT HOURS in a home with stock piled cupboards, a full fridge and two freezers full of FOOD, some of which you can MICROWAVE, and not eat a damn thing?!?
I don't know, Mom. I'll be back later.
So he went to hang out with friends and got home after my bedtime. Being the good mom I am I had him a plate of food in the fridge. None of which he ate.
Thank GOD for little boys.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Daycare woes
Sometimes finding the right place to place your Princess in is way to hard! Why can't the village raise the child like Oprah says? So after six months in a in-home day care Princess and I have turned in our notice. **This is me dancing** I don't know about Princess, but I am so relieved I could seriously do some cartwheels outside on the lawn!! My Princess is just turning three and is quite the talker. She has over the course of the last few months told me things that make me go hummmmmmmmm and ask day care lady about them, to which she has always responded "Princess sure does have an imagination." Funny but she is only two and hasn't mastered how to lie just yet. Just Saying. So I feel better and glad I am able to let this entire ordeal go! When your gut tells you something ain't right then like my Momma use to say "something ain't right then."
On the bright side my son gets to spend some quality time with his baby sister and earn some cash at the same situation here!
Down side is Prince (nephew whom we will refer to as Prince from now on ) was/is in the same day care. So Sister4 has decided to take him out as well but now Princess and Prince will not get to spend as much time together. This sucks!
Things have a way of working themselves out....right.....RighT....RIGHT????
On the bright side my son gets to spend some quality time with his baby sister and earn some cash at the same situation here!
Down side is Prince (nephew whom we will refer to as Prince from now on ) was/is in the same day care. So Sister4 has decided to take him out as well but now Princess and Prince will not get to spend as much time together. This sucks!
Things have a way of working themselves out....right.....RighT....RIGHT????
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
New Purse Smell
I liken it to the new car smell that men love. Some women love shoes, some love make-up, I love purses. Since I am a responsible parent, food always comes before purses, so before the fabulous people of China figured out how to makes fabulously fake handbags I could only look from afar and wish. Now I get the Burberry look with a price I can afford!!
Anywho, my Fabulous Friend who throws parties of all occasions decided to have a purse/watch/sunglasses/candle/cheesecake party last night. We all know we went for the purses and cheesecake, duh. When I get there purses everywhere!! No spot untouched, no surface visible!! Jesushchrist! There was even a woman, who shall remain nameless, who was after a teen girl for the hangbag that they both wanted. I thought a fight would ensue over one handbag. A fabulously fake Coach. Smart teengirl ran and hid the handbag!! I had to ask more than once to see this prize handbag. It was really cute and deserving of a fist fight!
Who could buy all these stylish yet affordable hand bags??? Not me cause I' m on a fixed budget!! But a girl can dream right?
I did manage to snag up one treasure, minus the damn thick strap. Here it is:
Anywho, my Fabulous Friend who throws parties of all occasions decided to have a purse/watch/sunglasses/candle/cheesecake party last night. We all know we went for the purses and cheesecake, duh. When I get there purses everywhere!! No spot untouched, no surface visible!! Jesushchrist! There was even a woman, who shall remain nameless, who was after a teen girl for the hangbag that they both wanted. I thought a fight would ensue over one handbag. A fabulously fake Coach. Smart teengirl ran and hid the handbag!! I had to ask more than once to see this prize handbag. It was really cute and deserving of a fist fight!
Who could buy all these stylish yet affordable hand bags??? Not me cause I' m on a fixed budget!! But a girl can dream right?
I did manage to snag up one treasure, minus the damn thick strap. Here it is:
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Fake Toenails: Friend or Foe?
My Dad's GF for life, had called me one afternoon and was telling me about her fabulously fake toenails! I, of course, was rolling on the floor laughing! First thought in my head was GHETTO FABULOUS! (Unlike Flavor Flav, Ghetto is not a derogatory word to me) Dad's GF mailed me a box of them to my work. Haha. Not wanting to waste and entire box of these fake toenails, I put them on. It was easy smeasy. Okay, not really but I did manage to get most of the glue on the toenail, well at least more on the toenail than on my fingers. There was the one nail that was a total bitch to get on so I added tons of the glue to the toenail and my finger stuck to my fake nail. However with all my TAWANDA strength I managed to rip my finger from the clutches of my fake toenail.
All my friends loved them!! Except one curly headed friend who shall remain nameless. They really did look good! They had a french manicure and all that. I wore my open toed shoes with Ghetto Fabulous pride! Then night fell. Do you have any idea how hard it is to cover up your toes when they have fake nails on them? It's crazy! Any move of the blankie makes it feel like you are trying to rip off the fake nail...which you aren't trying to do at all. Could you imagine what it would look like with only nine fabulously fake toe nails on? Yes we found that out the next worries cause there are extra fake nails in the box!! There is even a tad bit more glue.
Over all I give the fake toenails a must have four stars. There are cheap and easy (sounds like a hooker) to put on. Taking them off.....well that's another story!
All my friends loved them!! Except one curly headed friend who shall remain nameless. They really did look good! They had a french manicure and all that. I wore my open toed shoes with Ghetto Fabulous pride! Then night fell. Do you have any idea how hard it is to cover up your toes when they have fake nails on them? It's crazy! Any move of the blankie makes it feel like you are trying to rip off the fake nail...which you aren't trying to do at all. Could you imagine what it would look like with only nine fabulously fake toe nails on? Yes we found that out the next worries cause there are extra fake nails in the box!! There is even a tad bit more glue.
Over all I give the fake toenails a must have four stars. There are cheap and easy (sounds like a hooker) to put on. Taking them off.....well that's another story!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Dad's Day
So when my Mom was here, it was a running joke between she and I, we would celebrate Father's Day together. I'd get her a card and we'd have lunch or dinner. I miss that. It was always nice to hear her laugh when I'd call just to say Happy Father's Day MOM!
I lost my Mom on January 13th of this year. It's completely messed up the chain of events that happened at that time. Sorry I got off topic....
Back to Dad's Day! We are having a BBQ for my Dad and hiding in it a BBQ for my sister. Haha! She works weekends and has only had plates to warm up from our five plus BBQ's we've had this year!! So we pity the fact that she hasn't had ribs & chicken hot off the grill! {Yes, my mouth is drooling thinking about the meat that we as a family are going to devour}
I have not yet picked up a card for my Daddy-o. I have to of course find one funnier than any of my sisters ;) Shouldn't be to hard to do considering all the tearing, mushy ones should be off the shelves by now!!!
Today we celebrate Dad's Day!
I lost my Mom on January 13th of this year. It's completely messed up the chain of events that happened at that time. Sorry I got off topic....
Back to Dad's Day! We are having a BBQ for my Dad and hiding in it a BBQ for my sister. Haha! She works weekends and has only had plates to warm up from our five plus BBQ's we've had this year!! So we pity the fact that she hasn't had ribs & chicken hot off the grill! {Yes, my mouth is drooling thinking about the meat that we as a family are going to devour}
I have not yet picked up a card for my Daddy-o. I have to of course find one funnier than any of my sisters ;) Shouldn't be to hard to do considering all the tearing, mushy ones should be off the shelves by now!!!
Today we celebrate Dad's Day!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Where to start...the begining
In the begining there was my Mom & Dad. I was the first of the clan, who until recently I thought only included me and my three sisters. Seems my Dad was a bit of a horn dog and had me a little brother in the process. It's great!! We are triplets!! I am six months older than him and he is six months older than sister number two. My Mom picked up my Dad in Southwest Detroit while she was walking around the park. How romantic....she was all dressed to the nines and Da drove by with his buddies and hollared out the window! Yes the four guys in the car and the ladies in the park turned into my family. Mom says my Dad was the "most beautiful man she had ever seen" isn't that dreamy? Mom was dreamy like that back then. Pre-kids.
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