Sunday, June 7, 2009

The best thing ever is

a compliment about your teen aged son :) We went to a grad party last night and someone I haven't seen in a while came up to me to tell me how wonderful Teen son is. He said I should be proud because he is an all around good boy...he is polite and that is rare. He said I've done a good job.
My Mom must have been beaming up in heaven cause if anyone helped to raise him it was Mom. I am so proud of him. I want him to do great things in his life. I want him to be a great person and so far he is doing just that!
Princess on the other hand is a real handful....that little girl has a mouth on her. Sarcasms is just for starters...she is rolling her eyes and putting her hands on her hips now too!!!
Now that my tubes are tied I am so excited!!! No more little ones!!!
We went to a graduation the other was outside...anywho the Momma was there and I told her two down and one to go and we highfived each other! I thought about it. Really where we come from just getting them to graduation is quite an accomplishment. Our little ones aren't so little anymore and we are just about grown up ourselves.
Note to self...After teen son walks across the stage I'll be starting all over with princess WHAT WAS I THINKING! His Grad Party will be at the Holiday Inn


Jenavee said...

You're not the only one starting over...In four years I will have one graduating, one starting high school and one possibly in preschool..HA!

The Favorite said...

You and mom did good on all of us I might say. Teen son is a great kid and he should be proud of hisself.

Motel, Hotel, Holiday Inn Lord I can't wait for that one gonna have to get a room.

christine said...

son is great (and handsome) as is your whole fam damily..

cant wait for the holidy inn party

i'll be at mollies party too..lets start planning...haha

IreneYourGodessOrQueen said...

check out my blogg :)