Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Teen Mom 2 Recap....

First of all we have to wait two months for Leah's daughter  to get her MRI seems she is a bit to little to get one right now and two months in real life is like what three or four more episodes!!!   How much longer can I wait??? FTR I heart Corey mucho mucho!!  <3 he is like a still warm cupcake with slightly melting frosting.

Janelle did gain some not much sympathy from me. She is trying and I was impressed with her job searching.  She did sign the papers so that her momma could have custody of the baby.  That was the right thing to do cause Janelle is still walking a thin line.  puff puff pass cough... However I have Momma's back cause she doesn't know where Janelle is going to end up and I wouldn't want a baby in a drug house or some sh&&t like that!

Chelsea just makes me pissed. She is living off of her daddy and now hiding things from him.  Why is her dad paying for all of this??  I don't understand. Someone wasn't raised right.   That would be the day that I would have my adult kid who has a kid move out and pay all their bills.  See you later!!!  I hope daddy finds out and cuts off the ATM.

Kailyn is just a sad little puppy.  She has nothing and no where to go.  On the good side, cause I always look for the silver lining, her asshat mom gave her a vehicle.  Something she really needs now that she is signed up for school.  Kailyn just really has no one to lean on and that is sad.

Princess went ice skating today!!   

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Vehicle Saga.....

My poor vehicle was dying...didn't want to start....and once I slowed it wanted to die.  For this I was sad.
After bro in law tried to fix it I had to take it the the car hospital....which for the record you should not go to in the winter!!! every car is broken we finally got the car there and I cried a bit as I left her there. 
The car doctor called and said it was so and so and it would be $$$$ to fix.  I said fine just fix it so I can drive.
Car doctor calls back and says that due to circumstances beyond his control it will take longer and cost more.  WWHAT THE F*&^%$*(*). Hubby lost it on him.  "We agreed to a price and that is what we are going to pay!!!" 
Today I get my baby back.  Let us all pray that this works!!  

Friday, January 21, 2011

Today I eat Bread

Atkins is isn't worth the difficult decisions to not have carbs.....
Panera has been waiting....and I have been willing.....Cannot wait! 
Besides hubby is tarded and doesn't think I am fat so there.  Done with the diet and today I eats the breads.

So Teen Son who is now an adult living at home got into an accident last night.  The vehicle was totalled but the kids are good and really that is all that matters. Cars can be replaced, Teen Son cannot.

My stepdaughter talked to me last night.  Still I am shocked. She told me that she realizes she was cruel to me and that she realizes now (5 years later) that I did not deserve how she treated me.  Shock... still in shock.

My baby girl princess is starting to walk better.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011's what happened on Teen Mom 2

Janelle didn't beat her momma down.  However the series is still young and we may yet still see some blows. ..I am wondering how Dr. Drew will handle this because he specializes in sex & drug addiction so this violence thing would be a new road for him to travel.   I mean of course Amber and Gary scratched the surface but still Janelle seems way more of a bad ass than Amber ever was, drugged up or not.  Point blank period.

Chelsea made the fatal mistake of talking to baby daddy, Adam, cause really he doesn't care about that baby girl he is only worried about getting a booty call.  If he was worried about his "mistake" he would have taken action before Chelsea's daddy paid for her own place.  Adam sees a free place to crash. 

Kailyn has me all over the place.  First of all where is her chin???? Secondly I feel for the girl she should be able to have a social life just because she lives down in the basement where the trolls roam doesn't me she isn't entitled to have a life. Then I feel where Joe's mom is coming don't get to live under my roof and go out and party I mean I will be nice to you as long as you play by my rules and my rules includes you not going out with other guys who aren't my son while you live in my house and eat my foods.  Then again Kailyn really has no place to go....she would live in a shack and Joe's mom wouldn't want that, then again again Joe's mom might take a hint from Janelles mom and get full custody of the baby...time will tell.

Leah, poor poor poor Leah.  She broke my heart.  Her baby has some problems and although I noticed on the first episode she didn't really want to see the difference until now. She cried, I cried, even the teddy bear on the notebook shed a tear. (nice touch MTV, I noticed) This is going to be a hard rough road. 

So that is what went down. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I hate Adkins....mostly cause I love pizza but still

I want more than anything in the world for there to be a new diet fad.....Pizza....chips.....tortillas......McDonalds!! I am sure there has to be a way in which to eat these things and still not be a big fat cow! It is so not fair that you can make me love these things by making them taste so so so good, num num num, then and only then decide to make me fat. Yes I age and yes I am more tired now than I was before so my habits have changed but my need for carbs have not. I do not discriminate I love all carbs, the good and the bad. A carb is a carb. They are eat wonderful and beautiful in their own way.
Atkins seriously wants you to give up carbs and I have no will mind says you need bread and my brain agrees. My body needs bread like it needs a fat kid loves fish need water.  
Who can eat a steak without a potatoe???   Who can live without a Dorito??? 
I need some head hurts. I may just die without carbs.