Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I hate Adkins....mostly cause I love pizza but still

I want more than anything in the world for there to be a new diet fad.....Pizza....chips.....tortillas......McDonalds!! I am sure there has to be a way in which to eat these things and still not be a big fat cow! It is so not fair that you can make me love these things by making them taste so so so good, num num num, then and only then decide to make me fat. Yes I age and yes I am more tired now than I was before so my habits have changed but my need for carbs have not. I do not discriminate I love all carbs, the good and the bad. A carb is a carb. They are eat wonderful and beautiful in their own way.
Atkins seriously wants you to give up carbs and I have no will power....my mind says you need bread and my brain agrees. My body needs bread like it needs air...like a fat kid loves cake...like fish need water.  
Who can eat a steak without a potatoe???   Who can live without a Dorito??? 
I need some carbs......my head hurts. I may just die without carbs.

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