Thursday, November 27, 2008

Crazy neighbor's daughter

Things have been well crazy! My Sister3 came to spend the night. Which means Prince and Princess ran like nuts all night long, a couple of head bumps later and they fell asleep. Not before ho stopped by (okay not gonna call her ho always, cause she did stop by) Anywho, Sister3 thought it would be a GREAT IDEA to invite them in. When I say them I mean her driver, her Uncle who really isn't her Uncle. They come in for a few then went outside to talk. Teen son and ho were outside two doors down under a tree chit chatting, when all hell broke loose! Teen son came in and said the neighbor pulled up on him and was cussing him out. Hubby said "the guy two doors down?" Teen son said "yes" and hubby went out the door.
Choas happened then.
The old couple's daughter was all loud and yelling "You should have heard your son cussing, fuck this and fuck that." I ignored her and I think it upset her cause she tried to walk closer to me. The entire time HUbby is "talking" to the prick two doors down. He was saying he was sorry but his mom was just robbed. And he was only acting on his neighbor, crazy daughter, calling him. He had a point. However he shouldn't have acted the way he did.
Come to find out Sister3 SAW neighbor man drive up on teen son from the bedroom window, now since she was raised in da hood, she just watched. This all happened in a matter of minutes, but I knew hubby has been looking for a reason to hit that guy.
This could have been that reason. However neighbor was all sorry and hubby let him know never to talk to his son that way again. This is the break through, Hubby stood up for my son. Feel the love?
Now neighbor's daughter is on my shit list. I will be looking for way to piss her off. Cause I believe my son, who claims he didn't say anything except "What the Fuck." When the car speed up on him. Which any person would have said.
So Happy TUrkey Day!!!


christine said...

exactly! WTF!
glad it all worked out...
i have my share of "crazy" neighbors cant get away from them!!!

The Favorite said...

Sister 3 would of never had let anything happen to nephew. Had crazy neighbor guy started swinging on nephew that would of been a different story. Sister 3 invited in girlfriend cause it was cold outside had no idea uncle who really isnt uncle would be coming in as well. The crazy lady neighbor daughter needs to watch how she speaks to people cause some of us just don't give a damn anymore. Amen? Amen!