Friday, February 4, 2011

Cause I slack I forgot to update Teen Mom 2, but you really didn't miss anything anywho

So Janelle is dating a vagabond, he traveled by foot from some other state carrying a forty pound sack of everything he owned, who can be a fast food cook (cause he took two cooking classes) anywhere but he chooses not to work right now cause well he just doesn't want to.  He has no car, can not dress himself well, no job, HOWEVER he likes kids. Janelle I had my fingers crossed for you and well now not so much. Pfffft.

Leah has found a new place to live and wants her family to be a family, although her mom thinks it is to fast I tend to agree with Leah they do have two babies together so really it isn't that fast.

Chelsea is getting back with Adam....I see doom and gloom in her future.   Adam probably just needs a place to stay.

Kailyn is heading to college but I'm not sure she is really all that smart...HELLO FINANCIAL AID!!!!!!!!  She was fretting about getting money for school and I am thinking she is a single mother with a part time minimum wage job...she may get financial aid.

In other news....I finally got CHF her "crack" into her mailslot.  It was a tight fit but I got it in there!!!  **highfive***

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