Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We did it!!!

Now we have seen history in the making, good history! The history you'll want to tell your grandkids about (Teen son please don't go there yet) I've watched all day long and have onnly cried twice, once when the kids at the NYSE rang the bells and then when Obama gave his speech. This country deserves a chance to be all we say we can be. Now there just may be some hope.
I know that some people are upset about how Bush was treated when he left, but seriously the man is a war criminal, I have no sympathy. He made his bed, now let him lay in it. IF I could have been there!! I would have stood for hours too. I would have bought a sweat shirt and a flag. I am proud to know that we are begining a new era. WE can see the forest without the bush in the way.
Priincess was really excited today too. Last night we made a tee shirt that she wore to school today that said: I <3 Obama. She thought it was the greatest and even said to me, he's finally President Mom?!? Yes he is! Now she has to step up and be the first woman with mixed descent to be President.


sheri said...

try working in a office with coworkers against Obama and one who voted for him but makes rude comments about him.. i think she needs to come out of the closet and admit she voted for him and that she is a Obama lover... tell princess i want one of those t-shirts...

christine said...

oh my god...bla bla bla

that's it! after all this waiting..that is your blog!?!?!?!?!

so yeah...

# 3 said...

Awwww..... I am so ready for the good that Obama has to bring us. I must say that now that I have studied ( wink Wink) the life of Obama that I am Sooooooooo EXCITED!!!!! History was made!!! God finally blessed America!!!!