Friday, June 20, 2008

There wasn't a list Mom!

No list no do. WTF is that??
I have a 15 year old son who can not do anything without being told step by step how to do it. I recently made the mistake of leaving him a couple of lists. On the bright side he did mark each thing off as they were completed kodos for that one son! But seriously do I have to continue to write it down for you? I mean if you wouldn't put a line though them I could recycle the damn list each and everyday! It's not like the things I want you to do are different, just the day of the week is!
So yesterday I forgot to leave a list AND I come home from a long hard day at work to nothing being done. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Instead I'm greeted from son with 'Mom, I'm starving what are you making for dinner? (as he is putting his shoes on to head out the door) I'm going to S's house I'll be back later." Woah! Hellllllo Son I thought you were STARVING! How are you going to function without food? How did you make it for EIGHT HOURS in a home with stock piled cupboards, a full fridge and two freezers full of FOOD, some of which you can MICROWAVE, and not eat a damn thing?!?
I don't know, Mom. I'll be back later.
So he went to hang out with friends and got home after my bedtime. Being the good mom I am I had him a plate of food in the fridge. None of which he ate.
Thank GOD for little boys.


christine said...

um...i have the same problem with a certain 18 yr old female..she HATES my lists and says they are stupid and she doesnt need them! yeah..i get home and the towels from the am are still in the washing machine! dishwasher, not emptied! rug, not vacummed! or..i see her scrambling to do at all at 5:15 when i walk in the door! *sigh*

sheri said...

throw their butts out of the house.. it worked for me... :)