Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gas Station Chicken salad sandwiches are deceaving

Now that I live further away from work, my lunch hour is all messed up. SOME people don't have money anymore cause their baby girls' enjoy romps in the bed and keep making babies so "Granny" has to have parties and buy diapers and all that stuff.
So I went to the gas station for a chicken salad sandwich and almost vomited. I'm okay, just hungry now. A person can not live on peanuts alone!! I need to start making lunches...maybe I could get a lunchbox. Jotting that down on a postie! Seriously it looked really good!!
So the house is still there and so am I. I am trying to be okay with it. However yesterday I was making dinner and I was so confused and not enough room. Looks like frozen dinners for the remainder of my sentence there!! Princess can live on lunchables and frozen banquet meals!
Actually it is starting to get more put together...except for the basement which is packed floor to ceiling with boxes.
I am blessed to have good friends around me who allow me to vent to them. I need to give my trio of sisters a break from time to time. HOWEVER being the oldest I am always the shoulder on which you lean....(psst sister4) Screw that men are a dime a dozen...at least in China and there they work really hard!!!

My cat, Snoopy, loves the new house. He runs around and slides as he turns, because this house has no carpet. Which means all the little ones are falling and hurting there heads. At least I feel better when they are over. I had nephew last night and it was better.


sheri said...

i'll be sooo glad when this damn baby shower is over so i can have some money... then you won't have to eat lunch from the gas station... you poor girl you.. i told you GOD planted my grandbabies inside my girls... there wasn't any sex.... lol a mother can wish can't she...
still waiting for the housewarming party...

christine said...

but curly headed friend came to the rescue! big mac HOLD THE CHEESE! i EVEN got you the COMBO meal!!! and dont lie..i saw pretzels in that office!!!

yes, start keeping some food AT THE OFFICE or occasionaly pack..you can have lunch with us all you want..especially tuesday, KFC day!

"your sentence" you are so bad...

glad snoopy is happy..get some rugs and or carpet to keep the noise level and injuries down to a minimum!

Rocky said...

**yes there are pretzels but I don't want to buy anymore, they aren't free. Curly headed friend SAVED MY TUMMY!!! God knows McDonalds is the only way to go. Bless her little heart!
There will not be a house warming party until 09/15/09!! All WELCOME!!!

# 3 said...

I can't even comment. I'm having another anxiety attack!!!!Shaking!!!!

The Favorite said...

It is a must to have a snack drawer at work!!! I will create one for you. We don't need you widdling away to nothing your needed to much! As the big sister thanks for letting those that need to lean LEAN but if it ever gets too be to much where you start falling over let a girl know!!!! 9/15/09 can't wait putting that in my blackberry right now :>)
Thanks God Snoopy loves the house that's 2 out of 6