Monday, September 15, 2008

We are outta here!! WOOT WOOT!!

Thank you termites for all your hard work. I know it probably took months, if not years, to build a nest in this house of brick and wood. To you I owe my deepest graditute. Thank you.
Now the countdown is like two weeks!! OMG we have to find a new place and I've pulled up three already!!
Yeah SUnday I went to wake up Hubby and saw what looked like someone had spray painted brown stuff on the wall. I turned the light on and screamed my head off!!! OVER A THOUSHAND LITTLE TERMITES WERE CLIMBING THE WALLS!! And that my friends was the end of the line. DONE WITH THIS HOUSE!!! Took me about a minute to explain to hubby that we were not staying here anymore period. Last straw! No more. Time to get more boxes (yes sheri that is a hint)
Since I've yet to really unpack it means I have less to pack now.
Oh yeah I got "let go" on Friday. That ass did me a favor and more than likly just ruined his business. He couldn't help a client on his own EVER. I seem to recall more complaints about him than Bush. I really hope I left tons of unfinished work and maybe some screw ups!! I've notified everyone I no longer work there and that they could always pick an agency they'd like. That number is 1-877-277-8908.
So recap, no more J-O-B, no more House from Hell, and no more headaches.
Now I get to be super Auntie and will eb there when any of my nephews need me. I can drive over to little princes house if he is ever sick (but he usually isn't;), I can pick up nephew1 any time now,and even nephew3 can not worry about having a place to be on his half-days!! I'm gonna like this.
WOW it's 10:30 and still have my jammas on!!!

Thought for the day: BOXES!!!


christine said...

termites..i would have freaked out too! well..hopefully you will still by my sorta neighbor! glad youre sounding happy..good luck with houses, jobs and boxes! let me know if there is anything i can do..


me :)

# 3 said...

Wow! That's a lot for me to take in with one blog!!!!! The banks are falling apart the financial mess is what?????Where???? Right here in my backyard!!! Now AIG!!!!Argh!!God Bless

The Favorite said...


Denise said...

I knew I seen you at the Pest store this weekend :):)