Thursday, September 25, 2008

I need communication classes pronto.

Hubby and I do not communicate. There I said it. IT's true. Yesterday he said to me "Susie said she'd like to have Princess and her daughter in the same preschool, it's free." I said " Yeah, I thought about putting princess in once before but I was working and the timing would have been to hard." <--that's a period.
Well he seems to think that means Oh yes let's put her in there so she can be in school and learn stuff plus spend some time with her cousin cause really they do not know each other at all. Cause Susie got an application. Now I'm not opposed to Princess being in school and that might be great. But there are so many things right now that we are not certain of. Like where we are living!?!?!?!? Hello!?!? Are we staying in this hell hole??? Are we going to get out of this hell hole?!?!?? Your wife hates it here. It is torture here. I hate everything about this house, every day!! Plus there are bugs here! Hello!!! That means nothing to him, or if it does I have no idea cause we do not communicate.
Yesterday I was at sister2's house and I asked if she would be going with us tonight? She said that she had an appointment elsewhere and she didn't know cause "some things came back abnormal." SO when I talked to Sister 3 cause it is her birthday (Happy Birthday BEAN!!) she said something different. SO I three way call her and she got loud on the phone and blamed my age for not hearing what she said then stated that she doesn't even use the word "abnormal" That right there might be the problem for so many things. I think she is PMSing and I called at a bad time. So Teen son was there and I asked him if he heard the conversation on the porch? Nope cause he tunes us out. I've got to remember that one. See if he tunes us out when it is to his benefit. THis too is a communication blunder. One, cause if I'd asked my sister2 right then an there it would have not been a problem. Two, because if sister2 wasn't always so mean then I wouldn't worry about asking her those things. And Three, if sister2 wasn't ALWAYS HIDING STUFF I wouldn't assume the worst!


christine said...



# 3 said...

Your sisters exhaust me too.

The Favorite said...

Looks like eveyone is exhausted from your sisters